
Big Brother Wants To Bite Me

Kerry hates vampires, she fears them and would have rather avoided having to ever deal with one. Her life is made complicated when her mother gets remarried to a vampire. As a human who has always believed that Vampires, Wolves, and incubuses were nothing more than stories, she is among the few who find it difficult to cope with their existence. With a new father, along comes a Drop-dead gorgeous stepbrother oozing danger, a single look would leave her frozen in place. " Don't look at me like that " " Like what?" he asked, head tilted " Like you want to bite me" " Maybe I do, you look delicious" Kerry hates vampires, yet it's hard to not get seduced by one

Usman_Nafisat_4708 · Thanh xuân
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25 Chs

The Kiss

I still couldn't believe it, all that time Carter had been in love with me. It was like I was dreaming because, in reality, I did not believe him. He had treated me harshly in the past, he had ignored my existence completely the moment he got together with Emily. Was I expected to believe that the only reason he had done what he did was because he was scared of losing me? It didn't make sense.

I got to sit with Emily at lunch break, and for the first time in weeks, she didn't leave to hang out with David. I had expected Emily to be over the moon when she found out that Carter would no longer bother her, but for some reason, she was a bit bitter at being ignored. " Why are you worrying so much about this, I thought you wanted him to leave you alone "

"Of course I do. but I just feel a bit sad at the thought of not being important to him again, we used to be best friends, Kerry, you should be able to understand how I feel "

I did not understand, because it sure as hell didn't make any sense. However I had no plans of questioning Emily over it, her emotions were hers and she was free to feel whatever she wanted. I was just glad that she was happy with her new love and I hoped things would stay this way. Honestly, I was a bit jealous of Emily's steady relationship, it must be nice to have someone to support you. I couldn't boast of having the same, my mom used to be my wall but now she was too busy in her marriage to notice me most of the time.

" I guess I'm not the only one excited about Carter getting over me," Emily said causing me to look towards the direction she was glaring at. I almost had the urge to roll my eyes when I saw Bella Skye at Carter's table. Everyone knew how obsessed Bella was with Carter, the only thing that had stopped her from going after him was that he was still hung up over Emily. But now there was the rumor about Carter not giving a damn about Emily anymore, which gave Bella the perfect opportunity to shoot her shot with Carter.

I wouldn't be surprised if Carter falls for Bella, she wasn't a bad girl after all. She was very beautiful, the typical blond-haired and blue-eyed girl who was the leader of the cheerleading team. She also had rich parents which was a bonus. Honestly, she was the dream girl of every guy in school, Carter would be lucky to have her. I shouldn't let it bother me too much. Why should I care if Bella was almost sited on Carter's lap, or that he was smiling at whatever bullshit she was saying? I shouldn't care, because I didn't believe a single word Carter had said about liking me. And Emily shouldn't care either, she shouldn't be looking so jealous, She was the one who wanted to get away from Carter and now she was with her dream human boy, so why was she jealous?

Carter must have sensed both of us looking at him, His blue eyes turned towards our direction, making eye contact with me. Both Emily and I immediately looked away. Emily's face was flushed red in embarrassment and I just felt irritated for some reason. " I need to use the bathroom, I'll be right back "

" Don't take too long, I might leave for class without you "

" Alright," I left my bag with Emily and walked out of the cafeteria. The hall was empty, the silence only made things worse, and it annoyed me. I hurried towards the girls' restroom, got into one of the stalls, dropped the toilet seat down, and sat on it burying my face in my hands. What the hell was wrong with me? Why was I feeling like this? I didn't understand why I felt so disappointed at seeing Carter with Bella today, why did Emily's jealousy irritate me? I tried to convince myself that I hadn't been hoping for Carter's confession to be true, there was no way he could possibly be in love with me. If you loved someone you wouldn't ignore them for five or eight years.

I sat there in silence, pondering over my own emotions. It was moments like this that made me miss my dad, if he was here then I would be able to tell him everything. Me and mom were never that close and now that she was married our relationship got even more strained. I sometimes wonder if she loved her new husband more than she loved me, I wouldn't be surprised if she did. "There's no reason to cry, just don't cry "

Despite my chants, I could feel my eyes burning with tears. The painful thing was I didn't even know why the hell I was crying. What was wrong with me? Since when have I ever been this emotional? Was I crying because I missed Dad or was it something else?

