
Beyond the final second

Loneliness, not a particularly bad circumstance, but what to do when you are completely alone in your room, not just unable to leave, but to die. This is the situation Victor found himself in, having picked up strange clocks. Now, he must unravel the mystery of the clocks in order to escape this eternal captivity, or go insane in his dreams, as they may hide much more than meets the eye. *** I am a novice author, and I ask you to help with improving the quality of the text, with the comments.

Mrak_Teni · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

There was no blood.

I found myself in darkness and began to fall, the fall itself should have awakened me, but it didn't. I was screaming at the top of my lungs, thinking at the same time:

"What? Where am I? Why am I falling? Why am I not waking up?"

I fell into something and was pierced with sharp pain and broken bones. My screaming stopped from being more painful than it could have been, my consciousness blurred from it, but under mysterious circumstances persisted. Before I had time to wake up, I began to be pierced by certain pricks, from the additional pain I was able to lift, but before I had time to examine my hands I felt these needles sinking in, not only on my hands, but all over my body. no sooner had I opened my eyes, I screamed. After that, I felt air... And when I opened them, my body was completely full of holes, as if these pricks had taken a fifth of my weight.

Instead of thoughts, there was only air that literally went all over my body. The needles pierced all the way to my heart and other organs. Only my head remained intact. But there was no blood. Not far away I heard the rumbling of insects. And my convulsed body was seized by a fear I had never felt before. I began to flee, but thousands of insects in the darkness caught up with me, I thought of nothing but getting away from them and crashed into a dead end. The insects reached their goal and began to climb into me like their hive, but they didn't stop there, they began to crawl under my skin and climb into my ears, nose, and mouth.

I wished only one thing at that moment: to die and be rid of this torment. I rolled around on the floor as hard as I could to drive the insects away, but they were as tenacious as ticks. As if that weren't enough, shadows gathered around me and started laughing maliciously. This time, the needles of the shadows pierced my head. Then they severed it from my body, at which point, a scarab beetle ran across my head. They held on to my hair, which caused me additional pain, but it became imperceptible compared to what my body felt. Even in my severed state, I could feel both parts. I didn't want to open my eyes, but it didn't matter anymore, since my eyelids were torn out.

There was no blood. There were shadows everywhere, with bones sticking out of them as if they had been pierced with bone spears. Red eyes, and dark dots glowed overhead that were even darker than the darkness itself.

I could feel the bugs keep crawling over me and eating me up one piece at a time. One of the shadows, put my body on the table, and began to cut it with a blunt blade, for a very long time. They cut everything off piece by piece, arms, legs, skin, all my internal organs, and I could feel them all at the same time, especially the bugs crawling over my heart and the shadow's bony hand holding it in its hands. The shadows began to sew up the body in different ways, and the voice... the voice had long since been disconnected from the neck, only the head remained.

After a while, the bugs left the body, and it lay on the table, which was a great relief, but then, near the table there was a stove. A hand was taken and very slowly began to dip it into the boiling metal. It was eating away at the skin. The other parts were lowered just as very slowly. My mind became confused, there was nothing left in me but pain. But the final head-locking seemed to interrupt the torment. Bringing me to the cauldron, the shadow's hand stopped. It brought my face to hers. The abyss no longer frightened me, I was more frightened by their smile, which clearly said, - "your torment is not over yet."

My head was thrown somewhere in the distance, and I felt my own body again, which was whole, but chained to the table. Instead of shadows, there were already doctors who had begun the autopsy. At the same time, I was completely unable to move, I could only feel pain. I tried with all my might to move a finger, but I was completely paralyzed. As soon as the doctors finished the autopsy and turned around, my body was whole again. But the table didn't change. This time, I could wriggle and scream, but the bony shadows stood in place of the surgeons.

One of them began to cut very slowly across my chest, after which, he grasped the cut part and very slowly began to remove the skin, with the sound of it separating from the meat. I had no choice but to convulse in pain and scream. Screaming helplessly. They kept monotonically removing all the remaining skin. My body returned to its original form, creating a moment of silence without pain, this very silence threw on even more fear, as this silence, is followed by further suffering.

