
Chapter 15: A change of faces


Author: Sorry about that, this took a little longer than I expected. Enjoy.



Walking out of the costume store Benita is hiding behind Will both in Pilgrim costume. Benita with a black-white dress to her ankles wearing a white pilgrim bonnet(girl-hat) Will with black-white Doublet(Jacket) with white cuffs. Breeches (pants), stockings, and pilgrim hat.

Will: Max, seriously? This summer is already a roller coaster as is. Gwen dressed in the same attire couldn't hold in her laughter.

Gwen: C-come on, Ben.

Benita: Your eyes are coming nowhere near me. She hides behind Will's back.

Max; Come on you two, you can't visit Massachusetts without respecting their culture.

Will; Max, there's a fine line between respecting the culture and cosplaying. I don't see any expo around here, do I?


"Fine. Fine, I'm stating my opinion." He rolls his eyes.

Benita: That's it, I'm changing- AAWAAA! Max puts Benita under his arm walking away.

Max: I don't think so, young lady. Benita kicks and panics while Gwen laughs her butt off.


Gwen: Keeping that on the family album.

Will; Gwen, that's just mean. He smirks while they followed behind the two.

"And who asked for this trip?" She raised a brow.

"Eeeeh, Point taken."

BOOM!!! A building near-by grew in flames.

Man; AAAH!!!

Women; HAAAA!!! They ran past the two.

Max; Ben..you can change. He said in shock.


Stinkfly: Already, ahead of you! She took to the skies; extinguishing the flames from within the building while Big chill follows up taking the streets.

"Gwen, you know what to do!" Max follows the two.

Gwen; Sure thing, grandpa. She noticed a wild horse with a carriage, barreling towards a kid frozen in shock. Hey! Get out the way!!! She races and managed to block the horse way, putting it to a stop, frightening it. Hey, hey, take it- EASY!!! Her dress got caught up between the door of the carriage forcing her to hold on while the horse barrel down the street. HAAAAA!!!!

Man; LOOK OUT!!! He dives from her crazy steering while few others followed.

Riding down the street she noticed Sinister Charm Caster and Big Chill in a pink bubble.

Big chill: Hey, how about we chill and talk this through?

CharmCaster: You're not my type.

"I didn't say that?!" Big Chill noticed Gwen barreling down the street towards them.

Gwen; SLOW DOWN!!!

SCEEERKK!!!! The horse immediately came to a stop while its horseshoes spark ground causing her to barrel forward into the sky.

Gwen: AAAAH!!! Big Chill eyes widen, yet Gwen took his place within the bubble. Big Chill crashes onto the street while the duo bubbles raced into one of another.

CharmCaster: WAIT, NO!!! They mixed.

BOOM!!! A pink shockwave blew them back. Gwen hits a wall while CharmCaster hits her back against the street.

Big Chill; Ugh! He gathers his bearings and noticing her. Gwen!! He flew to her side while she stirs awake. Her eyes land on his.

Gwen: HAAAAAAA!!! She kicks his jaw causing him to stumble while she rolls to her feet.

Big Chill: Christ! Gwen, it's me, Will!! Gwen still on the revelation, looks to a window at herself. Her eyes widen.

CharmCaster: Ugh! Will? He looks back with a glare while he guards Gwen. Huh?! She noticed herself(Gwen), looking at Big Chill with a smirk. Will-

Gwen: She's casting a spell, Will! Big Chill rushes her.

"Wait, Wait!!"

Big Chill; Fool me twice. He phases through CharmCaster and grabs her collar. Shame on me!! He hurls her and she crashes against the wall. Big Chill blew a cloud of ice freezing her against the wall, toes to neck.

CharmCaster: W-Will- Gwen punches her causing her to groan.

Gwen sighs stepping back, standing near Big Chill.

Gwen: That was close.

Big Chill: I don't know...This seems too easy.

"Then we'll ask the police to keep a closer eye on her."

"We could do that."


Police officer: Alright missy, watch you're head. She shoves CharmCaster into the Cruiser. And Maximum security the way you go.

CharmCaster: Hey, Wait! Will, Max, Ben!!!! She bangs on the window while the cruiser took off.

