

In the aftermath of war, the struggle for survival begins. From the ruins, a warrior will rise.

Jujumaster · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


Let's recall Hon.Swanwick from Chapter two. He was the man who persuaded the Ohz government into fencing out the survivors of Ohz destruction from the world. He was last seen telling a soldier to prepare a space craft for him to leave Planet Vhradoz. This was after he discovered that Milner wielded Riot Blade. Hon.Swanwick was gotten the space craft he asked for. He boarded it and left Planet Vhradoz.

Hon.Swanwick now camped in an open grassland place called Cidar which was on Planet Volenviski. He had hundreds of henchmen with him. He was on an expedition to find the other 19 swords like Riot Blade or at least one of the nineteen swords.

It was night but on Planet Volenviski the skies in the night became yellow. So, it was still as bright as day time. Most skies in the human inhabited Planets across were much similar like Earth's both in the day time and night time. Hon.Swanwick was in a tent, his tent. He had a map spread on top a table. He marks a town which was kilometers away from his camp on the map. The name of the town was Saber. Saber used to be a town but it was ravaged by invaders and because of that Saber was now a village composed of surviving citizens of the invasion.

"Reaching Saber will be a ten hour journey" – estimated Hon.Swanwick.

Hon.Swanwick went outside his tent. He looked over to where vehicles were parked. There were fifteen cars and three C4 plane sized spacecraft and another space craft that was the size of ten C4 planes. Hon.Swanwick arrived Volenviski before his crew. When his crew came, they came with the spacecrafts and the cars. Hon.Swanwick was a man of order, he split his henchmen into different roles: armed force, chefs, hospitality and engineers. An engineer walked to the park. Hon.Swanwick caught sight of the engineer.

"You there! What are you up to?" – said Hon.Swanwick to the engineer.

"The team are running some checks on the engine of one of the spaceships" – replied the engineer.

"I trust you guys to do your job well." – said Hon.Swanwick as he retired into his tent.

The engineer walked into a spaceship and then into its engine room. There were other engineers here working.

"He is in his tent" – said the arriving engineer.

"What about the others?" – asked one of the working engineers.

"Their concentration won't be on him but we have to be stealth and quick." – replied the arriving engineer.

"The engine is ready." – said one of the working engineers.

The engineers were done working on the engine. The engineers pulled out guns from their pants. These were Vhradoz Intelligence Force (VIF) agents in guises of engineers. They went undercover so as to arrest Hon.Swanwick and bring him back to Vhradoz to face the law for planetary treason.

"Some of us should stay on the ship." – said an Engineer or should we say VIF agent.

There were twenty eight VIF agents on board. Five of them stayed behind on the space ship. The others headed to Hon.Swanwicks tent. They moved normal but they were cautious of their surroundings. On their way, they saw a henchman. The henchman was killed with a silenced gun. Two agents hid dragged the body away.

Hon.Swanwick was relaxed on a seat while he sipped tea from a mug. The agents entered. Before Hon.Swanwick could make a move, he was sedated and he fell asleep.

"Search him for any device that would jeopardize our mission." – said one of the agents named Linus.

Three agents ran a thorough search on Hon.Swanwick. The agents pulled off his rings, shoes and clothes. He was left naked. The agents put him into a chest. Three agents carried the chest heading to the park with the other agents. Unknown to the agents, Hon.Swanwick always had a daily dose of anti-sedation serum. The serum helps one recover rapidly from sedation. Hon.Swanwick awoke in the chest. He was careful not to make movements or sound that would attract the attention of his captors. He cautiously knocked his feet against each other four times and then his left thumb toe nail began blinking red lights. It was a signal dispersing device in his toe. A distress alarm went off in the camp. Hon.Swanwicks real henchmen were alerted.

"The boss is in trouble!" – screamed a henchman.

"Over there!" – yelled another henchman pointing at the VIF agents who were still en route to the park.

"Shit! Use force. We must leave this place with the target." – said Linus.

The VIF agents pulled out their guns and shot down henchmen who wanted to engage them. One of the Hon.Swanwick's henchmen watched the VIF agents go on the murder spree. The henchman dropped an defused grenade on the agents. It killed the agents.

In the park, four of the five VIF agents saw what happened to the other VIF agents. The four were watching from a spaceship's hanger.

"Amanda take us off this place before we become corpse!" – yelled one of the four to Amanda the fifth agent who was in the cockpit.

The spaceship's engine was still booting. A henchman took a bazooka (it was like the traditional 21st century bazooka but it had twelve missiles loaded in it at once like a gun. This bazooka is incredibly light compared to the 21st century bazooka.). The henchman shot the missile in the spaceship's hanger. The missile explosion killed the four agents.

A few henchmen rushed to the chest Hon.Swanwick was trapped in. Luckily, apart from impact, the grenade explosion didn't affect Hon.Swanwick and the chest. Hon.Swanwick was freed from the chest. Hon.Swanwick looked around. He saw that his henchmen were crawling over every inch of the camp making sure they had no boogey alive. Hon.Swanwick caught sight of the smoking spaceship.

"They wanted to use my spaceship for their nonsense? Disrespectful bastards." – cussed Hon.Swanwick.

"There is sign of life in the spaceship's cockpit, boss." – said a henchman.

"I want to know who those people are." – said Hon.Swanwick.

"Closest men to space ship, proceed to the space ship. Extract whoever you find in the cockpit alive. I repeat extract whoever you find in the cockpit alive." – broadcasted the henchman into the radio comm.

A henchman proceeded into the spaceship's cockpit alone. This henchman was a man named Alex.

"I'm in the cockpit."- said Alex into his radio comm.

Amanda heard Alex's voice and came out of hiding. Alex was shocked to see Amanda here.

"Amanda, what is the meaning of this?" – asked Alex.

"I'm a VIF agent. I and my team were sent here to arrest Hon.Swanwick because of the crimes he committed against Vhradoz." – said Amanda.

Hon.Swanwick had a radio comm. in his hand. He could hear Amanda and Alex converse. Alex didn't switch off his comm.

"If I hand you to my boss, he may kill you." – said Alex.

"Leave this place at once." – cried Alex as he stepped away backwards with a farewell stare.

"Don't be silly my love. The spaceship is still in good shape for space travel. Escape this place with me. Don't you know you face the possibility of death if you let me escape." – said Amanda.

"You are right. I can't believe I was just stupid." – said Alex.

"Don't let that ship escape!" – yelled Swanwick to his henchmen.

Amanda and Alex escaped Planet Volenviski with the spaceship befoe any of Hon.Swanwicks henchmen could react.