I heard the door of the bathroom pulling open, I shuffled back on the toilet seat not wanting to be spotted. I knew just how well supernatural were able to sense emotions, Vampires, especially, if someone found out I was crying my eyes out on a toilet seat then I wouldn't know how to handle it. However, despite my efforts to stay hidden, it seemed that whoever had come in had already sensed my presence. I watched with horror as the person's shoes walked right to my stall, a gentle knock followed right after.

" Kerry? I know you're in there. " Hearing Carter's voice had my blood running cold. I quickly wiped my tears and straightened myself.

" What do you want?"

" To make sure you're alright "

" I am fine, you can leave "

" Let's talk," he said

" There's nothing to talk about, just go away " Carter was the last person I would want to talk to at this moment. I didn't even understand why I had followed me here, shouldn't he be with Bella?

" I'm coming in "

" No..." I tried to reach for the door but it was pulled open before I could reach it. Carter stepped into the small space of the toilet, his presence overwhelming. I hoped more than anything that my eyeliner hadn't given away the fact that I had been crying. But then I was grateful when I remembered I hadn't even worn any makeup that morning. " What the heck is wrong with you? Do you think a toilet is a good place to talk? What if I had been naked?"

" You would go naked to pee? " He smirked down at me, those delicious lips curving into the perfect arc. His amusement was soon wiped off his face and he took a serious expression. " What's wrong Kerry?"

" Nothing is wrong, why would you think there was anything wrong? "

" I know you more than you think, the toilet is where you go to cry your eyes out "

" I wasn't crying... I..i was just..." I tried to come up with an excuse but I soon realized there was nothing believable I could say. Carter was already convinced there was something wrong with me, he wouldn't leave until he got the truth out of me. " I remembered something that made me emotional, but it's none of your business "

" Do you want to share?"

" I don't, get lost "

" Jones " Carter looked slightly irritated at my stubbornness " You should know by now that your nasty attitude wouldn't get you anywhere. Look, I came cause I care, Tell me what's wrong "

" Like I said, I thought of something that made me sad, nothing more"

"Stubborn as Always" Carter placed his hand on my lap, I looked down at his hand, wanting to shrug it off and yet not being able to. Carter was pale, a lot paler than I remembered in the palace, I wondered if he had always been like this or if something had happened, something he refused to talk about. Perhaps I just hadn't paid much attention. I shivered slightly when that hand came to cup my face, his blue eyes stared into mine.

I could tell he wanted to lean forward, to seal his lips against mine. Yet maybe he felt that I would be offended so he held himself back, I was the one who took the first step. I wrapped my arms around Carter's neck and leaned forward to kiss him. The moment my lips touched his, his arms wrapped around me and he switched our positions so he was sitting on the toilet and I was straddling him. Our lips moved together. I couldn't deny enjoying being in his arms, it felt safe, and the kissing was on a whole different level.

When we finally separated it was because I needed to breathe. Carter however did not have the same problem, he trailed a kiss down my neck, his fangs scrapping against my neck. I couldn't believe it, I just kissed Carter. Carter who was once my best friend and Emily's boyfriend. I was kissing him and it felt so good.

" Kerry? " I snapped out of my trance. I pulled away from the kiss and turned my gaze towards the door. " Kerry, are you in here?"

" It's Emily "

" So?" Carter raised a brow, not seeming to understand why I was so pent up. " We already broke up, I don't see why you're so nervous "

" No, she's not seeing this " I pushed myself away from Carter's embrace, I could tell he was reluctant to let me go. " I should go "

" Are we going to talk this out? And I mean talk, no more avoiding me "

" Okay "

" Good girl " he leaned forward and pressed a kiss on my forehead. My face flushed red at the intimate gesture. Memories of how he would give me butterfly kisses when we were younger flooded my mind, and for the first time in a long while, I felt happy. Carter stayed behind as I walked out of the restroom. Emily was waiting outside for me

" Hey, why didn't answer me?"

" um..I didn't hear you"

Emily didn't believe me. I saw her glance back in the direction I had just walked from, however, she didn't try to probe into the matter. " Lunch break is over, let's go to class "

" Alright "

As I walked back to class with my best friend, I couldn't help thinking about what had happened between me and Carter. I wondered if this meant we were back to being friends or something more. Did I want something more? I cared about Carter deeply, and I found that I didn't mind that he was a vampire, so I supposed I wouldn't mind if this turned out to be the beginning of a new relationship between us.

However, I should have known things wouldn't work out so well for me.