
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty

James POV

Michael and I walked towards Linda's room. Not saying anything to each other. It was most probably because both of us were lost in our thoughts. Although, those thoughts might be the same thoughts, not only because we were twins and somehow our thoughts usually turned out to be similar but also because we both knew that Linda was innocent.

However, it could not be ignored that Janet had told everyone that she saw Linda do it. It was completely ridiculous but still. Even if we ignored it, Dad would not. After all she had done to Linda and to us, indirectly, we knew that Dad would not ignore her. Only for one reason.

Because she was from our pack.

But I would ignore her. The sole reason was because I knew that Linda could not do it. She was a small, fragile thing. How could I even doubt her? After everything we had done to her. She still forgave us. Gave us a chance. One last chance. And I would stand beside her, no matter what.