


Melissa's pov


" Are you okay.....

" Melanie, am here" The voice that had been dying to hear was heard from behind us, the voice was gloomy, not that pleasant to the ear. My body shrinks as I turn to gaze at no one, more than my mom. Her face was damp, plenty of white lines on her face due to the effect of too much tears.

"Mom," I managed to say, Draven slowly released my hand, and then moved to a side, Melanie who was on call before shoved the phone she was holding back into her jeans pocket instantly, she ran towards her, while I was lurching from behind, slowly. Melanie held my mom's hand, and helped her towards us, if not that she is my mom, and I knew her more than anyone, I would have taken her for another person. I stopped on my track and watched as they walked closer, the tear particles started to come together, but I kept on retraining my eyes from releasing them. Seeing my mom like this sent a cold chill into my heart, going through a lot on her own, but kept pretending she would be fine. She looked entirely different from the person I saw yesterday. I sniffed loudly with my eyes facing up, fighting the tears from rolling out of my eyes freely. 

" Where are you coming from, " Melanie asked. They are now in front of me, I turned back, avoiding my mom's gaze, cause I feel so terrible right now. I stretched my hand to open the door, but Draven was a way faster than me, he opened the door and gestured for me to go in.

"Thank you" I whispered, not sure if he heard me clearly, and then proceeded to walk in. I grimaced and nearly shouted as I glared at the empty bed in front of me immediately I set my leg into the room. What is going on? What happened? My heart moving erratically in my chest, I turned to look at my mom and Melanie with confusion written on my face. " Melissa!! don't you think that something must have happened to your day?" My subconscious mind screamed into my head, I shook my head in frustration as the thought gushed through my head.

"Mom, what happened?Where is dad?" I stuttered, I felt so empty, and I had to grab the nearest table for support. Instead of answering me, she walked to the bed, and sat down on the edge of it, she was now facing me. Melanie stood by her side, while Draven was also on his feet. I wondered how my mom didn't notice that we were three, and there was a stranger in our midst.

 Nobody said a word, and everywhere was silent, the only sound being heard was the sound of my fast moving heart beat. I stared into her eyes, scrutinized her face in search of an answer, the more I looked at it the more I got scared. Hope is not what I am thinking? No, it can't be. But what if it is, is not like I have choice, besides, I'm actually going to discuss it with my mom to let him go. 

" But, I never want it to be this way" I whimpered, the tears have been fighting rushed down, I didn't even bother to hold or hide it. I just can't take this anymore.

" Melissa," My mom called, Stopping my mystery thoughts.I slowly raised my teary-eyed to look at her, she was not crying, but it is very glaring that she was trying to control her emotion.

" Mom," I sobbed. I cleaned my face with my left palm, sniffed loudly. My sight was a little cloudy due to the streams of tears that are flowing down from eyes which I have no control over.

"We lost...him" She burst into tears all of a sudden, she lay on the bed and buried her face into the pillow. My eyes widened, and my mouth was opened widely. For some seconds my brain found it hard to interpret what I just heard, my skin became numb, and everything went silent as if my ears had stopped functioning, and the cold air wafted through my face. Then, it hit me, I just lost my dad.

" It can't be my Dad!!" I screamed, my voice rebounding continuously in the room before it eventually faded away, I dropped into the floor not minding the pain I might experience if I hit my knee on the cold tile,but nothing makes sense right now, and this makes it hard to even feel any pain. Someone rushed to my side, and I could hear the voice calling my name like I was standing in a far place, but that's the least thing I care about right now. Without thinking twice, I yanked the hand that was holding me away, not bothering to look at the person. Everything as at that time seems meaningless,, and I found it hard to believe this. Yes, I planned to let him go, but here I am, not even get the chance to look into his eyes and tell him everything my mouth can spill out before he leave.

" Melissa, you need to calm down, pls" Draven pleaded, I can only hear his faint voice, but I don't find it hard to recognise the voice. Rolling to and fro, crying my heart out, I continued for some minutes, just wanting to empty my heart. 

" How do you want your mom to behave when you're supposed to console her ?"  I heard a scream in my head, I flinched at the words, the numbness I was feeling was gradually dissolving out of my body.  I stared at the blank space in front of me. I felt a hand around my waist, I don't even bother to look at the person, I was moved back to the chair I was sitting on earlier, the tears are still falling, but not like before.

" Melissa, please calm down," Melanie pleaded, her eyes fully engrossed into mine, tears are falling from her face also. I glanced into her face, not knowing what to say, the fact that this pain will last forever, and thinking about if I will ever find someone to replace him in my heart, is a scar on it.......


