
Blazing Stars

Tyler Rivin awakes as a prisoner on the Battleship York. He is interrogated by the crew on how he arrived inn the ship. He quickly realizes he’s been brought into his favorite MMO Blazing Stars; a science fiction galactic adventure. Even though he was never the best player he knew a lot about the lord and the universe in general. Can his knowledge of the future of the game help him? Or will he fall into a new story unknown to all?

Lazy_Tobais · Khoa huyễn
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8 Chs

Trap Sprung

Tyler stood there marveling at the sight. "Come on Sir" NCO Keda spoke. "We must hurry to Hanger 11. We will be meeting our third member and you can examine your ship." She began to walk forward leaving Tyler behind. He noticed taking a quick step to try and catch up to her. 

The two walked for a handful of minutes passing by the crew hard at work. Everyone was doing something. Either making sure ammo was fully stocked, engines were working properly and fuel was full. The pilots of their respective vehicles were in large pods testing their skills as they played virtual games.

After walking for some time the two stood before a very large ship. It was over 500ft long and 200ft tall. It looked like an arrow with thin speak wings on either side and atop it. It was all black with certain metal panels bending in different directions. On its left side, where the two stood, the hanger bay of the ship was open as a large heavily armored truck was being moved onboard by a couple of robots with treads. A skinny dark skinned man with short brown hair, glass and a lab coat stood off to the side commanding the robots.

"Easy guys" he said nervously. "The Admiral has stated everything on the ship is for our new Seer. I don't want a single scratch on anything! I want to make a good first I'm impression."

The robots beeped back as though they were responding to him.

"Hey! I don't want any sass from you TD-03. I know that was you!"

"BEEP BEEP BEEEEP" the robot beeped back.

Just as the man was about to say something else NCO Keda coughed.

"Ensign Adam. This is Seer Tyler. He is here to inspect the ship." The man nearly jumped out of his skin hearing NCO Keda speak. He quickly turned around as his face turned red. He was incredibly flustered! 

"Nnn-NCO Keda, I didn't know the Admiral was sending you over. What can I do for you?" Even Tyler could noticed how nervous the man was. 

"I am here showing Tyler to the shuttle he will use for his exertion, along with his team he will take. Both me and you are assigned to join him till he is back in Federation Space."

Ensign Adam's eyes widened. "You're coming along as well?!" He began to sweat more and slightly panicked. NCO Keda rolled her eyes as she seeing this.

"To speak plainly Sir" she spoke to Tyler. "Ensign Adam is a coward, but is one of the brightest people in the Federation when it comes to robotics and technology in general. He is a very talented Mechanic type Super. He will help us remain in contact with the Federation. No matter the distance." 

Ensign Adam had mixed emotions with what NCO Keda said. He knew he was a coward, but he was happy she recognized his talents. He nervously out stretched his hand to Tyler. "Hello there, I am Ensign Adam." His voice was shaky as he talked. "As the NCO has stated I am a Mechanic type Super. I specialize in robots and information transfer. I wasn't given much information about where we are going, I would like to go over some information with you since we have some time."

Tyler shook his hand grabbing it tightly and smiled. "We can get to that later. I will to fill you both in on the plan once we our out of this situation. I have something else to ask. Can I borrow your data pad? I need to make a list of things I need you to get for me if you can."

"S-sure!" Ensign Adam handed Tyler his data pad. Tyler took it and began to write a list of items and material he would need. He was hoping that he would be able to get everything on the list. Once he was finished he handed it back to the Ensign. 

Ensign Adam's eyes widened slightly as he looked over the list. "Are you sure you want these things? I'm not sure if I can get the ore you are asking for, but I can make an inquiry to the Quarter-Master."

"No need" NCO Keda chimed in. "Send the list directly to the Admiral. He is very adamant in helping Tyler with all that he can." Ensign Adan nodded and did as he was told. Almost immediately after the list came back with a signature of approval. Ensign Adam gave the list to TD-03 to gather all the material that was asked for. 

A few minutes went by as Tyler was shown around the ship. He already knew about this classification of ship. The Crusader was a stealth oriented ship and top of the line in the Federation. It had EMP based weaponry that was used to disable enemy ships for a boarding procedure. It could hold a crew of 20 with rooms for each, a kitchen, entertainment room and a training room that could even handle a Super, up to a certain strength level of course. Not only that, but the ship could house 5 vehicles.

