
The Start of Everything

The students around began to gather up and began to shout at Avan's foolishness. Others were laughing at him. And everyone began to praise Meno.

Everyone knew, Avan would lose. And that was not an opinion, but a fact.

Avan stood straight and raised his sword. His stance was already faltering due to the weight of the sword.

He rushed to Meno and started off with an overhead swing. He felt his whole arms starting to fall off.

"Hah... how stupid." Meno raised his hand up, "Barrier."

Avan's hands couldn't handle his barrier and the sword fell off to the ground. His hands were bleeding heavily already and he was extremely exhausted by that one swing.

"The rumors about you were true. You're just a Living Corpse. An error in the creation of this world. You were something that wasn't supposed to exist. Every single human represents humanity. But you, a human who doesn't have a single ounce of mana, DOESN'T GET TO!" Meno felt anger running through his body. He felt insulted by Avan's existence. "Fireball!"

"ARGH!" Avan was flown off a meter away. His clothes weren't burnt due to its unique properties, but he still feels the pain inside his body. But Avan stood back up. As falling isn't just embarrassing for him. But for his mother too.

"A mana-less child, born from a useless family!" Meno began to release countless spells in quick succession. "You even drove away Trega and Atez out of this place to help search for a cure for your absolutely useless life! The people that I respected the most, and those who've helped this city and the whole kingdom for a long time! You drove them away because you're weak! You're absolutely pathetic! A waste of space!"

Avan took all the force that Meno was sending at him without ever backing down. The sounds of cracking was heard throughout as he was being bombarded with spells.

"You're an insult to this academy, to this city, and to the whole world!" Meno launched out a lightning attack to paralyze Avan. Everyone was scared of Meno and was about to stop him, but his friends prevented everyone from getting near him. "You're not needed here. BURST!"

A small flicker of flame appeared in Avan's chest and began to combust multiple times in front of him.

Blood splattered everywhere as Avan's body began to deform. Bones began to break and his blood began to go out of his mouth.

Everyone felt fear of Meno as what he just casted was a high level spell. But for the others, it was his cruelty that might lead to Avan's death.

But suddenly... Avan heard something break. The necklace that his father and mother gave to him was broken.

The broken pieces flew off in the air. He desperately tries to raise his hand to prevent it, but his hands weren't responding anymore.

For the first time in his life, he shed tears and accepted his death.

But something in him awakened. Something... frightening.

Meno was boasting about his strength to everyone, but suddenly, the whole sky darkened and it began to rain.

Avan's body began to be surrounded with a black and red aura.

Avan was surely to die from Meno's hits. But he stood up weirdly.

All of his dislocated joints began to spin around wildly to go back to the place where it was before. Trying to 'fix' itself.

Everyone felt the bloodlust in the air.

The Tower Master from the library which should be several kilometers away from the academy felt it. He immediately transformed into his most powerful suit and began to fly to the direction of the academy.

The headmaster of the Veribius Academy began to be overcome with fear and also went out to check what was going on.

Grandmages from everywhere, and three Archmages came out of hiding. To witness the horror that was going on.

A black clouded shroud of armor surrounded Avan's body.


Its form was demonic... The students around Avan passed out due to fear.

The mana from all around the area were suddenly sucked in by the armor that Avan is wearing.

Bit... by bit... people started to die everywhere.

The draining of mana from everywhere could only be blocked with a barrier as strong as the grand mages.

It was a slow process and the grand mages, Archmages, the headmaster and the Tower Master couldn't do anything. As the armor began to suck up everyone's mana.

Avan grabbed the sword on the ground and swung it like he always did. The clouds above split, the ground below was cut.

Three grand mages died in that single swing and the sword that he was using immediately broke.

"WHAT!?" All of the people around him shouted in unison.

A sword that split the heavens and cut through the hell and eliminate those who were at the land of the living. Avan's existence was that of a god.

Avan was inside the armor, he felt the absolute pleasure of being strong as he was inside. He thought of a sword in his hand and a sword bearing the color of darkness appeared.

He swung his sword once again and this time, the mages were prepared. But they all still died in that single swing.

The academy was cut in half, and those who were caught in it died.

Avan with his thoughts still intact, "This power... now, PEOPLE WILL ACCEPT ME!"

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