
Beware the Madness

Year 2023. That was when it all started-this accursed story! How? I woke up in the future. I saw the new world of grey filled with red skies. I heard the screams of my friends as they died along the great way. I saw the gleaming red in my hands as I schemed and fought in a world lost to chaos. I saw it...them...they. I saw everything and experienced all. This is my story. The story of the wanderer and his ill-fated destiny.

_Desire · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs


Sixty years ago, during the advent of Ether and its monstrous spawns, the foundations of the old government crumbled.

With the loss of order came chaos—an absolute chaos that sought the destruction of everything that was before. 

Amidst the emerging monsters, horrid dreams, sinister entities, and inexplicable demises, a clandestine organization emerged from the shadow, calling themselves the New Sun Order.

They were the first to acknowledge the existence of the supernatural, and with their leadership and sacrifices, the survival rate of earthlings declined to a relatively moderate rate.

New Order built shelters around the globe and eradicated the notions of nations and continents. In its place, they divided the world into zones.

The fortunate found solace in the best of the zones, while others navigated life in the lower zones. The less fortunate struggled in the unregulated outer zones and the truly miserable fought against their fate in the treacherous fallen zones.

Although others vied for control, the Order emerged as the beacon of authority. Their influence resonated like a guiding star across the turbulent skies of change.

Now sixty years after the advent, the world was now in its healing phase. 


Half a year later…

In a small class of young teenagers, a delicate voice rang out, "During the Red War, the Order abolished the records of devils to protect us from forbidden knowledge. They took an imperative stance against the cults of the new world, destroying every stronghold brought to light. Thus, cultivating years of hostility between the two opposing sides."

The teacher, a middle-aged woman, propped her glasses forward and praised, "Good, Goldy. I didn't think you studied. Your time off the boys has been fruitful, I see."

The whole class bawled in laughter. Everyone knew of Goldy's special antics and her obsession with popularity. She was probably the most famous girl in the orphanage. 17 years of age and already so connected…

Goldy held her head down in shame and slowly retreated into her seat.

Annoyed by the noise, Teacher Yulia slammed her fist on her table and said, "Alright! Silence, everyone."

The children closed their mouths instantly. They knew of the consequences of disobeying Teacher Yulia. In her angriest moments, Teacher Yulia could terrify even a bear into retreat.

"Now, who can tell me about Project Prometheus?"


Startled, everyone kept quiet as Teacher Yulia's gaze lingered on the entire class.

"No one?" she asked.


Teacher Yulia clicked her tongue in a continuous sequence. The sound bore deep into the children and they buried their heads in shame.

"So disappointing. Project Prometheus is the most important protocol of the Order. How do you expect to leave the slums and enjoy a lavish life if you don't even know the mere basics?!!"

In her desperation, she harshly scolded the children. Everyone in the class vied to participate in the upcoming regional examination and escape the slums. 

In truth, there was no use attending the examination if their academic knowledge was so subpar. And that was usually the case for children of the slums.

Teacher Yulia scrunched her nose and soothed her mind, 'Patience…Patience, Yulia. They didn't grow up privileged like others. It's best to take it easy and not scare them away from the opportunity. I have to guide them. I must!'

She tapped her finger on her table and called out, "Trix!"

"Yes, teacher," a dirty red-haired girl hurriedly rose to her feet and replied.

When she did, she attracted the gazes of everyone. Most of the eyes set on her carried complicated emotions. Fear. Love. Reverence. Respect. Envy.

With a face that lacked proper care, Trix possessed a short height and skinny figure, something common in the orphanage. Yet, a deep sense of confidence emanated from her malnourished bones, all the way to her face.

She was a diamond in the rough…one of the few destined to leave the slums or die trying!

Teacher Yulia nodded as she gazed at the girl. "Can you tell us about Project Prometheus?"

Instantly, Trix shot off. "Yes. Project Prometheus is the overarching system created by the Order to categorize and regulate supernatural powers and phenomena. It was established in the Year 2039, shortly after the Red War."

"Excellent." Teacher Yulia praised with warm eyes and then asked, "But can you tell us more? What is Section 5.1?"

Trix raised her brows at the question thrown at her. Her eyes flickered as she went into deep thoughts, digging for particular knowledge.

Everyone went silent. Would the omniscient Trix fail today?

Suddenly, a glint sharpened in her eyes, and she began speaking composedly, "Paranormal Potential Index, Section 5.1. Under it is a standard measurement of and ranking supernatural powers."

"Perfect. Now, who can tell me…"

The class continued…

Amongst the children, a young boy with grey eyes as distant as the night moon scribbled on his rough book.

Cain nodded as he listened attentively to the class. 'The Classification. Teacher Yulia rarely ever covers that topic. It is just the information I need!'

