

In the aftermath of war, the struggle for survival begins. From the ruins, a warrior will rise.

Jujumaster · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


The Sabern Chief's palace was a flamboyant tree house on the top of the tallest tree in the village. The tree was four hundred and fifty meters tall. Secretly, the Sabern chief's chambers extended into the tree. Along the length of the tree trunk was a hollow pathway with cabins on every fifty meter interval. At the bottom of the trunk was wide cabin which extended to the hollow pathway. The cabin and the hollow pathway was like the tube in a clinical thermometer. The chief and Hon.Swanwick came down to the cabin at the bottom of the trunk using a rift attached to a pulley system. The duo walked down some stairs after arriving on a floor. They had been moving in total silence since they arrived at the palace. Hon.Swanwick could see a water body, maybe a lake, he wasn't sure but he was sure he was seeing water.

"Is that a swimming pool?" – asked Hon.Swanwick.

"I'm disappointed you didn't call it a lake. It is a river. We call it the Golden Lake." – said the Sabern chief.

"You wanted to show me the lake?" – asked Hon.Swanwick.

"Have you heard of the Black_Riot warrior?" – asked the Sabern chief.

"Warriors not warrior. I have heard about them. I have seen a few of them and I have touched one of them. I have vast knowledge of their legends." – replied Hon.Swanwick.

"What if I told you I have something that will make you as Glorious and admirable like the Black_Riot Warriors." – said the Sabern Chief.

Hon.Swanwick had a confused look on his face, he was still processing the question.

"Somedays ago, I told you about a secret weapon my people had. The tank you brought out from the rubbles…" – the chief was interrupted by Hon.Swanwick.

"Is the tank the secret weapon?" – asked Hon.Swanwick.

"No, it's not. The tank your men retrieved is known to be indestructible, right?" – said the chief.

"Yes, it is but I have doubts if the tank was truly of that breed. Underneath the tank had been shanked out." – said Hon.Swanwick.

The chief laughed and then said "It was the Golden Eagle.".

"Are you telling me an eagle did that to the tank?" – asked Hon.Swanwick.

"Yes and no. You see the secret weapon that my people had was the armor of the Golden Eagle. If one puts on this armor, this one's ability is greatly heightened. The person's abilities could match the Black_Riot warrior's might. The person could do virtually whatever the Black_Riot warrior can do. I lied when I said that the Unds founding five took the secret weapon. The weapon was always here with us in this river. The Golden Eagle armor is given to whoever is deemed worthy to have the purest of hearts and the strongest of will. These characters are what my people believe makes the best and bravest warrior." – said the chief.

Hon.Swanwick was dumb founded and over whelmed. His mind couldn't think properly like normal. He wasn't feeling too smart like before. He was feeling stupid and humble. The Chief stared into his eyes. He didn't even realize it. His eyes were fixed on the surface of the river. The chief nodded.

"You are the one. The armor calls to you. It's take to take up the mantle, brave warrior. What is that your name again, warrior?" – said the chief.

"Swanwick Savage" – replied Hon.Swanwick. He spoke like he was being controlled.

Unknown to Hon.Swanwick some villagers had followed them (the chief and himself) to down here to witness his coronation of being the new Golden Eagle warrior. As soon as Hon.Swanwick told the chief his name, the villagers started chanting a song about the golden eagle that soar the skies. As the eagle soar the skies, it saw the great oppression of men on the land. The eagle descended and then transformed into a warrior who became the champion of the oppressed. The chief went to a rock. On the rock, there were names on it. The chief carved Hon.Swanwick's name on the rock. Hon.Swanwick was standing near the river like a zombie waiting for his master's command. The chief returned beside him.

"Go in and claim your glory." – the chief said to on.Swanwick.

Hon.Swanwick dived into the river. He didn't know where he was headed or what he was doing; he was just following his instincts. At first, it was dark inside the water but as he swam deeper a golden light pierced through the darkness from a source at the bottom of the river. As he got closer to the bottom of the river, he saw the light's source. It was the Golden Eagle armor. All around the armor were skeletons of past bearers who had been laid to rest beside the armor according to the Sabern tradition. Hon.Swanwick barely touched he armor with the tip of his fingers and then the armor shape shifted into a liquid and crawled onto his body. Now on his body, the armor reverted to its former form. The armor then expelled a strong radiant light. The light was seen by the Sabern chief and villagers on the surface. The chief cut a smile. The villagers cheered wildly almost like wild happy monkeys.

Hon.Swanwick then drifted from reality while he was still under water. Hon.Swanwick found himself on Earth in BC 1088 at the first great Benin Kingdom of West Africa. He was in an underground tomb. He saw a twelve year old boy. The boy was adorned in ancient Benin ornaments and wore expensive wrappers on his bodies. The boy wore a cap which was heavily decorated by small precious stones. The boy was the king of Benin Kingdom. The boy stood over a table which had the nineteen swords of power lying on it. Hon.Swanwick was full of excitement. Hon.Swanwick wanted to take the sword but he discovered that he wasn't made of matter; he was not real in this world. Hon.Swanwick watched the young king pick up a sword and then use his will to harness the sword's power to create the Golden Eagle armor. The young king put on the armor and then destroyed the tomb. The nineteen swords of power were buried under the sands as the tomb collapsed. Hon.Swanwick was nearly driven mad by the young king's act. Hon.Swanwick flashed through history, he saw different persons wield the Golden Eagle armor. These were pure hearted people, they fought for good.

Hon.Swanwick saw a Golden Eagle warrior leave Earth with a group of people to planet Volenviski. They were the Sabern people. Once more, Hon.Swanwick saw different persons serve under the Golden Eagle armor. The moment arrived, the history of the last Golden Eagle armor bearer before his era. The Unds forces descended from the skies with tens of spaceships. The Unds were laying waste to Saber city and were also killing innocent Saberns. A Golden Eagle warrior stood up to them. The warrior took down scores of spaceships. Someone snuck up to the warrior and stabbed the warrior in the heart with a Krayo knife. Hon.Swanwick saw the face of the stabber. The stabber was one of the Unds founding five but he was ignorant of it. The Golden Eagle warrior still persisted. The warrior shrugged off the stabber. She attacked more ships until the Unds were forced to retreat from Volenviski.

The surviving Saberns received the warrior. The warrior was dying from the stab. The Saberns unveiled the warrior from the armor. The warrior was a woman. The woman looked young and beautiful but she was in her eighties. The armor's power made her younger. The woman's name was Esther. Esther was the current Sabern chief's mother. Mititi came to her mother and was with her mother till she passed away after some minutes. Hon.Swanwick was moved to tears despite having iron nerves.

Hon.Swanwick returned to reality. He emerged from the water. The villagers give him a thunderous ovation.