

Wherever one was going, one would see students dressed in black trousers, jeans, skirts, or tunics.

The upper part was different. Some wore red, dark blue, yellow, burgundy, brown, orange, and green shirts.

These were the main colors of the several faculties of the school. A new tradition that started when the current student school council president was elected.

At Grandview University, there were seven faculties namely, Arts, Business, Economics, Humanities, Education, Law, and Technology.

Before the current president was elected, students were wearing uniforms. Every student would just wear their clothes and come to school. And this was very pressuring, especially for the students that didn't have enough resources.

The school was always full of competition and instead of focusing on their studies, the students would be busy with fashion and following the latest trends in everything.

So, to bring them back to focus on what was important; the current president convinced the school administration, and ever since then everyone has been wearing uniforms.

To differentiate the faculties apart, the colors were introduced as well.

And this was how the university had been operating smoothly in the past few years. Making the school president the charmer every boy and girl was dying to fall in love with.

And in a certain two-floor building with a magnificent logo at the front and very famous at school belonging to the student council, a serious meeting was coming to an end.

Inside a huge hall, several students wearing different colors than the ones Grandview was expected to have were concluding their meeting.

These students were the members of the student council. An organization body at the university that every student was envious of.

And also, the organization that their charmer belonged to.

Students now seated were either wearing white shirts or black shirts, but they all had one thing in common: they all had purple ties or bow ties.

Some were wearing blazers, the blazers were all cream-white with golden ribbons.

Apart from these students, there were several teachers in attendance, but all the attention wasn't on the teachers but on a certain individual.

The person who was standing at the podium making the final speech.

The person looked tall, around 1.78m tall, the pretty pecan brown skin making the sea-green eyes look more seductive and making those that were looking get drawn to the person.

The person was wearing a black shirt with two top buttons unbuttoned, revealing that enticing clavicle that every student tends to drool about.

The dazzling royal purple blazer adorned with golden ribbons to accentuate its beauty, plus the several badges that hung on the front, showed that whoever was standing in front at the moment was someone of stature.

And it was indeed the case. The person standing giving the last speech of the day was the school charmer, the famous androgynous person in the whole school.

The one that brought confusion about sexuality among boys and girls, was the Prince Charming, the charmer, and the student council president, Darica Monroe.

The first-ever female student council president to have sat in the president's office for two years and would be serving her third year when a new semester begins.

She was one of a kind, the students' and lecturers' favorite. And the person who had driven the school to where it was today. And the person who would mostly affect the general direction of what might happen at Grandview University.

"I sincerely hope that we will all abide by the rules and regulations when the new semester begins. As much as I would love to punish those who love to use their power and authority for sinister things, I would hate it especially if those people are the ones I picked and elected to be members of the council," Darica coldly said as her gaze kissed every single person that was in the auditorium.

The four teachers sitting among the students couldn't help but chuckle helplessly as they listened to this open threat and warning.

While at most schools, the council would listen to the teachers and respect them, the current council was very different. Teachers were a mere decoration, and all of them understood perfectly well how the missus in front hated any professors' interference.

It could be said that once upon a time, the administration and Darica had bad blood and it seemed that the bad blood wasn't going to be cleared anytime soon, which was quite disappointing.

However, this was also good, for it was tiresome to deal with the students, so leaving them to the council or Darica was the best choice.

They listened to her more than they listened to teachers, so why waste their time?

"At the same time, don't forget guys that we will be holding interviews for new members when the new semester begins. There won't be any liaising. Only those that are worth will be chosen. If I hear of any backhand deals, hehe," she chuckled sinisterly as she looked threateningly at her members once more before continuing, "I will kick you out of the council, and trust me, you won't have it easy."

She wasn't going to allow anyone to taint the reputation she painstakingly made. She sacrificed too much to be where she was, and no one was going to spoil this for her.

"And umm, I wish you a happy holiday. Don't forget to study during the break. You know our golden rule, right? Failing isn't what we council members should be famous for. I would expect you to maintain your grades or surpass them. Don't embarrass me and fail me," the thought of having someone from her organization fail made her cringe.

It's not like she was forcing them to be at the top. They only needed to pass and maintain her face. Was there something wrong with that?

"And lastly, the ones chosen for this year's graduate farewell trip, don't forget to be at the school by seven in the morning. If you are late, then you are out. We won't wait for anyone," with a smile on her face, she reminded her members once again.

"Okay, we are done here. If anyone has problems during the vacation, you know what to do. We are family and no matter what, we will stick together and do our best to help each other. But at the same time, remember not to take us for a fool. You all know the consequences," without giving out a sweet and comforting last message, Darica addressed the hall.

When she was done, she closed the file she was using and tipped her head before leaving the stage.

Seeing her leaving like she always does without saying proper byes, the members began to talk amongst themselves.

"She never changes."

"That's why she is special."

"I wonder how hard next year's entrance exams for the members will be."

"Stop worrying about that and think about what to do this vacation."

Leaving the members talking to themselves, Darica who was feeling bored after attending a three-hour-long meeting on the day she was supposed to be saying goodbye to school, just wanted to let out some steam.

There was no rest for a leader, but this was something that she entirely loved. The feeling of being at the center of attention, having people looking up to her and depending on her.

It was quite good and something that she came to love greatly.

And the most important thing was that she wasn't alone and had people around her. People that she trusted and people that wouldn't forsake her.

And as she left the auditorium, they were just walking behind her. What more could she ever ask for?

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