

I then looked at the massive block of ice in front of me.

I wonder what will happen when I absorb it...

Maybe I will get some cool abilities or something...

I used my all seeing eyes to look into the ice, trying to see what exactly was inside of it.

But it didn't work... Must be some crazy monster in there.

I slowly began to walk towards the block of ice, before I stood in front of it.

I raised my hand before placing it on the block of ice.

My body began to expand before slowly covering the block of ice.

Some may think of my actions as irrational. I mean, this was some ancient creature we were talking about. Well if that crazy slime was able to escape from it after failing to absorb it, then so should I , right?

I suddenly felt as if my body was transported to another 'place'. no, it would be more accurate to say that my 'mind' was transported to another place.

[I thought I told you to come back when you are stronger... eh... it seems to be someone else. Who are you?]

A voice sounded out from the darkness.

[Hello... my name is Amadeus Rye, Mr Ancient Entity Creature.]

Sometimes the best way to approach a conversation is to be direct.

[Who's Mr Ancient Entity Creature, brat?] The voice asks.

I can see that this won't end well...

[Its you, Mr Ancient Entity Creature. That is your name right?]

[What? No! Its Katrina and I am a woman. Not a man! can't you tell from my voice.]

[Yeah... yeah... Mr Ancient Entity Creature.]

A terrible killing intent seemed to well up inside the darkness.

[No need to get angry Mr Ancient Entity Creature. ]

[What are you here for, brat? Don't tell me you are like that other slime and you want to absorb me?]


A few seconds passed.

[Hahahahaha! First its that psycho slime that that wants to 'transcend' your species and now it is you, who who wants to absorb me?]

[What's so funny?]

[A mere slime wants to absorb me and get my power! Isn't that just hilarious?]

[I don't get it.]

[Let me explain it to you then.What makes you think that a mere slime like you could absorb me, a noble ancient vampire? I am waiting for a powerful monster that is worthy of inheriting the power of the ancient vampires and you a mere slime the weakest monster even in the ancient times dares to insult m?]

[So then why did you tell that crazy slime that when he got stronger, you would let him absorb you.]

[That... well... I was just messing with him! I mean do you think that I would really give away my powers to some slime?]

I don't like this old woman.

[I don't like you.]

[Well its the same for me! I don't like you slimes either!]

Yeah... this woman...

[So you think that slimes are useless and weak, huh?]

[Of course. Even you yourself know that right. I mean just one finger would have been able to take care of thousands of slimes at my peak.]

[Then, can I ask, are there anymore 'ancient vampire nobles' in this world anymore?]

[Well... no... we were all sealed a long time ago, during the great war.]


[Why are you laughing]

[I am laughing at your own arrogance. You said that slimes were still there when you were living right? Where are they now?]

[...] She was silent.

[While you vampires were all sealed away and all those ancient creatures died out, only the slime race was able to survive to this very day! Even though we slimes may be weak we slimes will survive as long as this world is alive! This is our strength!]


I started to look around.

I don't really want to talk to this vampire lady anymore. She makes me sick. She gave that crazy slime false hope.

Even though I may not know the way to exit this damned place, I will find a way. After all, I don't want to ask that vampire for help.

After a few minutes, I gave up.

Could you blame me though? There was nothing in this mindscape, just darkness.

I sighed. I was going to be extremely bored.

I wanted to talk to someone... but not that crazy vampire woman, so I just sat there and imagined myself having conversations.

I soon got bored of that too.

I really wonder what the outside world is like. I imagined myself fighting other monsters, under the bright sun.

I really want to see it. The trees, the grass, the bushes, the sun.


The say that the moment you lose something, is the moment that you see how much you need it.

Soon I was bored again. Really bored.

I wanted to do something, but I didn't. I just sat there, doing nothing.

Nothing but observing the darkness.

[You have entered a meditation. Magic + 10, Spirit + 10. You have learnt the new skill meditation!]

I could feel my mind becoming slightly clearer. My perception had increased slightly.

I guess I have something to do now...

So I entered a state of meditation. The best thing about meditation, was the fact that when I entered that state, I wouldn't feel time passing. I close me eyes. Then I open my eyes and the system gives me a notification to say that my magic and spirit have increased. This process repeats itself.

I could only hold my meditation for a few hours at first, but slowly this time increased.

From hours... to days... to weeks... to months...

I enjoyed the feeling of increasing my magic... even if ever so slightly. I was occasionally interrupted by system notifications that [meditation] had leveled up, but I paid not heed.

