1 Chapter 1: The worst election of my life

Hi, I am Yun Che.

And I just die.

First you have to know is that I am a very good studient in a good university, I always have good grades, I were handsome and I have only twenty seven years old. But I have a great ambition, I want to be in the top, being the most powerful person in the world, where no one can order me what to do.

I just graduate from my university, and I were going to visit my family to celebrate.

Now you will be asking.

"Hey Yun Che, how do you know you just die?"


"Hey Yun Che, what is the last thing you remembered?"


"Why are you telling us your life?, I don't care who you are."

What is the last thing I remembered? Me in a train, going to visit my mum. I heard like a crash sound and here I am. I have a train accident.

How do I know I am dead? Because I'm seeing Yama right now.

Yama is like a normal office worker. Except for his eyes, full of something cold, freezness, I don't know. I've never been good with adjetives.

-Hey bro -says Yama with a deep voice- you just die, and for the karma you acumulated in five past lives I can give you the privilege of choose how reincarnate.

I was like "Wow he is such a cool guy" when he say this.

-But if you want to be reincarnated I will give you a curse

-What does the curse do? -I ask, innocently.

-You can't break any promise you do, or you

will autamaticly die.

-I accept the condition -It wasn't so bad... I think... so I accept.

-Hahahaha, okey my dear costumer, so you only have to do something more, choose how to reincarnate. I will give you two options, a person in your world, starting like a little baby, but two years later, or reincarnate like a seventeen years old person in a martial arts world.

I choose obviusly the second option.

I heard a "Bye" from Yama and wake up in this body.

A body with a history.

The body of a beggard in a poor and little town.

My new body to make history in this world.

Someday verybody will know my name.

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