
Chapter 1: Life and Death

"Maya, you'll be late! Get going."

I roll out of bed and rage around my room, putting myself together for the day. Running past my mom on the way out, I give her a quick kiss on the cheek. I run down the crowded sidewalks of Neogar, the city on New Earth that I was born in. It was a day like any other: people greeting you in a nice manner, shopkeepers yelling for me to stop and buy their wares, and me, running late as usual.

"Maya! Running late again?"

"You are too Tezca!" I shout to my best friend.

We race to the bus, and collapse on the bench by the sign.

"Haha, we suck!"

I roll my eyes and suddenly I feel a shove from behind, and my whole body is thrown into the middle of the street.

"Oh my gods! Maya! LOOK OUT!"

I turn just in time to see our bus bearing down on me, trying to stop in time, and a realization hits me: I'm about to die. I feel impact, as the bus crushes me, until I open my eyes, because its too warm to be the bus. It a man, with white-grey eyes, black hair and an amazing build. Another man is behind me, growling at the other. His eyes are red, he's ice cold, and has a pale complexion. And then I pass out.


Waking up, I smell the chemicals of a hospital before opening my eyes.

"Ah, she's awake. Now hush, I told you she is mine. I saved her, I have the rights to her."

"No, you didn't save her! You broke her arm. The only reason she's not dead is because I was there to keep her from bleeding out. She's mine!"

I open my eyes to see the two handsome men bickering.

"Who do you think you are? I'm my own," my voice crackles out.

"Well, I'm Ericane Vancouve. I saved you," says the red eyed one.

"Correction, I saved you. I'm Crowpaw Incan."

"You both saved me. Thank you. You can stop arguing about who I belong to. Where's the medidoc at?"

"You don't understand what happened do you?"

"I don't think she does."

I look back and forth between them.

"I am a vampire, Crowpaw is a werewolf."

"No, those only existed on Old Earth! You guys are insane."

Ericane is suddenly in my face, teeth bared. Two are abnormally sharp. Cropaw's belt moves and his ears change. A tail and dog ears? Sharp teeth? Is this real?

"As your rescuers, one of us gets to take you as our mate for the rest of our lives. I'm the one who saved you, so I keep you. I can also make you feel better than the dirty werewolf can!"

"Ericane! Its not about making her feel good. It's making sure she's happy! I'll make you happier than this dumb vampire!"

They continue arguing for a few moments.


My outburst silences them.

"As my heroes, yes I am grateful. Thank you. But, mate? No. You need to date me and get to know me first. I'm not just gonna say, oh I like puppies and go with you. I'm also not going to be like the cold doesn't bother me anyways and go with you!"

I pointed to each of them in turn. They look perplexed, but thoughtful.

"If we 'date' you, as you asked, you would better be able to choose from us?" asks Crowpaw.

I nod.

"Very well then! We are your boyfriends. After one month, you must pick who of us you'd rather be with."

Fair enough, I suppose.

"I don't like this idea, but okay, whatever."

I now have two boyfriends, one werewolf, one vampire, a broken arm, and a headache.

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