Will: I feel awfully shame of this. He watches Charm Caster waving in a panic from the back window while it soon disappears down the road.

Gwen: Why? Did you forget she fooled us back at Expo?

Will: Well-I. Jeez, you're right. Confusion runs his mind. Let's go. He approaches Max and Benita while Gwen smirks.


???; Our father gave light to those that are lost! Stay with God and he'll reward those willing to serve under him!

Church member: Hmhm. The Tennyson's and Will are currently sitting in the middle section of benches in the center section listening to the pastor speaking.

Benita: eh-ha! Max taps Benita trying her best to stay awake.

Max: I understand Ben, try to stay awake a little longer. He whispers.

"Ha.~ I'll try..."


Gwen:....She folds her arms, glaring.

Will: I can't blame her, but I have nothing against religion. He whispers, relaxed.

"Wait, you're religious?" Gwen raised a brow.

Will; Uh, do you count coming here, only in hardship?

Benita: Oh, so that's where you're experience come from. Benita leans her head past Max.

"That and my own experience."

Priest: You see this generation, have no respect for us. The members nod. They're too busy on their phones than show us the proper respect we deserve.

Member; He's right. The member whispered.

Will and Benita slouch into their bench while Gwen stay firm.

"As I can see. We all should guide them to this church and seek what St.Peter gifted us."

Everyone claps, but the kids.


Everyone is leaving the Chapel while the Tennyson's and Will were last.

???; Uhm, excuse me. They turn back to a Sister. Please, forgive our father. He's not too kind with new comer's.

Gwen: Then why be a father and ran a chapel? Has he ever look himself in the mirror? Max covers her mouth while the Sister looks at Gwen, blankly.

Max: I'm so sorry, my granddaughter can blunt at times. Eh-eee.... Max sweat drops while Gwen sincerely nods.

Sister: St. Peter, will be grateful for her honesty. Yet, no one's perfect.

"Trust me, he'll get there. Just give it time." The sister smiles.

"Indeed it will...Oh, forgive my insolence! I'm Sister Freya. "

???; I'm sorry, to interrupt. They turn to the father approaching them. It's impolite to sleep on holy grounds. He looks to Benita that looks away.

Max; Once again, Forgive my inconvenience.

Father: You're their guardian, order should be established as our lord provided.

Sister Freya: Father, it could be- He raised his hand, silencing her. Don't make that mistake, again. He glances at Max and the children, leaving.

Will: St.Peter, I'm sorry for using bad language. He whispers. If he approaches Max like that again, I'm whipping his ass- Benita bumps his arm. Sister Freya bows.

"If you visit again, I'll pray you to forgive his rudeness!" Max tries to stop her, but she didn't budge. Will glance to Gwen that glance back.


Charm Caster stumbles into the cafeteria.

Charm Caster: Wait! I'm innocent!

BANG!! The door closed shut in her face.

Charm Caster looks back, noticing female prisoners eating and talking among themselves.

Female Prisoner: Hmm?

Female Prisoner: She's back. They walk past as she noticed the line formed by the cafeteria lady.

Charm Caster entered the line and noticed a little girl with a black shower cap in front of her.

CharmCaster: Uhm, hey...The little girl looks back revealing, Fright wig with her hair in a tangle without her black orbs in the end. You look a little young being here.

Frightwig: You look a little old, but I'm not calling out the wrinkle on you're cheek there.

"Ah!" She gasps touching her face while Fright wig was next in line.

The cafeteria lady dumps an unpleasant-looking mash potato on her tray while Fright wig grunts, leaving.

Cafeteria Lady: Next! She dumps the same for Charm Caster that looks up from the disaster.

CharmCaster: What is that green stuff?

"You're questioning my cooking, princess?!" She digs in her ear and dumps onto her tray. " There! Would the princess need anything other~?" The tone of sarcasm escapes her lips.

"...Uh, no." She leaves taking a seat by herself.


Every prisoner snapped their heads to the Television on the top corner of the room.

Television New's woman: A meteor crashed into the harbor not seconds ago. The camera pans to the rock be lift from the water by a crane, revealing a pool of blood and bits of fish flooding to the surface. The camera pans back to the fisherman and the New's woman. A gentleman like this man saw the impact. Would you like to share your experience? She points the mic to a fisherman.

