

---------- Rei POV ----------

When Rei heard that Akira was going to be in a game yesterday she asked to be excused from today's baseball practice. There was no way she was going to miss his first game. Because of him, she even read up on the game's rules and watched videos of some professional matches.

Furthermore, she actually did some research on the opposite team. She couldn't go over everything since there wasn't enough time, but she was able to get enough information to determine who was strong and who Akira should be wary of.

When she arrived at the gym, she immediately attracted attention. Some paused for a bit and some just said things like "Woah" or "Goddess". Even some of the players warming-up stopped in their tracks. Needless to said, everyone noticed and was stunned her presence..., everyone, but one person.

[A/N: "I'm probably exaggerating here, but I personally think she's hot. Therefore, she was quite popular in her teenage years."]

She saw Akira standing on the court with his light-blue jersey and the number 4 on it. He was focusing his attention towards the other team in their black jerseys and it felt like he was trying to see through them. Once he got onto the court, he was in game mode.

This kind of annoyed her. She was always confident in her looks, but that never seemed to affect Akira. He didn't care for her beauty, her wealth, or her influence so it was hard to attract his attention.

Rei saw that there was already a lot of people waiting for the game to start. Most of them were the other basketball players from all three strings and a good few were from other schools, including those not from the opponent's school.

She found an empty spot on the balcony and waited for the game to begin.

---------- Akira POV ----------

The warm-ups were nothing special, just layups and a couple shots from some different angles. It was enough to get Akira started, but he would have to wait until the game to get his engine completely running.

After warm-ups, he was now on the bench since he was told that he would be subbed in as a point guard at the start of the second half, but depending on the situation, he may be subbed in earlier.

Coach Sanada was the bench coach instead of Shirogane. He was a new teacher that came to Teiko a year ago and took up the position to be one of the school's basketball coaches, studying under Shirogane. However, he had only observed Shirogane until now and never led by himself. This game was to break Sanada in and for Shirogane to watch how both him and the players act in a match.

He looked at the other team to see what kind of people he would be up against. They were from Shoei Middle school and although he couldn't see everything, from what he was able to discern, even though the average stats of their team was less than theirs, a few individuals had similar or even greater numbers compared to some of Teiko's more experienced members.

In particular, Shoei's center and point guard looked like real trouble for them. They had greater stats compared to the Teiko's current starters and both were around 185 centimeters, maybe a bit taller. It seemed that in order for them to win, they would have to take care of them or at least find a way to score around them.

[A/N: "Do you guys prefer cm over inches and feet or do you guys do not care?"]

And that was exactly what the coach Sanada said.

Sanada: "The real problem we will have to deal with are their number 11 center and their number 5 point guard. Both of them were part of Shoei's last year's starting lineup which achieved 3rd in last year's nationals. This means that we focus scoring from the outside. Understood?"

Players: "Yes sir!"

While Teiko was hyping themselves for the match, Shoei was doing the same thing. Shoei's coach was a fairly old man, but his experience and coaching ability is no joke.

Shoei coach: "You guys remember what I said yesterday right? Every year Teiko puts in new and different players for their starting line-up in their earlier practice games. This means that they are weaker in the beginning. I've even heard that they got a first-year among their ranks. That means that we have to hit them hard and fast once the whistle blows."

Shoei PG: "Don't worry coach. We'll score so many points that there won't even be a chance for them to even consider making a come back."

Shoei C: "Yeah! And they'll have to get through me if they want score. I'll protect the basket."

The coach nodded.

Shoei: "Then I'll leave it to you two. Everyone else knows what they're doing?"

Shoei players: """Yes sir!"""

Shoei: "Then go out there and have some fun!"

Teiko's five starting players and Shoei's five starting players then walked up towards the center of the court where the referee was waiting. They lined up and he blew his whistle.

Referee: "Bow!"

Players: """"Let's have a good game!""""

And then the game was on.


Shoei was the first to get the ball and the game went exactly as Akira expected it to go. Because of Shoei's center, most of Teiko's attempts to score were denied and since their point guard was taller than Teiko's, their offense was powerful too. They were fully taking advantage of Teiko's weak early season. By the end of the first quarter, Teiko was down 8 points with the score being 18-10.

At this point Sanada was getting a bit nervous. This was his first time being the bench coach for a game and he had to find a way to deal with the current situation.

Akira and the others watched him calm himself.

Sanada: "... Alright. Do any you have a way get out of our current predicament?"

The power forward spoke up first. He was the most experience out of all the starting players.

Power Forward: "We should first find a way to score more. This means that our current priority should be finding a way to with their center. After can we think about a defense."

Sanada nodded.

Sanada: "Agreed. Does anyone have any ideas?"

This time no one spoke up.

