
Black Blood’s Revenge

A Druid-like woman and her young Gargoyle show up from out of nowheres and start exacting revenge on those who wronged her family years ago…

EJMackey · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

Chapter 35: No More…

-Yyyyyyyyyeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh!!!! D... Did you see that??? It was a clean hit... Yes... Yes, hopefully he killed her...

(San'Halo) Settle down!! She's not dead, but that may hold her for a bit... Now dig down deep and harden your hearts, some of you won't leave here alive today. It's do or die time, but that's the beauty of our world, be strong or be someone else's stepping stone!!!! Show them your mettle and rip that puppet apart!!!!

The moral was lifted and a rush of hope ignited and spread like wildfire throughout the group. Nimra/BlackBlood wasn't moving under the weight of all the boulders, proving she was beatable or at least that's what the Circle thought...

(San'Halo) Your task is to take care of that Puppet over there right now!!!!!!

-Yyyyyrrrrrraaaaaaarrrrrrr!!!!! Aaaaaaattttttaaaaaccccckkkkkk!!!!!

-Tatatatatatatatatatatatatatatat they quickly circled Hellion in order to take away any area of retreat. Every avenue of approach was covered, every viewpoint held by a circle member, and every angle occupied. They had the advantage. Their best bet was to use the plan they had for BlackBlood right here right now...

Four of them attacked simultaneously,

-Searing grog!!! The ground beneath Hellion bubbled and gurgled fiercely, and in a flash Hellion was standing in the middle of a blazing hot geyser...

There was a light blue aura flowing throughout the geyser. It could be nothing else but fire. The flaming geyser of water charred the skin of Hellion. The puppet was caught off-guard for a brief moment, proving once more it was a false being.

Hellion stepped out of the geyser as if nothing happened at all. Smoke dissipated from around its body, Hellion's skin had been boiled off and now the muscle structure and skeletal structure was exposed to the world and yet it was unfazed.

-It survived that??!!! It has to have a weakness!!!! Keep attacking, don't give it a chance to recover!!!!

(San'Halo) What is it connected by???!! You fools take out the head if you want to destroy it -Rock Pellet- Ppppppppppppeeeeeeewwwwwwwwnnnnnn- a Single Stone left his fingertips, the speed was faster than the eye but the impact was very evident...


One of Hellions heads was obliterated, leaving just a partial face of the head he aimed for...

(San) I am part of another plan so I have to leave once more, but I have laid a path for you....

San'Halo goes off into a rift again.

-We must attack the heads at all co....

-Tatatatatat- -Pffffttttt Hellion punches through the Druid's face before he can finish his sentence...

-So fast again!!! Where is it getting these sudden burst of speed from??!! And the power is astronomical, one hit and you're done!!

-tatatatatat- Wwwwwhhhhhaaaaaappppppp Hellion hit another Druid with a bolo punch which whipped around his guard, another one down...

-tatatatatata Wwwwwhhhhhhhooooommmmmpppp an Elbow to the side of the head, cracking open the skull of the slow reacting Druid...

-tatatatatatat ttttthhhhhhooooommmmm an open palm pushed towards another Druid's chest, bringing about instant death. The light touch was enough to cause the Druid's rib cage to poke out its back...



Two Druids swiftly aligned themselves opposite of each other with Hellion in between them, both quickly placed their palms towards Hellion.

-Xone Snatch- Four giant translucent hands snatched Hellion up by his four limbs and held him in the air... Hellion twisted and turned to shake loose but it was no use. The hands gripped tighter and tighter, and a cracking sound could be heard.

-Gold Seeker- An orb of yellow light formed in front of the second Druid. The orb shaped into a perfect circle then flew through two of the Skulls... What was left in the orb's wake was half of a head with a crescent indenture on fire. The parts of the head left splattered to the ground due to lack of support...

-We can beat this thing. Keep him there let's hit it again...

(Aet) You fools...



A heart pounding, mind numbing screech, stopped everyone and brought them to their knees. Writhing in pain, all of them grabbing at their ear drums and clenching the sides of their heads tightly while whimpering in pain...

(Nimra) Kwaaaa Kwaaaa Kwaaaa

You all thought I would be down for good!!?? And then you completely forgot about me!!?? See, this will keep you suspended just as you held My Hellion. I shall bring down the weight of the Million year war... The souls of the dead are never silent...

- Aghhhh I... I... I ahhh.. I can't move... My body is burning insi... aggghh... Gritting his teeth from the pain, they were completely paralyzed...

(Nimra) I told you I was the teacher of our Clan. My puppet was the show, my illusion was the field trip, and this shall be my discipline... Hellion, Kill two of them without mercy right now...

-Tatatatatatat Thooooombbbbb A thunderous hammer fist crushing the head of a Druid on the ground.

-Tatatatatat cccrrraacckk, crrrrcc


Hellion snatched the other Druid by his neck and twisted and turned it while yanking it right off his shoulders, then walked on top of his corpse and stomped his foot through the chest cavity of the dead Druid...

-Two more...

-W..Why can't we mmm move!??? My eyes are rolling behind mm... my head... Aggghhh...

(Nimra) I was a very good teacher. As I was the only teacher. I honed my powers on the battlefields of Mancer Mountains...

-Tatatatatat Pppppffffft Hellion Stomps on the head of two more Druids...

Their numbers are dwindling fast and they can't fight back at all.. Hellion kills more and more. A couple of minutes had passed and now down to just a dozen Druids left. A pool of blood had formed around all the dead bodies. It looked like someone had been stomping on the grapes in a vineyard...


(Nimra) Not this time. You bastard.

Nimra Grabbed San by his neck... Ccccraack, Ppppoopppp

He fell lifeless in her arms. Kwwwwwaaaaa Kwwwwwaaaa... Dumb Wart. -Turning to toss his body among the others.

-Demonic Slash -Ffffffwwwiiiiinnnnngggg-

Grada Stepped out from the Rift with a flat edged sword glowing white light and swiped it from left to right. Landing right under the chin of Nimra, slitting her throat wide open...

(Nimra) Clinching her neck. Trying to hold in the blood, but not doing a good job as it was pouring through her fingers, leaving Nimra stumbling, reaching, gasping for air, moving closer and closer to Grada... Ggggrauggh... Ggggrraughhh... I g... I give up...

Nimra Collapsed at Grada's feet. Grada looked down and kicked her away from him… The lifeless body tumbled into the pool of blood. Nimra was dead…

To be Continued...

Next chapter 36...

~Blood Oasis~