
Big Brother Wants To Bite Me

Kerry hates vampires, she fears them and would have rather avoided having to ever deal with one. Her life is made complicated when her mother gets remarried to a vampire. As a human who has always believed that Vampires, Wolves, and incubuses were nothing more than stories, she is among the few who find it difficult to cope with their existence. With a new father, along comes a Drop-dead gorgeous stepbrother oozing danger, a single look would leave her frozen in place. " Don't look at me like that " " Like what?" he asked, head tilted " Like you want to bite me" " Maybe I do, you look delicious" Kerry hates vampires, yet it's hard to not get seduced by one

Usman_Nafisat_4708 · Thanh xuân
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25 Chs

Not As A Sister

" What the fuck?" My eye made contact with Silas He was quick to push the girl that was sitting on his lap away. The poor girl fell flat on the ground, unable to balance herself. I watched as Silas' eyes changed to a crimson red color, matching the blood stains on his lips. " Get your fucking hands off her!"

Deric smirked seeing the anger on Silas's face. Before I knew it he was pushing me forward harshly causing me to nearly fall flat on my face, however, I felt Silas arm wrap around me protectively. His scarlet eyes ran down my body, ensuring that I wasn't injured. Seeing how worried he was I couldn't bring myself to push him away, Even though I felt sick on seeing the blood, I could never get the image of him drinking that girl's blood out of my head.

" Wow, you didn't tell us you had such a beautiful pet, Silas. I thought you were kind enough to share your things " Deric said. I had no idea who he was or why he had a sudden interest in me, but I knew that he wasn't someone simple. He gave out dangerous vibes, one look and I knew it was best to stay away from him

" Don't even think about it. We are leaving "

" But the party isn't over, Are you that anxious to protect the human "

" You better out it out Di, or I'm going to rip your throat out" The other vampire on smirked at Silas threat. He tilted his head back, giving me a hypnotizing look. I felt my head grow light

' Such a pretty girl, I can't wait until we meet next ' I heard his voice say. It was the first time a vampire was using his telepathic abilities on me. It was something I had heard about but never seen, because it was illegal and considered an invasion of privacy. But Deric had done it so casually like he had no fear of whether there might be consequences for his actions. A total brute, I hate him.

I followed my brother as he led me out of the room, not caring about the looks I was getting from the other vampires in the room. Silas didn't say anything to me as we walked out of the dark basement, not when we entered the bar. We walked in silence, going over to a dark corner of the alley where the Night Dweller was located, I was surprised to find Silas's car parked there. It was hard to notice the vibrant red sports car from the shadows. We both got into the car, I put on my seat belt and Silas drove out of the dusty alley.

He still wasn't saying anything. Was he mad at me? But what right did he have to be mad anyway? It wasn't like I had done anything wrong, instead, he should be the one apologizing to me. If it wasn't for Tammy's call then I wouldn't have gone to that place. Silas needed to learn how to keep good company, I knew from the very beginning that Tammy wasn't a good girl, it was pretty obvious, and yet Silas had insisted on dating her. No, I did not like Tammy because I was jealous, there was no point in being jealous of that bitch.

" Kerina " Never would I have thought I would hear my full name from Silas. A name that only my dad ever called, which I didn't want anyone calling me by. " What the hell is wrong with you?"

" What do you mean?" I said, honestly I had no idea what he was going on about. Silas was pissed, I could tell by the eye color and the fact that he was gripping the steering wheel so tightly I thought it would leave prints.

" Has no one ever told you not to go wandering in places you shouldn't be? Do you have any idea the kind of messed up shit that goes in the Night Dwellers!? Why the fuck would you go to a place filled with rogue vampires? You hate Vampires!"

I feared vampires didn't mean I hated them, I didn't know why Silas kept saying I did. And the fact that he was pissed at me for trying to help is just plain spiteful. " I went there because I thought you were in trouble. You had something else going on"

" Why did you think I was in trouble?" Silas purposely ignored the other part of my sentence, perhaps because he didn't want to explain to me why the fuck he was taking human blood. I had believed the bullshit Bill told me about vampires only taking animal blood. If humans were being fed on in that shithole then it was probably happening in other places as well, the police just didn't want anyone to know about it, not when the entire town was being ruled by bloodsuckers.

" Tammy called me, she said to come over, I thought you were in trouble "

" Tammy huh?" There was a loud cranking sound, surely the steering wheels were bound to give out eventually if Silas kept gripping them like that. His aura gave killing intents, he was probably going to have a long talk with Tammy after this, I hoped he wouldn't go back to her at all. Silas's face relaxed however as he digested the latter part of my sentence. " Wait, you came to the Night Dwellers because you thought I was in trouble?"

" Yes "

" Why? I thought...Well, I didn't think you would do something like that?"

I opened my mouth to curse at him but held back. What did he think I was? Some shitty coward who wouldn't even stand up for her own family? I knew that Silas and I didn't have the best relationship, these days it seemed we hardly even talked without arguing. But I had known him for years, and even though I hated to admit it I cared about him and Bill sincerely, they were my family and I wouldn't hesitate to do whatever I could to protect them, even if it meant doing something that scared the shit out of me.

"It's because I love you," I said those words sincerely. It was perhaps the first time I was saying it to Silas, still yet to say it to Bill. However, I didn't think my words would have so much effect on him. A startled yelp left my lips as the car came to a screeching stop. I looked over at Silas, wanting to ask why he had stopped driving, but my words got stuck in my throat when I met the intensity of his gaze.

" You love me?"

" Yes?" If I didn't love you, who else would I love? Mom always told me to take you as my biological brother, and I finally did.

" Seriously?"

" Yes Silas, you are my brother and I love you "

" Oh," Silas's face froze for a moment, his eyes flickering with a hint of emotion as I uttered those words. A subtle shift in his expression betrayed a trace of longing, something which I didn't understand. I felt like something was amiss with his reaction, before I could try to piece it together, he quickly masked his emotions, a faint smile playing on his lips. " Brother, of course, " Silas started the car once more, that smile still hooked on the corner of his lips throughout the drive home.

I felt like I had done something wrong, but I couldn't point my finger at what it was. Call me stupid, but I had expected Silas to be thrilled at me calling him my brother, yet it had brought on an awkward silence between us. Didn't he want me as a sister anymore? If that was the case then he should have said something right?

I was overwhelmed with my thoughts even as Silas parked the car and I walked into the house. " Go clean up, Dad and your mom will be home soon " He turned around to walk upstairs after saying this. I couldn't hold back my worry anymore and reached out to grab his hand.

" Silas, did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me? "

" No, there's nothing wrong " Silas stared down at my hand in his for a minute before pulling away. " Good night Kerry " I watched him leave feeling even more worried than I had been earlier.

I walked up to my room, not having any appetite at all despite the delicious smell of food that I had prepared earlier. I sat down on my bed, my eyes trailing over to my window. The hooded figure waved at me through the window, I waved back with less enthusiasm as usual. Terry must have sensed my mood, he tilted his head slightly as if asking me what was wrong. I shook my head, pulled off my shoes, and lay on my bed.

' It must be nice being a ghost. At least then you wouldn't have to worry about complicated emotions '. After starting into the dark space of my room, I eventually gave in to my tiredness and fell asleep. I wasn't aware of the figure that walked into my room, leaning by the side of my bed to stare down at me.

" I love you too Kerry, just not as a sister "