This time Sanada sighed, but someone spoke up before he could say anything further.

Teiko PG: "Coach... I think I should be subbed out."

The whole bench went silent. Even Akira was surprised

Sanada: "...Reason?"

Teiko PG: "It's a shame for me to admit it, but Hayaba will perform better than me in this situation. The reason why they are scoring more is mostly due to their point guard's height advantage over me. My advantage in speed does not mean anything if I can't get past him."

Sanada: "...You do make a good point. However, you do understand that you're a third year and you may be giving up your only chance to be an official starter?"

He nodded.

Teiko PG: "I'll make it up somewhere along the line, but as a member of the Teiko basketball club, victory must be achieved. Also..."

He turned to look at Akira.

Teiko PG: "It isn't that he doesn't have the skills to get the job done."

The first string players all mentally nodded at that statement. When they had first learned that a first year was joining them in the first string, most, if not all of felt some form anger and envy towards Akira. They, who worked their way up from the second and third strings, now had to train with a first year rookie that have yet to produce any results.

However, as time went on, they realized that he was placed on the same level as them for a reason. He would always stayed late for extra practice, he would talk to them and the coach to learn if had a question, and last of all he would give his best no matter what task was given. They had even found out that he wore weights to practice.

The whole team was naturally angry when the whole team found out. They thought he was looking down on them.

---------- Flashback ----------

It was a few weeks into the school year. Sanada was leading the first string team through their practice drills and into their friendly matches.

At the end of one short match, Akira's team actually lost a short game by a few points. His teammates came up to him and confronted him, and said how he was dragging them down, blaming his arrogance for wearing weighs during practice.

Coach Sanada was about to interfere when Akira spoke up and everyone was stunned by what he said.

Akira: "I don't wear these to say that I don't need go all out to beat you guys. I wear these to continuously grow stronger at each and every moment, no matter how miniscule the growth. If that causes me to lose some games right now, then so be it. Better lose now than in the future."

Needless to say, the ones who were initially angry were now stunned.

Akira: "A hard lost is greater lesson than any victory. Achieving easy wins during practice is nothing but a detriment. Utilize all the time you have wisely. Only now are we allowed to be weak, make mistakes, and fail. Or would you rather lose in an official match than a practice match?"

Saying these words, Akira went off to cool his head. And every since then, the first string members started seeing Akira differently. Silence ensued the gym.

???: "He is right."

All the players turned to face the person who had been watching this whole time, Shirogane.

Shirogane: "Only during practice is failure ever allowed. When the time comes for matches against other school, not one mistake will be tolerated, no matter how small. All that matters in the club is victory."

He pointed at the club's slogan that was hung on the balcony.

Shirogane: "That is why during this period, you all must get as strong as possible. Do what ever you need to do to win. There is only one tournament and only the strong are qualified to play on that stage. Understood?"

First string members: """"Yes Sir!""""

From then on, no one bothered Akira about his methods. A few still regarded him as a rookie that should know his place, but they could not deny the respect they held for him for his desire for constant improvement.

---------- Flashback end ----------

Sanada: "So Akira, are you prepared?"

Akira: "...Since my senpai went as far to say all that, I guess I have no choice."

He then started taking off his ankle and wrist weights.

Akira: "And since this is my first real game, I might as well go out."

Seeing how Akira was ready, Sanada nodded.

Sanada: "Then go win."

Players: """Yeah!"""

Once again Shoei and Teiko sent their players onto the court with Shoei's lineup remaining unchanged and Teiko having replaced one player for Akira.

Shoei PG: "So they subbed the other guy for you? You're that first year I heard about right? I hope you'll provide more of a challenge."

Akira smirked and he received a pass.

Akira: "Don't worry, you'll be plenty entertained."

After a short pause, Akira leaned to the right at a speed that caught the point guard off guard and as he tried to react thinking that Akira wanted to pass him in that direction, Akira pulled back and then dashed to the left, successfully tricking the point guard to fall for his feint.

Shoei PG: "Na-"

He then ran towards the hoop and prepared to jump, only to now face the center that was between him and the net. However, Akira did not stop and jumped straight up.

Shoei C: 'This guy... He's not trying to dunk.'

Once he reached the apex of his jump, Akira shifted his hand and threw the ball in a small arc towards the goal, which cleanly went through the hoop without touching the rim.

Shoei C: "A tear drop!?"

It hasn't been even 15 seconds since the start of the third quarter and Akira had already displayed his skills by breaking through the oppositions point guard and successfully scoring over their center. The Teiko bench and four others on the court were hyped.

Possession of the ball now was Shoei's.

Shoei PG: "Don't panic! They just scored once, we haven't lost control yet. As long as we're in the lead, we are winning. Now let's go on the offense."

