
Chapter 1: Unwanted drama.

"Another day at Clifford high" Hailey Ryan my best friend sighs as we walk into the school hallway for another awful day.

I mean why do we have to go to school?

"Yeeeh! I'm excited" I say very sarcastically.

"Let's just hope the day ends  quickly" she says trying to have hope

Clifford high had the best name in my town, but was a very horrible school with horrible students. Like why do girls do anything and everything for popularity and why do guys bully students and sleep with girls just to feel among or like a man.

"Hopefully, senior year will pass like freshman year did, so fast" I say walking over to my locker which was next to Hailey's.

We've been friends since freshman year when she lent me a spare shirt cause mine got torn by the present Queen B, Lana Avril. The schools worst nightmare who's dating the schools football team quarterback, Damien Stocks.

Ever since then, we've been best of friends and have always been there for each other though we've had our fair share of fights.

We even have all our classes except chemistry together.

"Ugh.. Why is calculus a subject" I fake sob after checking my timetable and seeing that we have calculus first period.

"Common Ariana, calculus isn't that bad if you  actually attempt to work a question during study time" Hailey says

"Oh pls, I'd die trying to get the answer, and Mr Allan isn't helping matters"

"True, all he does is to show up in class, take a sit comfortably on the teachers chair, then begin to press his laptop after giving us a question to work. He needs to be sacked" she says trying to make me feel better

"Too bad we're stuck With him" I say as the warning bell goes off. We have 5mins to get to class

"Let's get to class, I can't afford to get on Mr Allan's bad side today" she says closing her locker

"Same here" I say as we stroll to calculus class.

We enter the class to meet a bunch of disorganized students everywhere. Seems like Mr Allan is yet to get to class. Once again.

We take a sit at the back of the class, it has always been our habit to avoid sitting at the front of any of our classes.

As the final bell rings, Mr Allan walks into the class with a scowl on his face as usual.

"Good day students" he says without even glancing at us once, he just walks straight to his table. Its like a daily routine.

And as predicted, he writes a question for us to solve on the board and then he brings out his laptop.

"It'll be a miracle if by the end of this semester, I pass this subject" I whisper to Hailey.

"You can say that again" she says rolling her eyes at Mr Allan's disinterest in teaching.


It's lunch break and Hailey and I walk to the cafeteria as usual. The food here really sucks so we usually pack our own food from home

We take a sit at our usual table. Looks like our friends consisting of Rebecca, Sam, Gerald, Harry and Reina were already seated.

"Hey guys" I say as I take a sit and begin to unpack my lunch

"Hey Ari" Gerald says winking at me causing me to roll my eyes. Gerald is a big time flirt who goes after everything on skirt. And we're cool with it as far as he knows his boundaries where we're concerned. But seems that this days he has forgotten he's boundaries, all he does is flirt with me and I'm getting tired but I haven't said anything to him about it.

"Gerry!" Becca screams. Looks like while Gerald was busy gawking at me, he spilled a cup of water on Becca's skirt

"I'm so sorry" he says not knowing what to do

"Ugh... Its fine" she says getting up. "I'll be right back" and I follow her with Hailey behind us. We enter the girls restroom and shut the door behind us.

"At least its not that bad" Hailey says.

"Yeah"  Becca says

"Uhm, Ari?"


"What's going on between you and Gerry? She says avoiding eye contact with me

Okay so I didn't expect her to ask me that! We're all a big group and the thought of dating anyone of us is a no no.

Why would she ask me that. She knows that Gerry is a flirt, and I'm not the only one he flirts with.

"Becca, why would you ask me that? There's obviously nothing going on between us. Common we're friends, you'd be among the first persons to know if something was up" I say feeling a bit uneasy and suspicious. Could it be that she has a crush on him... Ewwwww..!

"Oh, sorry. Just felt that something was going on because of his recent behavior" she says trying to smile, though it wasn't working

Hailey and I share a look and I think she's also thinking what I'm thinking

"Becca" Hailey says smiling like a 5 year old who's been taking to a candy store


"Do you have a crush on Gerald"

"What! No way" she says trying to hide her blush, confirming our suspicion.

"Off course you do" I say coming closer to her

"Don't lie to us Becca".

" Okay fine! I do" she says sighing. Seems like a weight has just been lifted off her shoulders

"What!" Hailey and I shout in unison


"I know, it's awful. But I can't help myself. I never thought this was possible, and he'll never give me attention" she says, her face turning sad

"Aww, don't be sad" Hailey says. "Maybe he'll notice you soon enough"

"Yeah" she says with a sad smile. "But you guys have to promise not to tell anyone"

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with us" I say giving her a hug.

The rest of the day passes by smoothly until last period when the devil decides to send his daughter to ruin my day.

I was on my way to my locker, texting Becca who was in English class, until I bumped into someone causing everything in my hand, including my new phone to fall down.

"What the fuck!" A female screams

As I look up, my angered face turns into a mixture of disinterest and regret as I see Lana staring at me with her eyes scanning me thoroughly. I knew I should have taken the other hallway.

"ugh! Are you blind!" She snaps at me, causing a few students in the hallway to stop and watch us

"I should be asking you that" I say earning a dirty look from her minions, Anne and  Mae.

"Well I'm obviously not the one who was texting and walking down a hallway filled with students!"

"Well you could have stepped aside when you noticed I wasn't looking at where I was going. Instead you decided to wait for me to bump into you so that you could create a scene right? Nice try" I say picking up my stuff and attempting to walk  away when she blocks me.

"Do you have any idea who I am?" She asks obviously annoyed by the fact that I'm not scared of her.

"Off course I do, but am I suppose to care or bow down to you because you're Lana Avril?"

I say without blinking my eyes, earning giggles and side talks from the students who have nothing better to do than to watch us.

"Some nerves you got" she says getting impatient

"Please, I'm not in the mood for any drama today" I say giving her one last smile before walking away. I turn back and see her and her minions glaring at me. Psycho's.