Fisherman: I was organizing my calendar for the next catch until 'BOOM' The massive rock crashes just a few feet from my shop! I go to check it out, it was the rock and all. Hopefully, this is the only rock we will get. He glances blankly while the new's women glance back wanting more.

"Hmm, is that all?"

"Yes." The new's woman thinks for a minute until returning back.

"Hopefully, this should be the only meteor." Charm Caster zone outs.

CharmCaster; 'Weird, only heat or the impact would kill the fish yet there's bit's.'


A hand slam by her plate revealing two prisoners.

Prisoner: Heeey, Princess. Nice costume, you're wearing.

Prisoner 2: Ha, nice one pinky! Pinky glares at the prisoner, shutting her up. ...Sorry.

Pinky: If you want to survive, there are two rules. I'm an alpha and if you get in my way or too stubborn to followed what I say. She grabs Charm Caster's shoulders whispers in her. You'll end up in a body bag. Charm Caster swallows, nervously. Understand? She smiles.

CharmCaster: Uh, y-yeah. They leave while she sighs.


Charm Caster is now in her bottom bunk looks up at the top. She was rethinking her road trip.

CharmCaster: 'How do I escape to let the other's know?' She turns on her side sighing. 'Please give me a sign of my freedom.'

Click! Charm Caster looks from her bed, noticing Luna just drop from the ceiling.

Charm Caster: Luna! Luna! She whispers while Luna looks around until their eye contact connects. (Hand Sign) It's me, Gwen, I need your help.

Luna raised a brow approaching the cell using the paws of her cat-like feet creating a sound-less environment of snores.

"Oh, thank you! I know it's gonna sound fishy- TSK!!!" Luna pulls Charm Caster's jacket hitting her face against the bars. Luna's noses winkled while her eyes dilated.

Luna: (Hand sign) What are you doing here, Gwen? Especially in...her.

"T-that's the problem. Charm Caster took my body." Luna flashes her fangs. "Also what are you doing here?"

"It's un-important. I can't get you out without getting me caught, so this is what you gonna do."


In the day, Charm Caster walks in the back of the line of women until landing eyes on a door. When the coast clears, she approaches the door.

Charm Caster: Hello, are you the crazy witch lady?

???: I like to call myself, a witch doctor. Wanda hangs by the chains on her wrist while her room was below zero. Are you the princess, I been hearing about?

'Why does everyone called me princess?! It has only been one day?!' "Uhm, yes." She scans the halls.

"Good. I do owe a favor to my associate."

"Wait, what do you mean about that?" Wanda smirks.

"It's nothing big."


Now, Will and the Tennyson's are in the market while the Sun shines; bright.

Gwen: Do you have any sea urchin eggs? The seller gives a confused look.

Seller: Look girlie, you think those things grow in my stocks? You get what I got. Gwen raised a brow as her hand glow pink while a Squid jumps on his face. HAAA!! HAAAAA!!!!

Seller 2; Oh, man!!!

Seller 3: Terry, calm down!! They rush to aid him while Gwen smirks.

Max; Huh, you don't see things like that every day.

Benita: Tell me about it.

Will:....His gaze was glued on Gwen while the others noticed.

"Hey, you take a liking to Gwen or something? Will blush, shaking his head.

"No, no! It's just..do you remember Jess?" Benita brow twitch. " I'll take that as a yes...It's just I don't see anything out of place from Gwen, weird is it?"

Benita: Maybe...but I don't understand.

Max: If so, I think you should talk to her? Max grabs Will's shoulder.

Will: Uh, I don't know- Max gently shove Will towards Gwen organizing some things in her grocery bag. Max smirks while Benita awkwardly gave a thumbs up.

Bark!!! A golden retriever stood by their side, in the happiest mood.

Benita: Hey, when did they get dogs here? Max took a knee and pats it.

Max: That's life for ya, Ben. It doesn't make sense.


Back in the RV, Max toss and turn covered in sweat.

'Tennyson.' Vilgax glared.

' Phill, wait!!!' A Plumber charges at (Uncybernitc) Vilgax.

Max clenches onto the sheets.

'Hey, kids. I got pizza...huh?'

