
Chapter 19: Nightmares

I struggled to focus as my vision blurs, flashes of memories, muffled voices and a punch to the right jaw, knocking me to the ground hard, with a pounding headache and a ringing eardrum.

" Stand up, boy! " Kareal yelled, thrusting his elbow into the back of my head. " Keep your cool, always remember to breath." A voice echos in my throbbing head. " Karl? You are dead." I looked over, towards the dragon corpse. " Only dead in the mortal realm. Doesn't mean that you will forget me. "

" Breathe and let it flow. Control your emotions. To save the world you will need to sacrifice, there is a price to pay for magic. Cursed is the knowledge that follows along." Karl's voice guided me through each memory. Until finally arriving at that very day.

" Devin! Control your emotions! Chief! You have to stop the procedure now! He's going to blow!" Karl yelled as he puts a few barriers around me. " Shut your mouth, Karl! You are only but a Dragon. A protector! I on the other hand am the Chief of the Guardian clan, Ulysses. You shall listen to me! This boy needs to learn to control his powers and removing his seals will enable him to do so." the cloaked woman yelled in frustration. Her hands were glowing a brilliant gold. Eyes were like emeralds, glowing a brilliant shade of green.

"Cease the idiocity at once! He is just a young boy. He needs time to learn and grow, Chief." Karl roared, shaking the earth beneath him as he isolated me and shot me skyward.

" It hurts! I can't breath! I can't control my body anymore! I feel like my body is ...arghhhhh!!!!!" the last I remembered was a silver light enveloping me before I passed out.

" Devin! Devin! He is alive! Devin, can you hear me?" I opened my eyes to see my dad staring at me, eyes red, tears flowing down his cheeks. " Thank heavens, you are alive. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I sealed all your powers. I'm so sorry Devin, I failed to protect you and failed you as a father. I'm sorry." Dad was apologizing the whole time while he carried me to the temporary village hospital. He apologised and cried till he fell asleep on the stool beside me.

"Eugene, thank you for saving our son." A woman draped a blanket over Dad as she walked over to me. Her face covered by the shadow of her hood, her body clad in armour, dripping with blood. " Devin, it's your mother. how are you?"

"Mom, I feel like my bones are broken and I am tired. I want to sleep." I replied wearily before I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Never to see her again.

I opened my eyes again, seeing blood flowing on the ground beneath my face. My nose was soaked in blood. I quickly turned to see what was going on. Kareal raised the Nodachi over his helmet, before slicing once more towards my torso.

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