
An odd beginig

It is a normal day at the School for Wizards and Witches Hogwarts. The students are waked by the sound of the school's bells, announcing them to don't be late for classes.

But what is this girl dressed in a Slytherin uniform, doing in the clock tower? Of course, she is Olivia, one of the most hard working student from the Slytherin house. This year she will be finishing Hogwarts, and she will start the traning to become what she wanted always to be: a protector of the vampires. Well, she wasn't thinking at the consequences that were actually the hell on the earth. She was always thinking about the honor of protecting those demons of the night, maybe because of her parents who were protecting the vampires, before they were tortured till they lost they're memories.

Now Olivia is watching closely the students who graduated last year and she was picturing between them.

- What are you doing at this hour, miss Turner, a sudden voice spoke behind her. It was professor McGonnagall, the headteacher of the Gryffindor house. It is 6 in the morning, only the teachers are fully awake at this time.

- I know that very well professor, but I woke up at 5:30 by Pansy, who was sleep-talking, much more like screaming, and I couldn't go back to sleep, so I came to see the students training.

- Fine, but if you are awake, can I as you a favor?

- Sure, what is it about?

- At the tonight dinner we will have a new student, who came all the way from Asia. He is korean, but don't worry, he knows perfect english. He was sorted in the Slytherin house, and I want you to make a tour of the castle.

- That would be an honor.

- Amazing. See you at the Transfiguration class.

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