Shoei Players: """"Yeah!""""

Once again, Shoei's point guard was now facing off against Akira, but this time their roles were reversed.

Shoei PG: "That was a nice trick you did, but I'm gonna get right back at you for that."

Akira: "That's probably not going to happen, but give it your best shot."

Shoei PG: "Don't get too cocky first year brat!"

He went for a full speed drive to the left, wanting to blast by him. However, contrary to his expectations, Akira somehow was still in front of him.

Shoei PG: 'What!? How was he able to keep up!?'

In reality, Akira predicted what he was going to do. Perfect Vision was not useful for only judging people's capabilities, but it could also be used to predict their movements, like how he had done during yesterday's baseball catches. Although with his improved reaction speed, he could keep up with Shoei's point guard without using his ability, it was much more costly. Akira knew what he would do the exact moment his body got into position.

Akira: 'It's in plain sight.'

When he couldn't pass Akira, he stopped and tried to shift his position. However, that gave Akira the opportunity to knock the ball out of his hands.

Shoei C: 'What is this kid!? He actually managed to completely stop him (Shoei PG) and knock the ball out of his hands?'

Akira ran forward and grabbed the free ball before scoring two more points with a lay-up.

Once again, the team was hyped, but this time along with some of the people in the crowd. This was the first step in Akira's legendary tale.


From then on, control over the rest of the game belonged to Teiko. Everything that Shoei did in attempting to keep Akira in check failed. If given the chance, Akira would drive past the opposition and score, somehow managing to always bypass Shoei's center. When they decided to put more than one person on him, he would still manage to find impossible angle to pass to his teammates which then would then score. When they strengthen their inside and went fully defensive, Akira would then score from the outside, freely shooting threes and leisurely passing if any were in a good position. Needless to say, Akira's performance was dominating and everyone, especially his teammates, were in awe of his true abilities.

By the end of the third quarter, Shoei's bench was completely silent with the score now being 91-44,. Most of them had their heads down. This was unlike Teiko's players who were now acting carefree.

No matter what the coach said, he couldn't get through to his players. The intermission ended with morale still as low as ever.

Even their star players, their center and point guard, were feeling helpless. When the countdown of the fourth quarter started, the point guard soon found himself face-to-face against Akira for the umpteenth time. He half-heartedly passed the ball towards a not-so-open teammate and Akira effortlessly stole it. He along with many of his teammates were wishing for the game to just end.

Akira: "Are you going to play or not?"

Hearing that, the point guard raised his head to see Akira just standing there with the ball on his hip. He along with many others on the court, on the benches, among the crowd was staring at Akira was his mouth open.

Akira: "I'll ask again. Are you going to take this seriously or not?"

It took everything he had to respond. His eyes were watering.

Shoei PG: "...What more can I do? It doesn't matter anyways. There's no way we can win."

Akira looked at him like he was looking at an idiot.

Akira: "...Isn't it your team motto to 'go have some fun'. Does that mean that you can only do that if you're winning? Look at me. By that logic, I should be the happiest person in the world."

This made him mad.

Shoei PG: "What do you know! Not everyone is as gifted as you! A first-year like you moving like that is just unfair for guys like me who's spent years to make it this far!"

Akira: "Then isn't that all the more reason why you should play your hardest?"

Shoei PG: "...What?"

Akira: "Like you said, I'm just a first-year rookie and I can't be compared to you in terms of experience and dedication. Isn't that enough for you to play your hardest no matter what the score looks like?"

He held out the ball.

Akira: "In my opinion, only when you look past the scoreboard, will you truly understand what it means to 'go and have fun'."

After saying that, he walked backwards in position, ready to play some defense. The referee snapped out of it and looked towards the scoreboard to see that 24 seconds had passed.

Referee: "Violation! White, number 4. Black ball."

The game slowly got started again, and like the last time, Akira was face-to-face against Shoei's point guard again. However this time, he had a different expression. It was not just him, the whole team had similar faces too.

Akira smiled.

Akira: "Yeah, that's right. Try and blow my mind within these next few minutes. It's not a real match unless were both giving it all."

He spread his arms and steeled himself for whatever, his opponent had in store.

So soon after he had taken his first steps into his tale, he had just taken his second.

---------- A/N ----------

Sorry for the long update. After dealing with some family stuff a few weeks ago, I had to do projects and lab assignments that were due soon. After finishing that, I had another midterm upcoming so I had to study for that too and finished last Monday.

Now, although I do have some projects coming up, I have more free time and will try to upload chapters more frequently.

Currently, my goal is at least 250 words a day, meaning that I want to post chapters around once every week. This shouldn't be a problem if nothing unexpected comes up and I'll let you guys know if anything changes.

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