Soon, the class ended. Everyone rushed out in sheer delight. Cain followed suit.

He bypassed the old corridors, burying his head in the crowd. It didn't take long for him to find his dormitory. It was quite a spacious room with twenty bunk beds arranged uniformly.

Cain found his shabby bed and sunk his head into it. As though it was made of pillows, the bed absorbed him.

He sighed. 'Another day gone. It's been half a year now. Yet, I still feel weirded by all this.'

In his eyes, this world still radiated with a novel glow.

'Half a year…'

Six months ago, he had awoken from a long slumber and was rescued by a secret squad of the Order. Through a hidden portal, they transported him back to their facility after confronting a lot of obstacles on the way.

After a few days, Cain was released by the Order and placed in an orphanage in the slums of Charmire. To compensate for the troubles along the way, the Order granted him an opportunity to obtain a scholarship into any prestigious school of his choosing. However, there was a catch—a lot of catches actually…most importantly, he had to attain a high standing in the upcoming regional evaluation.

That was never going to be easy.

'It is a chance to get to see the world.' Cain marvelled as his thoughts wandered.

The current world was brutal and yet beautiful.

Most children in Eden Orphanage were destined to leave a bottom life. No children, or perhaps lots of unwanted children. Living on scrabbles. Eating trash. Untimely deaths. Stunted minds.

This was to be his outcome if he didn't change it!

'No! Never!'

'I have to leave this place.'

After escaping his father's clutches, he desired more than ever to live his life to the fullest!

He would perform outstandingly in the regional evaluation. He would get into the best university. And he would strike it rich!



Cain was on one of his late-night walks.

To call it a walk was more of an exaggeration. It was a job, a dirty job.

And his job was to find redeemable items in the local trash yard.

Currently, he was in the center of a large dumpster. With his ears covered with a rickety wired earpiece, he dug his hand into the torn trash bags and searched for treasures. If he was lucky to find something of value, his savings would increase marginally.

"You know, I heard Belle has a big bulge in her belly. She tries to hide it, but ooooh, seems she fucked up real bad!" an annoying voice rang out. It had the persistence of a squirrel and the irritation of a rat.

It belonged to a brown-haired boy who looked the same age as Cain. His name was Roy, one of the few friends Cain had made in the orphanage. To this day, Cain massively regretted befriending the scrawny boy.

If only he knew he was a chatterbox…

"Oh! And do you know what happened to Baby Blue? They say he got kicked out, but I know he got caught stealing Teacher Yulia's stash. Apparently, he also tried stealing her panties. Guess we now know the perpetrator behind the missing underwear. Hahaha."

Roy hung at the edge of the dumpster. He was inherently lazy, so he refused to do any work. To him, his real job was being Cain's "emotional support".

"Ya know, yesterday I dreamt of Trix again. Oh my, I wish dreams lasted forever. She really has beautiful yellow eyes and fine bottoms. The lady of my dreams!! Maybe I should–Do you think she—"

Avre, another one of Cain's friends, shot a disgusted look and sneered, "No, she doesn't like you."

Cain paused what he was doing. He gave Roy a sympathetic eye, took off the earplugs, and commented with a honest tone, "She will never like you."

Roy snorted. "Hmph! What do you peasants know about true love? I have seen the way she looks at me. It's full of love and passion. I'm telling you, she wants my kids. Five lovely kids with yellow eyes just like hers. Or maybe ten kids. Hmm…that is better."

Cain trembled immediately when he heard that. "Roy…you are skipping lots of steps."


Avre slapped Roy's head and scolded, "Fucking asshole! You can't even take care of yourself, yet you are already dreaming of ten kids!"

Roy massaged the bump on his head and squealed, "You…Why did you hit me? Wait, don't answer. I know you are jealous. Let me just tell you, I don't like bags of bones. There's nothing to touch, haha."

"I will kill you!" Avre seethed with rage as smoke billowed out of her nose.

She grabbed a trash bag that contained disgusting contents and hurled it at Roy. Before Roy could react, he was hit in the face, and the slimy liquids gushed into his mouth.


Avre harrumphed in victory. "Who are you calling a bag of bones?... Cain, am I a bag of bones?"

Raising his brow, Cain took off the earplug once more and looked at Avre. 

Avre had brown eyes, dark skin, and light brown hair. With amazing features, she would surely possess a killing look…if she weren't so massively underweight. Deeply scrawny.

Cain shivered as unknown thoughts invaded his head. He was tempted to answer truthfully, but he decided to choose the path of peace. 

He gently replied, "We are all bags of bones."

"... Whose side are you on?!"

As Cain focused back on his work, a trash bag slammed into his face and he quickly fell atop the other trash bags.