I don't know how much time passed.

I just sat there in the darkness, meditating. The feeling of my mind becoming clearer was quite addicting...

[Host's magic has exponentially increased! Host's stats have been awakened!]

Awakened? What the hell is that?

Guess that I can only find out.



Name: Amadeus Rye

Race: Metamorphosis Slime (2nd form)

Age: 5 years

Level: 53

HP: 500

MP: 600 -> 1500

Skills: All Seeing eyes (Level 2), Absolute Absorption (Level 3), Pain resistance (level 2), Form (level 4), Overlord (level 1), Iron Skin (level 9), Buff (level 1), link (level 1), Third arm (level 4), Instincts (level 5), Instant (level 1), Meditation (level 7)

Skill points: 41

What the hell... 4 years and 3 months have passed...

I sighed.

I had tried to escape, but there was nothing that I could do.

It seemed that my stats had revised.

I thought about asking the system to turn my stats back to how they were before, but I stopped myself. If I think about it carefully making my stats like this will make tracking my improvement much more easier.

And this magic power stat... It improved so much!

[System, how long is the lifespan of slimes?]

[Calculating... The average lifespan of a slime equates to 30 years. Slimes due to their magic cores running out of mana to sustain themselves. The host does not have such a problem, due to the host's abundant mana. The host's lifespan equates to 120 years currently. If the host continues to meditate, then this figure will increase.]


Okay... I got it! A plan!

I will just meditate in here for a long time and build up my magical power. I don't believe that this space will sustain me as long as I continue to get stronger.

My fighting spirit was sparked.

I wanted to beat this space and that woman! I would break out of here by myself and show her that slimes are not weak.

Just imagining her face...

I closed off my awareness of my surroundings and enter a deep meditative state.

[System... I... feel as if I am going to be meditating for a long time... Make... sure... that... you ... tell... me how... long I have ... meditated for... after...]

Everything was cut off.

All of my worries... all of my desires.

There was just darkness...

And peace...


I slowly opened my 'eyes', getting out of my meditative state.

Where... am.. I...

[Processing... Host has been in meditation for 8 years!]

Meditation? Oh that's right... I am still stuck in this dark place...

And damn I have been meditating for a long time...

[System, show my HP and MP!]

[Processing host's command... displaying...

HP: 500

MP: 1500 -> 4000

I could feel the magical power coursing through me.

[What is my lifespan now, system?]

[Processing... the host now has a lifespan of 200 years...]

Not 400... I am disappointed in myself.

If someone hard what I thought, they would have puked blood.

Damn... I am still not strong enough to get out of this place.

I slowly walk around the black space, tracing the walls with my hand. They seem to be made of some type of soft clay like substance.

I submerged my hands in the walls, and they were surprisingly able to go through the walls.

After I meter though, I felt a barrier, which no matter how hard I applied pressure to, was unable to breach.

I looked at the black walls of the room. There was a slight white crack on the wall.

There was only one crack... But it told me that it was possible. As long as I tried harder... I would do it!

I don't believe that I can't beat some black wall!

I will destroy you and escape!

I sat back down in my lotus position and entered another deep meditative state. I instantly entered meditation.

Little did I notice that there was a pair of eyes gazing at me...


I 'awoke' once again. I could feel like my perception had drastically increased.

It wasn't like my previous attempts. This time, I felt like my very state of existence had increased.

[Processing... Host has been in a deep Meditative state for... 12 years...]

So I am 25 now... eh.

System... display my current MP and HP

[Processing host commands... displaying...]

HP: 500

MP: 4000 -> 10,000

What the hell happened. How did it suddenly increase by so much...

[What the hell happened to my MP stat, system? Why did it suddenly increase so much?]

[Processing... host's MP has increased due to the host evolving the skill [Meditation].

[Evolving? Can skills do that?]

[Due to the host's meditation reaching the maximum basic level and then breaking through the host's limits, [Meditation] has evolved into [Cultivation].]

So that's why my MP increased so much...

I looked at the dark walls. The white crack had gotten bigger.

[Due to the host improving his MP, the host's lifespan has increased to 300 years.]

Its really hard to increase lifespan... later... huh.

But then again the only reason that I can increase my lifespan like this is because of the fact that slimes are really basic and only require enough mana to keep them alive.

If it was some another complicated monster, I think that increasing lifespan would be much harder...

I guess that it is time to back into meditation. I don't believe that this space will crumble before me!

As I was about to close my eyes, I heard a voice.



[I am willing to give you a chance...]

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