Max recoiled from the bed, scavenging tots, hash browns, and throws the ones that didn't grab his interest.

Will; M-max? MAX!!! Max snapped his head towards the three children in sleeping wear. His eyes have bags he was covered in sweat.

Gwen: I'm worried, didn't know you're anticipating this much for my food. A cold tot drops from his cheek while he quickly wipes it.

Max: Uh...I'm gonna buy some groceries. Max quickly leaves worrying the kids.


Max walks down the street, hands in his pockets while people passed him worried about his unhinged behavior. He enters a store on the corner of the street.

Cashier; Welcome.

Max; Uh, you too! He quickly waved without turning a gaze. He walks down the aisle and came to a stop looking at the stock of candy. 'Ok, maybe my blood sugar low.' He goes to grab sweet candy yet his hand misguided into the chocolate section; grabbing all that reliable. 'WHAT?! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!!

'Let it, happened.' A dark voice spoke within his mind forcing Max's body to the cashier until a man burst into the store holding the cashier at gunpoint.

Robber: Open the register!!! The cashier shakes his head following command. The robber's eyes land on Max. You old man, hand me your wallet!!!

'Don't do it.'

Max: 'Who are you?!'

Robber: You blocking me out?!! He cocks his pistol. The man dies, you're wise don't be a stubborn fool!

Max drops the crazy amount of chocolate, whipping out his wallet.

"O-ok, son. TCK!!" His hand stops while Max tries to force it to the man.

Robber: Stop playing with me OLD MAN!!!!

Max: I'm NOT!!! His wallet hits the floor.

"Kick it over." He does so. " Hands up!' The robber goes to grab the wallet, but a pillar of black ink strikes the robber.


The robber crashes through the window and onto the street, groaning while the cashier glances at Max in shock.

Max: Oh..god. Suddenly his body grabs the chocolates he dropped and walks out the door. I'm sorry! I'll pay for that!!!

Max sprints into a nearby alley, devouring the chocolate he waited for.

Max: Oh, so good.~ He moans with a bit smear across his lips.

'Tell me about it.'~ Max stands up, looking around.

"No, no! You're a Klyntar are you?!"

'You're dead on Max.' Max looks to a parked car sees a towering buff, black ink with white eyeless eyes-like bland mirrors and daggering, teeth staring back at him.

Max: No...! How did you get in me?! His eyes dilated.

Max took a knee and pats the retriever while black ink absorbs into his hand without his notice.

'I gotta get rid of you!' Multiple black inks hit the wall. Max hits his back against it, stuck in place.

'You and I are one. We are inseparable. Because we... are Venom.'

Cadmium & EvilWave- Demons Within (SoundCloud)

ZROOM!!! STREECH!!! A few military car's parked in front of the alley shining into it while Max drops from the wall. A man walks out with his rifle in hand.

Lt. Steel: It seems we have our alien. Suddenly Max took off in the other direction while S.A.C.T solider's opened fire. HOLD YOU'RE FIRE!!!

Ink Grew around Max as he leaps on the walls and vaults onto the roof while the attacks cease.

"Follow him."


Venom runs across roofs with heavy steps in his run, vaulting an air conditioner, switching leg leaps to one roof and to another until taking a massive leap into traffic.

Max: No! NO! NO! Venom's body shrinks to compare Max and swings pass.

HONK!! HONK!! SCREECH!!! Venom-Max swings between traffic dodging incoming cars and flips over a Pick up-truck.

"AAAAAH!!!!" He swings his arms about, plummeting to the ground.

Venom: Do I have to do everything myself?! Black ink hits a skyscraper while He got back to the groove.

Max: Running from S.A.C.T?!

"You crash land here, and try to living among mankind!" Military cars follow behind while S.A.C.T solider's sat on their windows with their guns drawn.

BANNNNNG!!!! They open fire avoiding aiming at the ground while civilian's took cover on the sidewalk.

Venom-Max swings casually spinning and leaps into the sky taking a leap of faith. He crashes onto the hood of the car causing it to flip. Venom-Max Ink-sling onto another Military car in mid-air.

Venom-Max: I'm sorry, about this!!! He yanks the soldier's left and right. They conveniently were saved by the sunshades of shops.

