

I kept my promise, I made it home in one piece and with her on my mind. My mind wondered back to the night of the party, the night when she gave me her number. She gave me her number and here I am thinking that I would more than likely never see or hear from her again. The house was dark and quiet once I made it home. No sight of dad which scares the crap out of me. He's a grown man I know, its just that I feel like I'm responsible for making sure he's safe. Maybe it's going to be like that forever.

After hours of telling myself I shouldn't, I convince myself to text Daisy.

''Hey! How are you'' Delete

''How's things?'' Delete

''Hey It's Scottie'' Send

Seconds, then minutes, then hours pass. No Daisy.

I got a message from someone that made me smile the instant I saw my phone light up.

It was Lola. ''Hey stranger. Hope you didn't forget about me over there ;)'' The funny thing is...I haven't forgotten about her and not even for a second. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I reply faster than I expected myself to, ''Not at all'' SEND. And less than a minute later she texted back. She seems different in text, like she's got no care in the world. But when i saw her up on the bridge, it was like her happiness that she has when she texts drained out of her. Maybe she was having a bad day... or maybe seeing me again ruined her mood. Hours passed and i don't think either of us recognize how long we've been talking to each other, I don't think either of us want to stop either. What i do recognize is how much I've felt happy while talking to her. I don't want this feeling to leave. I don't want... Her to leave.

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