
Blades :The conronicals

This story is about Jack and his friends going from ordinary school life to heroes Well expect Jack after getting exploded nearly alive gets saved by the devil and gets stuck with a curse that saved his life giving him cool powers that people only wish for follow Jack and his friends as they Go on a Crime Fighting adventure with a little bit of Romance

DHood · Khoa huyễn
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19 Chs

Chapter two

As I walked down the sidewalk and up to John's house he was already walking out

"What up man?"he said to me

"The usual day"I say back to him "but we can hang out till eight tonight "

" wow can't wait to tell Jess and Zack about this" he said

"Yeah me neither" I say back to him

"And hope we don't run into Greg"he says back as we continue walking down towards Jess's house to tell her the good news.

When me and John. Got to her house we didn't see her coming out so we walked up to her house and knocked on her door and her mom opens the door right after we knock on the door

"Oh Jack,John you are her for Jessy I'll get her you two can come in and sit down" she said and walked upstairs and we come inside and sit down on the couch

5 minutes later

We hear footsteps coming down the stairs and we turn and there is Jessy

"Hey guys,lets go ". And we walk outside and we continue to walk down the sidewalk towards Zack's house

"Hey Jess we can hang out till eight o'clock tonight " I say

" cool but what will we do " she asks me back

"We don't know yet but we'll figure out something "

" come on you two we have to get to Zack's house then off to school.

"Ok we are coming "me and Jessy say and we walk side by side me John and Jess.