Two more Military cars followed up and in one was Lt. Steel. BANG!!! Venom-Max caught the bullets dropping them surprising Lt. Steel and his team.

Max: Don't hurt them!

Venom: What do-ah! He swings away and perches flip from a roof.



Max looks around, paranoid. Until the door of the chapel opens revealing Sister Freya.

Sister Freya: Sir. She gazed at unhinged Max while the heavy rain pours.

Max: May I come in?

"Y-Yes." Max enters. " You poor soul, you're all wet."

"Sorry, for being a bother do you-"

???; We don't take in criminals. The Priest from before approached them through the lane of benches.

Sister Freya: Father, he shivering. She proveded Max a blanket.

Preist: Yet, you let him in. St.Peter will shame you. Max clenches his blanket.

Max: You know I'm growing tired of you talking to her like that.

Sister Freya: N-no it's-

Preist: If you don't like it, there's the door. DEMON!!! Max was visibly shaking. You and you're demon children will causing havoc in the land- TSK!!! Black ink swarms Max as a giant hand grabs the priest's throat.

Venom towers the sweating priest. Sister Freya stumbles while Venom flashes his deadly teeth.

Venom: I have bonded to this host only for a few hours and... I'm already up for eating you alive. He leans closer with a massive smile. Better, yet I'll rip you're arms, legs, and watch you squirms while I'll regenerate your limbs and repeat until you're...' god' save you.

BANG!! BANG!!! The Chapel doors shake.

"Crap! The five'o!!" He hurls the priest to the side that crashes against the wall. Venom looks back seeing a whimpering Sister Freya. Venom's face ceases revealing Max.

Max: I didn't mean for any of this.

BANG!!! The doors burst open revealing S.A.C.T Solider's pouring in.


S.A.C.T Solider's= 8


S.A.C.T Solider: Enemy spot it! Venom leaps to the ceiling into the darkness while Solider's opened fire. Lt. Steel entered after carrying a duffel bag on his shoulder's.

Lt. Steel: Keep your eyes sharp! They wandered the Chapel.

A S.A.C.T Solider goes to turn on his thermal goggles, but black ink web's his face and pulls him into the darkness.

S.A.C.T Solider: HAAAAAAA!!!

S.A.C.T Solider 2: NO!!! He opened fire into the darkness of the ceiling.

Lt. Steel: Hold you're-!!

S.A.C.T Solider 3: HAAAAA!!! Five soldiers remaining gather close to one another.

"I know you're frightened, but we do this every day. Contain it and save the civilian!" Silence feels the chapel while the six soldier's and Sister Freya eyes wander's.

BOOM! SCREECH!!! Venom drops in front of the isle and hurls a bench towards the soldiers. Lt. Steel and two others hit the deck, while the other is not so lucky.


S.A.C.T Solider's= 3


Lt. Steel; Let it rip!! They fire while Venom absorbs the bullets and screech once again charging at them shaking the ground. Venom grabs a face of a soldier and hurls him over his shoulder and smacks another leaving Lt. Steel. I hope you like this freak!!! He hurls flash-bang confusing Venom.

BANG!!! RINNNNGG!!! Venom stumbles back letting out a painful screech while the bond from Max and Venom static.

Max/ Venom; HAAAAA!!! / SCREECH!!! Venom retreat into a room destroying the wall.

Lt. Steel: Sister stay here, I'll finish what has started! He races after it, looking up at the Massive steps leading to the bell tower. Venom-Max is leaping floor to floor trying to reach the top.

Thud! Lt. Steel drops a duffel bag, pulling a grande launcher. He aims and shoots a shell that flew by.

Venom: He miss.

Max: HE DID NOT!!!! Venom noticed his flaw while the grenade shell explodes hitting the Bell Tower.

DRING!!! SCREECH!!! Venom grip shakes while the Ink separate from Max, but it's held firm onto its host. The Ring's continued while Lt. Steel shoots another, but Venom blocks it, destroying the shell, yet lost his grip on Max. The Black Ink plummets like a waterfall while Lt. Steel dodges yet a splash hits boot.

He grunts using a knife, but it doesn't cut it. The Ink swarms his body while it enters his nostril and mouth.

