

D I S C L A I M E R:

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


Tears streamed down her cheeks as she kissed her lover for one last time. Stroking his cheek as she watched him sleeping, stopping herself from sobbing outloud afraid that she might wake her lover, Esmeralda stood up from her position and begin the ritual of sealing her love, the Desert Tyrant King, Khufra.

Seeking for forgiveness in her heart, it pained her to do this thing, but for a greater good she need to do this for her to stop his tyranny against numerous people in Minoan Empire for him to rule the entire Land of Dawn that may lead to complete annihilation.

Khufra stirred from his slumber as he felt chains forcing him to be immobilize. Opening his eyes, he found himself wishing that he's just having a nightmare. He saw tears flowing as Esmeralda continue to do the ritual, realizing that he is slowly losing his strength and power he struggled to break free and realized that each struggling he did, the chains seemed to tighten. Growling he face his crying lover.

"Esmeralda! What are you doing?! Stop this madness and let me go!" he shouted in aggression.

"My love, My King. Always remember that I will always love you" she sobbed as she told him her last words.

"If you love me, stop what you are doing to me! W-why? Why are you doing this to me!? Why?!" he snarled and mustered all his strength to break free.

"For the greater good, Khufra! I-i... I need to do this for you to stop!" as she gritted her teeth in order to continue the spell of the ritual.

"Stop? Stop what?!" he asked

"To stop you from continuing more destruction in the Land of Dawn! You have killed many people, Khufra! You have killed so many innocent children, parents, elders and soldiers that defending their homes. Your tyranny brought demised to many people, my love! And for the greater good of the Land of Dawn, I need to seal you for an enternal slumber!"

"This is madness! Eternal slumber?! I need to conquer the Minoan Empire to rule the entire Land of Dawn and be the most powerful king!" he retorted

"And because of that! You turned into someone who seek more power even if you need to do unforgivable deeds! My love, forgive me but this is the only way. Rest and find peace, I love you" Esmeralda slowly pulled her hands together as the chains started to glow into a greenish color and slowly binding Khufra to an eternal slumber.

"Y-you... I never mistreated you, I gave you everything, my heart, my mind, my body, my soul and my trust- but this is what you gave me in return. Esmeralda, I have love you since but this is unforgivable! Y-you.." Khufra slowly closed his eyes as bandages and chains start to wrapped his entire body and Esmeralda continue to cry.

"Forgive me, love. It is hard for ne to bear such responsibility, but this is the only way to stop you from rampaging more and kill innocent people for your conquest. Years may passed but my love for you will never fade. Goodbye, Khufra, my love, my King"

Esmeralda fade into small sparkling particles as Khufra's body buried in an Ancient City inside of a sarcophagus[1].


Centuries has passed and a grand monument was built in the Ancient City and a tomb lies within that place for it is where the Desert Tyranny and King can be found.

Let us unravel a new beginning wherein the King that ruled the desert hunderds of years ago, awaken from an eternal slumber due to a cataclysmic event that occured in the Western Desert and a wave of an energy from the orb awakened Khufra in his slumber.

[1] A sarcophagus was also usually provided to hold the coffin in the tomb. Which is used in time of the Pharaohs in Egypt.


Hi! I hope that you can find this story enjoyable. ? Lovelots!

MeiMinMincreators' thoughts