
Chapter 4 the school and the church attack.

both me and Issei woke up at the same time. we smiled at each other because it was our first day at school.

I got some news from abeloth last night through my dream. he said to me.

"young one, based on your magic power you can put spirits in the sacred gear. with the 4000 mark you can hold 10 spirits in the sacred gear. you can release ones that you dont need and they will go to either heaven or hell, depending on what they did when alive."

so with that knowledge I released Joe since he taught me all I needed to know about martial arts. meaning I have 7 open slots for spirits. I was thinking more maids and maybe some female assassins, but I'll figure that out later.

I also bought the aura suppression developmental ability so I dont end up scaring my peers and teachers. having them all scared of me and staying away would be bad, especially since this is where me and Issei will see Irina for the first time. as someone that died in another world I still have my memories from there so I remembered that this is when Issei meets her.

we in the car with Mr. and Mrs. Hyoudou.

" Are you guys ready"



"ok we are here. see you guys after school"

"ok" we both said.

me and Issei went to the teachers to greet them. we talked for a little and found out our homeroom teacher was Ms Sarah. we left to go to our classroom, and I hear I'm the background, "those 2 are very polite", "Issei was very nice". I couldn't help but laugh inside my head.

we got introduced to the class and sat next to each other. a girl was sitting to on the side next to Issei and I knew it was Irina. Issei was very good at communication and made her his friend fast. the class started and I was talking with Alexa about the party function I got. I remember everything from my past life so things school and tests I will ace.

"Alexa what can I do with my party function?"

"master you can see there parameters, upgrade there level, and check there loyalty level.

do you want to check now?"

"no, wait till we go back home"

"ok master"

as if the teacher could tell I wasn't listening to her she gave me a test.

"since you dont seem to want to listen, I assume you can do this."

I took the paper from her and began answering the questions. once completed I handed it back and said

"can we make a bet? if all are correct on this test, me, Issei, and Irina will get 100% on our test when it is actually time to take it. if one of them is wrong then you can make me have a 0% for the next three tests when everyone takes it."

Issei was shocked and couldn't speak. Irina was looking at me with wide eyes. the teacher was angry and said

"ok deal I will check these now, everyone go ahead and have lunch."

everyone was frozen but when she said lunch everyone started to eat. Irina and Issei ate with me and we had a conversation about what I just did.

"big bro are you insane"

"why did you do this"

both of them were complaining because if I lost I would get two more 0% tests. I patted Issei's shoulder and said

"I won't lose little bro, just watch. also Irina, I did this because I wanted to help my bro and you. by the way nice haircut."

Irina blushed and did a little giggle and Issei looked at me with a sparkle in his eyes hoping I was right, 'if big bro is correct I won't have to take the test, thanks big bro'. I will have to help him later down the line with schoolwork in high school so I decided to start early.

the teacher was jaw broken at the test. all was 100% and to the side it had a little "Ps. college was a breeze" she didn't know who this child was but one thing was for certain, he is a genius.

"Ichiro, your test was 100%, I will hold my end of the bargain. will you come here and do these tests as well. this is not timed but will be done in class ok."

she handed me tests from first grade to the end of college. I looked at her and smiled. 'so you want me to show you my skills, alright teach.' I thought and started on first grade tests. Irina was practically jumping of the walls and Issei was smiling the biggest I've ever seen. at the end of the day I gave Ms. Sarah the tests I completed and walked with Issei and Irina back home. I sensed danger and got in a fighting position.

"big bro, what's up?"


before I could answer two people came towards me, Issei and Irina couldn't see it but when they finally saw me both men were on the ground passed out what scared them the most was that both men had weapons in there hands.

they saw me sitting on a big rock and came over. Issei was almost panicking

"big bro what's is going on?"

"little bro let me explain to you, Irina."


"do you promise not to speak of this to anyone, if you do I will have to leave this place forever."

"ok I won't tell a soul."

"ok then I'll tell you both."

and so I told them about the war about demons, fallen angels, and angels. told them about my power as the purgatory dragon emperor. I told them that the two men had holy swords and were likely from the church.

"Irina your family has a sword in it correct"

"yes father tells me he got it during a war, wait you mean my father is a holy sword user."

"most likely the reason for this attack was he felt my presence near you and wanted you safe. let's talk with him when I take you home. Issei you can go home and tell mom I will be at a friend's place and will be back later."

"ok big bro, be safe."

now I grabbed the 2 men and said

"let's bring them, I only knocked them out so I can show that I bring no harm to you or your family. also your kinda cute now that I get a good look at you."

she blushed hard and was saying "wawawawawa" and I laughed a little while we walked to her home.

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