In a moment, my head was standing on a stand, and my arms, legs, and the rest were on the table. Nearby, the engine of a meat grinder could be heard. They began to cut off my fingers from my hand and throw them into the meat grinder, making mincemeat. This time, there wasn't as much pain, which only made it more frightening. They pulled out their stomachs and began shoving the minced meat into them, the sensation lingering after the meat grinder. The shadows kept laughing. There was no blood.

My bones felt nothing, there was only sensation in the skin and meat. Then, my body was packed again, and there were no shadows nearby. With panic, I looked around me-the dark forest near the river. The lack of pain continued to be just as frightening. But calm was coming, and the voice in my mind wanted to begin a monologue. But a stomping sound echoed through the woods, increasing in strength, signifying the approach of something huge.

I ran away from the source of these vibrations. But it was clearly moving faster. I could hear the trees falling in my path.

I kept running, not even looking under my feet. The path was across the river from the hill, and before I knew it, I slipped and began to fall into the water. After tumbling in the water, I propped myself up with my hands and looked up as I was soaking wet. Above me was a huge bald dog, with the faces of people I knew sewn on its muzzle. Immediately it opened its mouth and bit my head off.

For a while I felt nothing, but then, I felt the suffering of all the people that this huge dog ate. When I opened my eyes, I found that I was now on its muzzle as well. The dog was running toward a new prey, and it was other people I knew. She ate them one by one, adding new faces to her muzzle. One of them was Masha, who looked sideways at me in utter terror and said, "Help... Help!" She asked for help over and over again, and I, unable to say anything, and now past the pain, the feeling of helplessness was even greater.

Each of the faces asked for help, which made me feel even worse. I closed my eyes, and in a moment I was already in another place with my body.

It was as cramped as possible, I was clearly enclosed in a stone box that was completely unresponsive to my efforts, as if I were buried deep in the ground. Fear at first forced me to make attempts at movement, but afterwards, something inside me burned out and I grew tired, remaining buried somewhere in the ground and just resigned to it I let go of even trying to think.

The cold stones squeezed me tighter and tighter, but I could no longer react-I was extinguished inside. The stones pressed down harder and harder, but there was no reaction, no desire to scream, no desire to fight back. I just wanted to be crushed and buried. There was a feeling of suffocation, but I kept exactly the same state.

Next, I appeared somewhere in the village, hanging from a wooden pole. All the people around me expressed their disdain, but I was already a living corpse hanging from the pole, waiting to be burned. One of the inhabitants set fire to the straw, and the fire covered my legs and then the rest of my body. But, compared to the past suffering, it was not so painful, and there was no strength to scream either. My face showed no emotion, only burns.

I burned for a long time, but the pain, didn't ignite any feelings inside.

Next, I was back in my whole body, and this time somewhere in an alleyway of a modern city, the bone shadows pinned me to the ground and began to make slow fractures. They broke fingers, arms, legs, ribs, and the rest of my skeleton. It also didn't change my blank expression.

Then they turned me over and started pulling out my teeth. One by one, it even made me twitch a little, but no more. I continued to lie there and take in all the pain. Sinking deeper and deeper into despair. When all my teeth were pulled out, they started pulling out my fingernails too, this time I turned around to reassure myself that, there was no blood.

All my senses were already clouded. I felt pain, but I was already less and less involved in it, as if I was separating from my body and its pain.

Afterward, I showed up at the subway. It was rush hour, everyone was in a hurry. There were bodies, and one of them shoved my shoulder. At first I didn't do anything, but afterwards, that shoulder started to itch. I looked at that part of my body, and it was red. It kept itching, and for a while, I did nothing, and the other corpses fell before my eyes and rotted away in the heat. The redness went on and took over my whole body, and when it encompassed it, I wanted to itch madly, the itching got stronger and stronger, so much so that even in this state I scratched as hard as I could, pulling my nails off my skin and fumbling for meat that was beginning to stink and rot. The itching got worse and worse, it hurt so badly that it was nothing compared to the burns. The itching was unbearable and relentless. It already hurt to lie on the ground, it hurt from the tiniest gust of wind, it was worse than ripping my own skin off. I wanted to rip that skin off myself, which I tried, but my muscles just started to rot and the pain got worse and worse.

