
Bleach: Achievement (rewrite)

Regaining all his memories from a past life... Blessing or Curse? It's about What he Seeks and What he Needs. A Multiverse fanfic Update schedule: twice the week

AllBullshit · Tranh châm biếm
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20 Chs


"Hero Hunter?" Saitama asked, he was quite interested.

"Yes, it is a formal disciple Bang named Garou, he has recently been added to the association wanted list as a dangerous monster." Genos informed.

"Is he strong?" Saitama asked.

"From my sources, he already took down an S class hero, and some more." Daiki said while drinking the tea previously served to him by Genos.

"But, if you are looking for a fight, I can tell you he is nowhere near your level." Daiki told the bald man but Saitama wasn't disappointed, he didn't expect much to begin with.

'At least, not yet...' He thought, remembering what happened in the latest volume of the manga before he died.

"Daiki-san, did you meet him?" Genos asked.

"Not directly, but I have a shadow soldier constantly keeping an eye on him." Well, the soldiers infiltrated Garou's shadow when he was fighting some low-class heroes.

"Truly a convenient ability." Saitama said, but he looked bored.

*Ding Dong*

Someone rang the doorbell. And a shadow soldier went to open.

"Yo!" It was King. "I brought the games." He announced, showing his backpack.

With King installing the games they played for a while before Daiki took his leave. It was time for his daily training, he didn't properly master the new martial art he obtained 'renewal taekwondo' and thus traveling to his inner world, he greeted Zangetsuha before starting another round of fight against 'Jin Taejin 1.0' he called him since that was the version that didn't master recoilless.

The more he fought the hologram the more he realized how little his knowledge of martial art was. That man Jin Taejin was a monster, he couldn't even imagine how hard it would be to confront the real deal in terms of pure technique.

Daiki knew that his growth was a rushed one, he didn't have enough time to train, even with the training he did with Yoruichi and Urahara, he was not really a good technician. What he has is pure raw power. A second Zaraki if you will be he also lacks the battle experience Zaraki has. To put it simply, he is lacking, but the only way to remedy this is time.


The next day Daiki was up in his room, contrary to his habitude, he was drinking some coffee rather than Tea. That was because, while sleeping last night, he had a dream. No more like a nightmare. While he doesn't perfectly recall what happened in it. He remembered that it was about his friends and family, most of them dying at the hand of Aizen.

Although it could just all be a dream, he had a bad feeling about it. His instinct was telling him that something was not right. And particularly strong people have some kind of 6th sense for those things.

As he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he meditated on his next step action.

'Aizen!' What might he be plotting? Or more like what did he plot?

He doesn't know, he had a constant feeling all day since he woke up, that something was not right. he couldn't disregard this foreboding feeling.

He felt like he should go back to his home world just to check if everything was alright. He was going to come back anyway, he could freely travel between worlds after all.

'Now that I think about it... it's strange." He started contemplating his choice of action until now, not only that but everything that happened, starting from when he first got back his memories. No, even further, since his childhood.

'Why there's no butterfly effect? My existence should have made everything different.' He thought, and as he did he felt an impending feeling of dread. 'But no, everything that happened was accordingly to canon." Everything was just too perfect.

'Knowing Aizen, he would have also made some plan for me, or at least gotten rid of me if I was deemed useless.' Daiki started overthinking, but he was on the right track without even realizing it.

'Am I being manipulated?' He wondered, at least there was nothing that was telling him that from his memories. 'It is possible that he was keeping an eye on me this whole time.' He thought.

'But what is impossible is him knowing of the system nor the rewards I got from it.' That he was sure. He didn't reveal it to anyone, nobody should know of its existence.

[Notice, I can do a thorough analysis to detect if there was anything unusual, in your personality or behavior based on your memories of your past life and this one.] Lune offered her assistance.

'Please do, also do a complete analysis of my body and brain, see if there was any external input.' Daiki said. All of this seen from a third-person viewpoint was too strange.

'It's highly probable that the man did something to me or made me do something, it's even possible that under the effect of Kyoka Suigetsu since I was a kid and don't remember it.' As he thought about it... he couldn't help but shiver a little. That would be too terrifying.

"Lune, how much time would it take?." Daiki asked, he wanted to be sure everything he experience until now wasn't fake or purposely planned.

[It will take 21 Hours.] Lune answered. Which was too long for his taste.

"What if I assist you by using the Eyes of Chronos at full capacity?" He once again asked, expecting a different Answer.

[In this case, it will take 25 minutes.] That was more acceptable.

"Let's do this then." As he said, he activated Eyes of Chronos, and pumped more energy in it than he ever did, as his eyes changed, the world around him slowed down, to the point that it seemed to be at a standstill.

Truly a marvelous ability, but since time is relative, he would have to endure the 25 real-time minutes in this state which could very much be a torturous experience.

But he wasn't going to back down, this was necessary, he wanted to know. No, he needed to know! He shouldn't have and still shouldn't underestimate Aizen.

Sosuke Aizen is a dangerous man. He was the one that deceived all shinigami, and did his things, hidden from almost all. He manipulated people and even made Ichigo his puppet. During all of the Orange-haired boy's life, he lived accordingly to the man's will.

'Why did I think that I was special? If he could do it to others why not me?' Daiki started doubting everything, he realized how naive his thinking process was. Truly knowing the future doesn't make you smarter nor does it means you can successfully exploit it.

'Fortunately, I realized soon enough, and this is the perfect time.' Although he was full of doubt, he knew for a fact there was no better opportunity to realize it and plan in accordance. Since he was another Reality altogether he doubted Aizen still actively controlled him if that was the verdict.

'Even if I am still under the effect of his ability, he at least can't observe me here.' That was a fact.

And as time passed, soon the 25minutes that felt like days came to an end and he received the result of the Analysis done by Lune.

[Analysis completed. It has been confirmed that-


That's it, now I also wonder... What is going on?

Find out in the next chapter of: -Bleach: Achievement-

Gimme your stones.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

AllBullshitcreators' thoughts