

 Continue from the last chapter

  Melissa's pov

The sound of the landline phone made me diverted my attention back to my chore, I noticed Bobby stood up and walked to towards the table to receive the call.



"Ok" he muttered coldly, that's the only words he said before placing down the phone. I tilted my head to his side, and our eyes met, his held no emotion as it piercing into mine and I quickly looked down immediately to avoid being ask any stupid question.



I expected him to say something, but I was disappointed. He silently walked back to the couch and sat down.





After about fifteen minutes of working endlessly.  He gestured me to come and sit down, I quickly hurried to the couch I sat on before but my exhilarating moment dosen't last long. I'm about to sit down when I heard the door bell ringing.



"Are you expecting someone" I blabbered out, looking at him with the hope of getting a replied.


"Bring the person in" he answered, ignoring my question. Without giving a second look I walked towards the door.



" Ohhh" I exclaimed on setting eyes on the beautiful girl that was standing  opposite me, I opened my mouth to say something but nothing comes out, her beauty can't be ignored.



" Come in" I finally managed to say, he smiled at me and followed me back to my room. Who is she? I found my self asking no one in particular, is she her girlfriend? , different kind of thoughts starts rushing through my mind.



Bobby's pov

"Are you just going to sit there? '' I muttered icily, throwing her a stoic look. The more I tried to be gentle with her the more I get to know I can't pretend to be nice. She stood up almost immediately and walked to my closet to arrange my clothes that had been scattered by me before she got to my apartment. I took a book from the bookshelf, I scanned through some pages before diverting my eyes back to the pretty maid standing opposite the couch i sat on. No matter how much I try to concentrate on what I am reading I end up staring at her. The truth is that I want to be gentle with her but I don't know where to start. What if she misuse the opportunity and misbehave? Someone who doesn't fear me at all. The thought of letting her get closer scared me already, what if I end up falling for her? No, that's not going to happen between me and a maid. She tilted her head to my direction and our eyes stared into each other. She quickly looked back before I could even say anything. I laughed silently at her childish behaviour. I'm yet to conclude on why I became angry when I saw her with draven yesterday.

"That reminds me, that bastard is moving in today"  I whispered to myself through gritted teeth. Anger is fuming inside me for no reason.

The sound of the landline phone stopped my train of thought. I stood up and walked towards the table.

"Tell me" I questioned the other person on the other line, which I assumed to be no other person than the head of the securities.

"Your dad sent someone from his company to deliver a message to you before he left yesterday"

"So?" I asked

"The lady is here, just called to know if we can let her in"

" You can" I replied icily, I quickly dropped the phone without hearing his reply. I walked back to the couch with different thoughts running through my mind. My father never discussed anything with me before he travelled,  except for the silly family meeting he called before he left. My mother on the other hand left  England for Denmark the second day of my arrival without telling me, just got to know from the head maid that she was no longer in England. I hissed at the thought..

I was still thinking when I suddenly hear someone ringing the doorbell. 

"Are you expecting someone?"  Melissa asked, looking at me intensely.

"Go bring the person in" I irked, ignoring her question.

She grumbled, I raised my head to say something but she was walking towards the door already. I divert my attention back to the book I was holding. Haven't gained anything since this morning . If only Melissa was not here ,I would have finished reading it already.

I heard the door creaking open, I raised my head to catch a glimpse of the so -called person but to my surprise she was someone I knew when I was in Italy.

"Bobby" she screamed immediately she set her eyes on me,  I was shocked and at the same time happy. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Amelia," I managed to say at last, she rushed towards me and quickly pulled me for a huge bone cracking. It was clearly written that she was as surprised as I was. 

"Is this really you?" I asked jokingly, the girl I knew back then in Italy is not that beautiful. She seemed like a different person entirely, if only she did not call me by my name. I am sure it will take some days for me to recognise her.

"You have changed a lot" I cooed, she gleamed at my statement. Eventually she released me from the hug and sit on the long couch opposite me. Amelia is a senior of mine when am still school at Stanford University in Italy, she was my first crush when I entered the institution but the feelings doesn't last since I got to know many girls that are more pretty than her. You know, being a Playboy is not an easy task. Most people know me for that and this deprived me from getting closer to her.

"I'm done," Melissa's voice made me come back to reality, I don't even remember that she was here. I tilted my head to her side, she was looking at me with so much hatred. It is very clear that she was frustrated already.

"Can you....

" Who is she?" Amelia's voice cut me off. 

" One of the maid," I smiled at her, I blamed myself for calling her a maid in her presence, but is not like I have choice, besides that's the truth 

"Get me a chilled juice from the freezer," I commanded.

"Ok," she responded irily , a hint of irritation in her voice. I smirked silently at her reaction. She stepped out of the sitting room. After she left, I faced Amelia who was busy looking at our small drama.

"Why is she like that? And you sure she is just a maid with her reaction" she questioned jokingly

I smiled silently, "So, why are you here?" I inquired, ignoring her question.

" I was sent from Hovard Group of course," she smiled sheeply at my question. 

"Actually," she started," I just got accepted for the post of Personal Secretary in your Dad's company headquarter that's in Norwich City'' she paused , then continued.I actually thought I would be working directly under the CEO of Hovard Groups, but I was disappointed when I heard that the son of the CEO will take over all the Company under Hovard Groups in England" he smiled wearily , looking at my reaction. I remained mute for some minutes trying to correlate and digest what I just heard. Yes, my father is the Chairman and CEO of Hovard Groups, but he never mentioned anything pertaining to me taking over The Biggest Real Estate Company in the whole of England.  I still find it funny, how can you have such a plan for your son but never discuss anything with him.

I tried to act calm in order not to show that I am surprised.

Melissa walked in with a glass of pineapple juice, I gestured to her to place it on the glass table in front of Amelia. She moved towards the table, but suddenly slipped all of a sudden pouring the liquid juice on me. The glass cup and tray are now shattered on the floor.

"Are you blind?" I questioned angrily, the anger that was fuming instead of me can't be controlled at that point in time. For some minutes I even forget who she is. 

"It's okay Bobby" Amelia pleaded, I raised my head to look at Melissa who is now looking down. It was very clear that I overreacted. I breathe in to calm down my nerves..

"You can go now, I will call you when I need you" I muttered calmly without looking at her. 