All the skin rotted away, leaving only the green meat, which also began to shrink from decay.

The whole body rotted away, and as soon as the bones remained, the pain was gone, but I remained conscious. Only one image came to mind-the image of that corpse lying in that field, and the story of how it had separated from the body.

"So that's what happened... Does that mean my suffering will end, too?"

I wanted to laugh hysterically, but I had no strength.

And again a whole body.

"And again the torment..."

I found myself in that dark room where the bone shadows were and remained. One of the shadows pushed me forward, and I began to fall into the abyss, where there was a gap. Once at the gap, I could see high-rise buildings scattered across the ground. It was a free fall. I crashed to the asphalt. Afterwards, I found myself in one piece on the roof of a high-rise, and I was pushed again, and so on in a circle. I fell on fence stakes, on people, in the mouths of monsters, on bones, and more.

In one of the falls, I kept lying down, and a building fell on top of me. I appeared inside it, and a second later, it collapsed. I was buried as tightly as I had been in that stone box.

Next, I began to be hit by cars, just as often as I was teleported into the falls. Crashes, explosions, shards of glass, rebar. Everything pierced and slashed. I, on the other hand, just took the pain over and over again.

I found myself again among the bone shadows, and this time there were very sharp, metallic sounds. The grinding of glass against the board, against metal, and some indescribably unpleasant sound.

After that, a very strong sound of thunder and lightning itself. It was sharp, and therefore no longer felt like pain.

The next thing I knew, I was transported to a space with colors that were too bright, and it made my eyes hurt. It was a glade of too bright colors, and what followed was the buzzing and stinging of bees.

"Insects again? They're starting to repeat themselves..."

I was already in the cemetery, with only the numbers 6 on the graves instead of portraits and text of the dead. My whole body was also covered in those numbers.

Then I teleported into the endless ocean. My lungs were already filled with water, and the piranhas began to tear my body apart along with the shark.

The teleports were happening more and more rapidly, and my senses were dulling more and more, but my consciousness, remained in the same place.

I was back on the operating table, but this time I was being operated on by children, playing with real scalpels.

"Kids now?"

The kids started cutting and poking me in the eyes, throwing things in my mouth, and whatever else came into their heads.

Meanwhile, I didn't react in any way to their actions, but the pain was present. I just kept lying there. After that, they started to burn me again and repeat what they had already done to me, throwing me into a kind of time loop that repeated the same torture over and over again. These times, I didn't try to escape, and it was as if it was somewhere out there, not with me.

Instead of fear, came discontent that everything went in a circle, completely unchanged. It was the same thing over and over again. The same shadows, the same torture. No change.

"I'm sick of it! These repetitions! These tortures! These shadows! These pains! These burns! These suffocations! These passivity! I'm sick of it all!"

I broke the restraining shackles that were bolted to the table with anger and pounced on one of the bony shadows.

- You think you're the masters here!

I began tearing the shadow in half by holding on to the bones. The shadow creaked, then the others stabbed me in the back, but I didn't feel the knives at all and kept trying to tear the shadow, which I succeeded in doing. Immediately I turned angrily to the other shadows. My hands began to burn with fire, real fire.

- I will incinerate you!

I threw the fire at one of the shadows, and it let out its squealing scream. The fire not only engulfed the shadow, but also ignited the surrounding objects. Other shadows began to sneak up behind me and stab me in the back, but I took them out and the wounds immediately healed on me.

- This was no longer pain!

I took the shadow by the neck and set it on fire, then threw it away from me. More and more knives appeared behind me, and thousands of needles were plunged into me, creating pores for the insects. They were already beginning to buzz with their swarms, but I tightened all my wounds and prepared a fireball to meet them.

- Disappear!

I threw the orb, which grew bigger and burned all the swarms that flew at me. But then I was teleported into a free flight toward the city. I wasn't the least bit confused and started falling with my feet down. There were iron stakes below. But my will made them warp. I fell already on the asphalt, thereby sinking a little into it and creating a little dust. I immediately lifted my head to look around at my nearest enemies. There were those infectious zombies wandering around.