Lt. Steel; HA!!! HAAAAAA!!! Max covered in sweat looks down at the massive drop watching the horror. Lt. Steel coughs and squirms until dropping to his knees.



A tray hits a table while Fright wig looks up at Charm Caster sitting in front of her. She sighs.

Fright wig; What is it now, princess? Charm Caster leans forward and whispers.

Charm Caster: Osiris. Fright wig chokes on her food.

Frightwig: Seriously, now!?

"How long you two plan this?"

"None of you're business." Fright wigs eyes wander until throwing Mash potatoes at some poor girl. Fright wig gasp while this gave Charm Caster a surprising twist.

The cafeteria grew silent while the girl turns around revealing Pinky that was fuming.

Fright wig: Wow, princess. You sure take that title to heart don't ya?

CharmCaster: Wait! Wait! It was her!!! She points while Pinky grabs her jacket and lifts her fist, but for Charm Caster to hurl her food at her.

This triggers a food fight. Food fly, girls brawl, while some tried to avoid being hit.

Pinky: YOU'RE DEAD!!! A blackout put every at a stop while an alarm blares.

Bang! The door bounces gaining every attention. Bang!! BANG!!! The door flew causing the lunch lady to dive from it while Wanda enters with her bare feet smacking the floor.

Wanda: Now, this what I call a hypothesis. She smiles, frighting everyone. She walks past.

BANG!! BANG!!! A female officer pistol smokes while a sand wall vanishes, reveal smiling with a frown, Wanda.

"You're not very smart are you?" She flicks her wrist while a pillar hits the officer that crashes against the wall. A sand-hand grabs the floor drain and hurls it to the side. "Are you two coming?"

Frightwig: You bet!! She leaps over the table and drops into the drain while Charm Caster follows up.

Wanda; Ta-ta, girls.~ She drops after.


Splash! Splash! Their footsteps hit the water below, running through the sewer's

Fright wig: Can't believe that plan work!

Charm Caster; Don't bring your hope up, yet! They came to a dead-end. Crap Baskets! Wanda?!

Wanda: Can't help. Charm Caster growls.

Fright wig: Seriously?! What happened to that bad ass a while ago?!!!

"As you see, I make sand and this environment is wet...Put two to two together, don't try too hard you don't want to hurt yourself.

Frightwig: Oooooh, once we get off here! She clenches her fist.

CharmCaster: Girls, I think I have a way out. She pulls a few stones from her selves and hurls them at the dead end.

BOOM!!! The bars were no more while Wanda and Fright wig smirk.

Female Officer: They gonna be over here?!

Female Officer 2: You don't have to tell me twice! Light hits them.

"THERE THEY ARE!!!" Wanda and Fright wig go to leave, but two stone-dogs block their path, the officers tackle the two.

Charm Caster; Sorry!!! She took off with her dogs.

Fright wig: I'll KILL YOU, YOU HEAR ME?!!! Wanda smirks.


Gwen hums in a cheery tone while steering a pot of unsatisfying ingredients. Will exit's the RV, approaching Gwen.

Will: Hey, Gwen can we talk for a minute?

Gwen: Hmm?

"You know, the more I watch you the more I get the feeling you're not Gwen." Gwen coughs while Will's finger twitch.

"Watching me?" Gwen blushed. " I knew you love me, but this really takes the cake."

"...Yeah, it has." They watched each other silently while the pot bubbles.

"I'm you're Gwen. She approaches while Will steps back. I love you from the very start."

"Ok, 'Gwen' do you remember the first time we saw each other in that way? Will and Gwen blush.


"HAAAA, IT'S CHARM CASTER!!!" Benita's voice rings the empty docks.

Will: We'll talk later! They race to the scene noticing two stone dogs on Benita while CharmCaster noticed Gwen and Will.

Benita: Good thing you-

CharmCaster: Get away from me!!! She points to Gwen while Will gazes back at the two.

Gwen: Seriously, Will?! You'll believe her?! What happened at the Expo?!

"You trick us and you know it!" Will clench his head.

"I? That's impossible! You're standing in front of us!"

"You used you're spell to switch bodies with me!"

"How do you do that?! You're the expert!" Will shakes.

