
[Spiritual Cases Arc] Part 105: Fractured Resonance

# August 16th - Karakura Town, Minamikawase #

The following day found Yato at home, the mid-morning sun casting warm rays through the windows of his modest home. He paced back and forth across the small living room, a furrow of concentration etched between his brows.

With Rukia away taking care of performing the Konsō on the wandering souls in Karakura Town, Yato had seized the opportunity to focus on honing his Quincy abilities. He had spent the morning attempting to channel Reishi and manifest his Quincy powers, but each attempt ended in failure, leaving him feeling frustrated and drained.

Drops of sweat trickled down Yato's temples as he paused, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, his muscles tense with exertion and frustration.

Yato: "Come on... Why can't I do this…?" - He muttered to himself, his voice strained.

He closed his eyes and focused, reaching out with his senses to grasp the unseen spiritual particles that permeated the air around him. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to connect with the spiritual energy, leaving him feeling even more disheartened.

A wave of dizziness washed over Yato, and he stumbled backward, catching himself against the wall for support. His head throbbed with a dull ache, his chest heaving with each labored breath.

Yato: "Damn it…" - He cursed softly, his frustration mounting with each failed attempt.

He sank to the floor, his back against the wall, and buried his face in his hands, his breaths coming in shallow gasps. A sense of unease gnawed at him, a nagging feeling that he was missing something crucial, something that eluded his grasp no matter how hard he tried to reach for it.

Since arriving in the world of the living, on rare occasions, Yato tried to learn more about Quincy abilities, but for some reason, it never worked.

When he was in the Soul Society, the ability simply didn't work, and the young man attributed it to being a power he just wasn't accustomed to using, but now that he was in the world of the living, in addition to not getting results in using Quincy abilities, he started to feel unwell every time he tried.

Yato's frustration gave way to a growing sense of fatigue and malaise. He felt drained, both physically and emotionally, his energy sapped by his futile attempts to tap into his Quincy powers.

With a weary sigh, Yato pushed himself to his feet and staggered toward the kitchen, his movements sluggish and unsteady. He poured himself a glass of water and took a long, slow drink, the cool liquid soothing his parched throat.

But even as he drank, a sense of unease lingered, a nagging feeling that something was deeply wrong. He couldn't shake the feeling that his inability to access his Quincy abilities was more than just a simple lack of skill.

Yato set the glass down with a shaky hand, his mind spinning with questions and doubts.

Just then, the soft sound of footsteps echoed in the hallway, drawing Yato's attention. He turned to see Nemu Kurotsuchi emerge from the hallway, her presence quiet.

Nemu: "Yasakani-sama, are you alright?" - Her voice was calm, but there was a hint of concern in her tone as she approached him.

Yato looked up, startled by her sudden appearance. He forced a weak smile, trying to mask his discomfort.

Yato: "I'm fine, Nemuri-chan. Just... a little tired, that's all." - His voice was strained, and he avoided meeting her gaze.

But Nemu wasn't fooled by his feeble attempt to brush off his condition. She could see the exhaustion etched into his features, the lines of strain that marred his usually carefree expression.

Nemu: "You don't seem fine to me, Yasakani-sama." - Her voice was gentle yet firm.

Yato tried to wave off her concern, but a wave of dizziness washed over him, and he swayed unsteadily on his feet. Nemu reached out instinctively to steady him, her touch cool against his skin.

Nemu: "You're burning up..." - She murmured softly, her brow furrowing with worry as she pressed a hand to his forehead.

Yato's heart pounded in his chest, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps. He felt as though his energy was draining away with each passing moment, leaving him weak and helpless.

Nemu's expression softened with concern as she observed his deteriorating condition. Without hesitation, she gently lifted him into her arms, cradling him against her chest with surprising strength.

As Nemu carried Yato towards the sofa, his eyelids fluttered with the weight of his exhaustion. He tried to stay conscious, but the world around him blurred into a haze of shapes and colors. With a soft groan, he lost consciousness, his body going limp in Nemu's arms.

Just then, Rukia Kuchiki landed gracefully through the open window, her form clad in the traditional garb of a shinigami.

Rukia: "Yato, I'm back!" - She called out but her cheerful greeting died on her lips as she caught sight of Nemu cradling Yato's unconscious form on the sofa. Alarm shot through her veins, and she rushed forward, her heart pounding with concern. - "What's going on here?"

Nemu: "I found Yasakani-sama in this state. He was exhausted and overheated, and he lost consciousness shortly after." - Her tone was measured, but there was an underlying note of concern in her voice. - "The signs indicate that Yasakani-sama was attempting something related to his spiritual energy. However, his condition deteriorated rapidly. I'm not certain about the specifics, but if he persists, he might fall victim to Soul Suicide." - Her tone remained steady, but her words held a weight of seriousness. - "I cannot provide a detailed explanation. However, his actions were causing a severe strain on his soul, leading to this condition."

Rukia's expression darkened with worry as she listened to Nemu's explanation. She knew the dangers of Soul Suicide all too well. She glanced at Yato, his face pale and drawn in unconsciousness, and felt a pang of fear clutch at her heart.

Just as she was about to pick up her Denreishinki, Rukia's senses suddenly prickled with awareness. A powerful Reiatsu surged in the distance, growing closer with each passing moment. She turned to Nemu, her expression tense.

Rukia: "Lieutenant Kurotsuchi, do you feel that?" - Her voice was low, a hint of apprehension in her tone.

Nemu's brow furrowed in concern as she glanced towards the source of the Reiatsu.

Nemu: "Yes, I sense it too. It's powerful, but... it feels... unstable." - Her voice trailed off, uncertainty clouding her features.

Rukia's heart sank at Nemu's words. Whatever or whoever was approaching carried a formidable spiritual energy, one that could pose a threat in their current situation.

With a sense of urgency, Rukia knew they had to act quickly to ensure Yato's safety. Despite her petite frame, she swiftly scooped Yato into her arms, his unconscious form feeling heavier than usual as she held him close. Without hesitation, she darted towards the door, her movements fluid and determined.

Nemu followed closely behind, her expression resolute as she kept a watchful eye on their surroundings. Together, they hurried out of the house, intent on putting distance between them and the imminent danger that loomed on the horizon.

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