It was currently filled with 2 heavily armored trucks that could hold 8 people each. The trucks were reconnaissance vehicles. They were heavily armored, stealthy and could take a beating. The other vehicle that was on the ship was a Stinger. A Osprey and Blackhawk helicopter. Its the fastest reconnaissance air craft that had two rotary guns on either side and enough space to carry 4 passengers. That's not including the 2 pilots or the 2 on the guns. Tyler was thrilled! These would be the most advance vehicles on the planet! He would be able to do whatever he needed without worrying about the governments of the planet hounding him.

{T-Minus 5 minutes till destination} 

{T-Minus 5 minutes till destination}

The robotic voice blared through out the ship. Everyone began pick up the pace while others got braced themsleves for the battle ahead. Tyler didn't realize how much time had went by and was lost in the world of Ensign Adam's explanation of the machines he was going to receive. He was even more grateful that he was able to get his entire list of items! It would definitely help him in the future! He, Ensign Adam and NCO Keda withdrew into their ship, the Cloaked Wanderer. They took their seats and waited for their command.

Within the Command Deck Admiral Halto sat in his chair clenching the arms of his chair. He was eager to see and face his foe. Although, he'd more be running than fighting. Even if he was going to flee with his ship he was happy to take away something the Zandari Empire desperately wanted. He made sure he and everyone else was buckled down when they exited Hyper Space. It was always a bumpy ride. 

{T-Minus 10 Seconds till destination}

{T-Minus 10 Seconds till destination} 

The robotic voice echoed through the ship. It was eerily silent besides the rattling of the ship through Hyper Space and the natural sounds of the machinery. No one knew what they would face when they arrived to their destination. All they knew was that they would be under immense firepower and have to travel through a Gas Giant! Nearly all the crew believed it was a suicide mission to do so, but their commanding officer already agreed to it. They could only obey. 

{Count-down. 10}






{All hands prepare for Hyper Space exit}


{1! Exit!}

Everyone rocked forward as the ship exited the higher dimension. It was as though the ship was pushing through a membrane as it entered real space. The Battleship York was over 5 miles long resembling a hammerhead shark. It's "fin" along the spine of the ship was a Heavy Mass Driver. The fins on the side of the ship were its secondary engines. They and main engine were going full speed.

The Battleship York had entered a new star system with a single star and 5 planets. 2 of which were pure water worlds, another two resembled Mars and the last one, right in the middle of the star system, was the Gas Giant. The Battleship York wasn't alone. A space station resembling a stretched diamond floated between all the planets. Around it were crescent moon shaped ships half the size of the Battleship York. 

The camera feed of the enemy was shown through out the ship. Admiral Halto had ordered all footage to be recorded and studied for future use. He want to get as much information as possible about their enemy. The more they could study the better a chance they had to fight them. 

"Maintain course towards the Gas Giant. I want to get there as quickly as possible. Gunners! Fire a barrage at the closest enemy ship" the Admiral ordered. "Let's test their resolve!"

The Heavy Mass Driver and Mass Drivers in the side fins fired volleys of super heated rounds at the closest enemy ships. Even with the large 400 million mile distance the Mass Drivers launched their payloads in quick succession. It only took a few minutes for the rounds to hit their targets. Everyone watched as just as the rounds were hundreds of feet away they crashed into an energy shield. A thick golden shield surrounded the ships revealing they were unharmed. They had kicked the hornets nest.

As soon as the golden shields lowered themsleves the enemy returned fire! Before the bow of the ship large orange magical circles formed in space. They glowed brightly before a beam of magical energy struck the shields of the Battleship York. That wasn't all! The Zandari Fleet started to move in a wing formation trying to surround the Battleship York, but it would take hours for them to move in into position. The Ai aboard the ship showed the Admiral the trajectories of the enemy fleet. He was thankful that the Zandari were giving the Gas Giant a wide birth. 

"Everyone to battle stations" the Admiral spoke over the intercom throughout the ship. "I want everyone armed with a weapon and at their stations. Pilots will remain on standby." He knew his pilots wouldn't be happy with his orders, but seeing hundreds of enemy ships as big if not bigger than the Battleship York he didn't want to lose a single soul in this battle. "All engines max thrust! Take us to the center of the Gas Giant!" He gave one final order before closing the intercom. He knew it would be at least 8 hours till their ship reached the planet. 

He then pulled up his personal communicator can called NCO Keda. "Keda. I need you to go to the main reactor and power it. Any power you can use will help us reach out destination faster!"