
Black clover:The Black Swordsman

This is my first fanfiction.I started it to learn English and waste time I wanted to try writing my own fanfiction so I decided to start this one and i apologize if my grammar is bad i hope you enjoy it the story is about a teenager who was hospitalized all his life due to a heart disease. and after he died he met an old man who granted him wishes and reincarnated him in the world of black clover. i dont own black clover or any thing in the book

Amaterasu_ · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

8:Magic Knight Entrance Exam

-A few months later-

We were having a party in the church because tomorrow me,yuno and asta are going to the Royal capital to take part in the magic knight entrance exam

After a small party that was filled with nothing but potatoes, food made from potatoes, and even potato juice, how is that even possible?.

After that everyone went to sleep because tomorrow we have a long journey ahead of us

-The next day-

After we bid our goodbyes,it was time to head to the Royal capital.

The journey took us more than a week to reach the capital and during the way we went through many places with different environments and all kind of different animals.

Now we were climbing some mountain in our way,once we reached the top we could see a giant city built on top of a mountain

"Amazing,so this is the royal capital,this is where the wizard king is"asta said in amazement and anticipation

While me and yuno felt the same way,we kept quiet fascinated by the beauty of the view

"Yosh im going to become the wizard king"asta yelled while running towards the capital,

Me and yuno exchanged a glance smiled a little then we went after him.

After we reached the capital,we walked around the capital for a while and ate a little then went to where the exam will take place

Once we reached there we could see a crowd cheering for everyone here

We reached inside and we had to register ourselves and our grimoire's

The person who records the information asked about our name and where we came from

"Yuno,from hage village"after yuno offered his grimoire to be registered and everyone saw what his book is they start whispering among themselves

"Your number is 164,good luck"

then it was asta's turn

"Im asta from the same village"asta said presenting his book after some confirmation that his book was indeed a grimoire because of the dirt on it,he got number 165 then it was my trun

"Kirito from the same village"i said he look at me smiled and asked while writing my name and asked for my grimoire,once I showed him he was sweating heavily

"Two four leaf grimoire in the same day from the same village,unbelievable"he said and started another wave of whispering.

He then gave me number 166 and wished me good luck i just nodded and went after the two

After we reached the arena I leaned against a wall and closed my eyes waiting for the examination to start

I heard some fuss about me and yuno and asta,well the last one was on a different matter

Asta then tries to escape from the anti-birds' grasp by running around the venue. Unfortunately, the anti-birds keep following him, until they notice the presence of a certain someone and fly away. Asta, on the other hand, accidentally bumps into the said someone and incurs his wrath. Their confrontation starts to gain the crowd's attention, who recognized the said someone as Yami sukehiro, the captain of the Black Bulls. Fortunately, the exam commences before the confrontation could escalate further.

'I finally met one of my favorite characters,and he looks really badass'i thought looking at him with excitement

A while later every magic knight captain walked onto the stage above and they sat down in their chairs assigned to him and behind them stood members of their squad

Later William Vangeance introduced himself as the head examiner a while late he called his magic

[Magic tree.Descend]a tree started growing from the sky Until its roots reached the ring and gave every participant a broom to do a flying test,Soon after, the examinees start pouring their magical power into their brooms to make them levitate off the ground. Yuno manages to master the technique instantaneously, with him flying at considerable speed while standing on his broom. On the other hand, Asta is unable to lift off the ground at all, which confuses the examiners as well.and kirito who was lying on it started another wave of whispering

After everything else went like the anime,now was the time for the dueling exam after asta finished his duel,some dude came to me

"Hey you!"he asked I turned left and right playing ignorance then pointed at myself

"You're talking to me?"i asked him and he got angry

"Yes you is there anyone other than you here,now I don't think that you're special how about i show you your place"he asked me pointing at the field

"Sure"i said walking towards the field with my hands in my pocket and a smirk on my face

'Now,how should I humiliate him'i thought to myself putting my hand under my chin in a thinking pose once we were facing each other

"Begin"the referee declarations woke me from my thoughts

"I will teach you how to respect your superiors

,you lowly commoner"he shouted aiming his magic at me and to my disappointment

[Fire Magic:Great Fireball]a big fireball was fired at me,I waited until it was close enough,then i activated my magic

[Sword Magic:Elemntal Sword Creation]i created a katana in my hand.The katana was made from the element of wind, with same appearance as my usual katana but with green symbols on its sides,and as the fireball was getting closer i used my katana to cut through the fireball vertically from its middle

I then changed the element of my sword swiftly , Then I adjusted my stance,bent my knee forward and Then purple lightning began to dance around me. I took a deep breath

[Thunder Breath:first form:Thunderclap and Flash]

And then disappeared from the sight of the spectators, dashed towards my opponent through the space i cut in the fireball, leaving behind me sparks of lightning and the sound of thunder that echoed throughout the entire place

After the smoke that the fireball created vanished everyone could see me holding a katana aimed at my opponent's neck and sparks of purple lightning all around me

then my voice echoed through the silence of the arena

"Do you give up?"in a emotionless voice,He didn't answer me, he just fell on the ground and peed his pants crying

"What a disappointment,after all the boasting and that's all?"i said shaking my head in disappointment ignoring the whispering around me i walked to my the wall,leaned against it then closed my eyes waiting to be called when i can choose my squad

End of chapter