I lit my entire body on fire and without lifting my hands I began to spread the flames, making them bigger and bigger, burning all the nearby zombies with my enormous covering of fire. As soon as I removed the fire, a zombie hand fell on me and began to infect me, to which, without thinking long, I simply burned the part of my skin where that hand had touched and repaired that wound.

"Now I've peeled the skin off, infestation..."

I turned around to the remaining zombies, they stopped at my gaze.

- None!

I ignited again and began to burn everyone in line. Until a building fell on top of me and buried me in the ground.

"And then got buried again, the most overwhelming feeling... when you're buried. But I've fallen many times before..."

I teleported into the sky and was in free fall. The view of the city changed to the vast ocean. As soon as I was in the water, a shark immediately clawed at me. I put my hand on the shark's nose and it sliced in half along its length. The shark's teeth let me go. Next, the piranhas joined in.

- Spread out!

I pointed my hand at them, and they began to rot, and so fast that immediately their bones fell to the ocean floor.

"Now we have to finish off the shadows!"

I immediately found myself in the room where the bony shadows lived. When they saw me, they immediately transported me to the stone box.

"Do they think they can stop me with this? No! They can't stop me now!"

I found myself in front of them again. The shadows clearly wanted to move me back, but they couldn't. The strongest resolve prevented them from teleporting me back. The dark room was no longer dark as it was engulfed in flames that burned everything around it. Upstairs there were other shadows that were upside down like bats. The entire ceiling was occupied by them, and they were falling into the flames, with the sound of their screams.

"And now, the shadows of the alley..."

I started teleporting to every place I could remember, hunting them down. Every shadow was consigned to the flames. And only ordinary people were kept out of my wrath. The children, the villagers that burned me, they were untouched. It was the shadows and the zombies that had the most anger.

After a while of hunting, I dealt with all the evil in every place I could remember, except one...

"There's that dog left... We need to get everyone out of it!"

I stood in the subway and looked at the burning zombies. Then I turned around, closed my eyes, and moved into the woods.

- So where is this dog?

After a few seconds, it leisurely emerged from the tree crowns and stared with howling faces at me.

"What a horrible creature."

The dog ran toward me with its mouth open beforehand. The people on its muzzle kept begging for help.

I stiffened my stance and braced myself. As it approached, I grabbed the dog's jaws with my hands and closed its mouth. The dog began to whimper, but I continued to hold her down. The faces on her muzzle kept begging for help. To which I closed my eyes, felt their suffering, and uttered:

- Cut it open!

The dog disintegrated into pieces, and the people spilled out and fell in droves. They wriggled for a while, but then began to get to their feet, bow and run away. There was no blood.

"At least they said thank you... I think that's about it..."

I started teleporting to all the places I'd been as soon as I got into this hell. There were no more enemies in it, all the places were empty, and no one threatened to do any harm. The people who had been freed from the dog escaped to the cities and stayed there, no more zombies in any of the houses, and the high-rises that were falling were in place without my personal intervention. They became there every time. No one else teleported me back and forth, and that dark room was empty and burned out. The former torture table had completely melted away. I started trying to burn the entire room and absolutely every item, which I did. Going to the village I burned those posts. The bones that remained of the bony shadows were burned to ashes.

Then, I thought for a while about what had happened, and realized that there was nothing more terrifying than what I could feel, and that I had to leave the place. I was filled with a sense of satisfaction that I had done everything I wanted to do, and now I could go back.

I imagined that fall park, closed my eyes, and wanted to move there. The sound around me changed, I opened my eyes, and there was Rit: a blond man in a white shirt, with long hair and pants with suspenders, who had been painting the fall park the whole time. Next to the chair he was sitting on was the same backpack full of sugar. I silently opened it, scooped the sugar from it, and watched the golden autumn sunset in silence. Rit finished drawing and asked:

- How was the victory?

I stopped scooping sugar, finished the one I had in my mouth, and thought for a while. After a little silence, I answered:

- There was no blood...