Will: THAT'S- Max falls from the RV gaining everyone's attention.

Will/CharmCaster/Bentia: Max/Grandpa!

Max: Don't get to- The RV shakes while Lt-Venom stood up on the roof.

Facading- Walk Away= DSG (Soundcloud)


Everyone was stun by its loud-piercing scream echoing the foggy night.

Benita: What is that?! Lt-Venom pounces on Max, but Blue runner punches him. Lt-Venom rolls onto this feet, grinding his nails against the concrete creating sparks.

Max: Lt. Steel and Venom! Venom is feeding on his neg emotions.

Lt. Venom: You tell too much! He sprints towards Max while Blue Runner, bicycle kicks, but the ink traps him in place, and Lt. Venom grabs his feet hurls to the side.

Blue runner: Woah!!


HeatBlast: Order up! She shoots a beam while Lt. Venom dodges it and noticed a pot.

Gwen: Wait, don't!! Lt. Steel webs the pot and hurls it at the four.

Lt. Steel: Haaa!~ It coons.

BOOM!!! A pink color cloud touches the sky.

Blue Runner; Guys?!! He looks from the boat noticing Gwen and the others stumbling out from the smoke.

Gwen(Max); HM!!! Everyone, all right?!

HeatBlast(CharmCaster): Get off my back! I can take care of myself.

CharmCaster(Benita): OH NO!!! Who's my hero?!!! She stares at Heat Blast while Max stands up confused.

Max(Gwen): Oh, no! This is not the time to switch! Lt. Venom tilts his head while (Enraged) Red Riot crash in front of him.

(Enraged) Red Riot: I don't know who's, but backup would be helpful! He ground pounds and hurls a rock while Lt. Venom webs the rock and hurls it back. It breaks while he leaps forward. HAAA!!!

He machine-guns punches while Lt. Venom dodges and leaps over webbing his back and slams on Red riot on his shoulders.

Heat Blast grunts

Heat Blast; HA!!! She hurls a fireball while Lt. Venom leans back dodging it.

SCREECH!!! He grew twice his size lifting the RV over his shoulders.

Max(Gwen); Max!

Gwen(Max): High frequencies and fire are its weakness!

HeatBlast and Echo Echo; You should have said it sooner!

Echo Echo; Aah!!! A wave barrel towards Lt. Venom that dodges yet covered its ears. HeatBlast follows it up with a beam, but it flips over and webs the ground; Pulling itself towards Echo Echo.

SCREECH!!! Echo goes to open his mouth, but a black Ink webs his mouth shut and He punches him. Echo Echo rolls across the ground, daze.

Max(Gwen); Will!!! Lt. Venom looks back at Max causing him to stumble.

CharmCaster(Benita); Do you know what you're doing?!

HeatBlast(CharmCaster): Can you shut it! She hurls another that Lt. Venom easily dodges approaching her.

"Do you call you're self a villain?! What a shame, Even Hex has more potential than you!"

"HEEEEEE DOES NOT!!!!" A Nova swarms her while Charm Caster and Max with Echo Echo get distances. Lt. Venom flies back burning slowly as time slows down.

Lt.Steel and Venom; HAAAAAA!!!! They flew into the harbor while Heat Blast pants while clenching her fists.

"THAT OLD GREEZER IS NOTHING COMPARE TO ME!!!" She glares to Charm Caster while a black circle of charcoal surrounded her from her previous attack. " TSK-HAAA!!!" Nova hurls her onto her back and pins her.

Nova: Good job, Ben! Charm Caster blushed, pressing her fingers together.

Charm Caster; Uh..it's nothing really.

"Is he alright right?" Max slowly approaching the harbor checking it out.

Max(Gwen); He's gone.

In the distances on a fishing shop, roof. Wanda and Fright wig watch the conclusion.

Frightwig: So, it was that brat cousin's behind this!

Wanda: So, it seems. She looks at her. You can leave now.

"Where do you think, I could go? My Boss and the boy are still in lockdown." Wanda rubs the bridge of her nose.

"Fine, don't get in the way of my studies." She and Fright wig watch the others that changed back; hugging each other's and themselves while tied up Charm Caster rolls her eyes.

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