

Loud, lights flashing everywhere giving me an instant headache, yells and cheers all around me. What the heck am I doing here…. Yep I'm leaving, and the door couldn't look any more stunning. ''Hey!'' just ignore it just ignore it I try to tell myself. The door is my main priority just like Daisy was. ''Scott wait up! Where are you going you just got here didn't you?'' Jacob says to me with a smile. He's wearing a white shirt that is glowing profusely under the black light. '' Yeah...'' I linger as I start to finish my sentence. '' I'm sorry man, I'm just not really in the mood'' I say not making eye contact with him. He says something to me that I can't hear over the loud background noise and music that everyone seems to be enjoying except me. He signals to the DJ to lower the volume to the music. 'Look… I heard what happened with you and Daisy, and I'm sorry bro I know how much you loved her. I just think that this will get your mind off things.'' How did he know about Daisy and me? Did she tell him? I catch Jacob looking at me for a response to his persuasion. ''Don't give me an answer. Come with me, I want you to meet someone'' Why does he want me here so badly? ''Lola this is Scottie, Scottie this is Lola'' Jacob said from the side of me slowing backing away. Remember that numbness I was talking about? Well its back. It was her. It was her and I couldn't move or speak or breathe in that moment. Was she this pretty up on the bridge this morning? ''Well don't just stand there, have fun you two!'' he says cheerfully walking farther and farther away. ''Umm…Wow…How are you?'' she says looking just as shocked to see me as I am to see her. No words came out of my mouth and we both just stood there starring at each other before she decided to grab my hand and take me outside. Her touch was so familiar I almost forgot that this was the same girl that saved me. ''I thought I'd never see you again'' she says smiling at me looking deep into my eyes. Her eyes. There so…beautiful. '' Yeah me either'' I say brushing my hand threw my messy hair.I feel so embarrassed to the point were I just wanna break down and cry like a baby. It feels like everything stopped, even though there's so much going on around us. The music from inside the party some how gets louder than when I first showed up, Lola says something to me that I can't understand. She makes a gesture that looks like she wants me to pull out my phone. Let's just hope that's what she meant. I reach in my back pocket to grab my phone and before I can firmly grasp it she snatches it out of my hand. I swear she must have been raised by ninjas or something because she's way to quick for her own good. I guess she was the right person to save me, even though I didn't wanna be saved in the first place and for that I'm still mad at her for. After a few minutes of her having my phone she hands it back to me with a smile. She put her number in. I didn't ask for her number and never wanted to see her again in the first place. ''Scottie right?'' she says inching closer to the door. ''yep'' I say back not showing any interest. ''Cool. Well listen, I have to get going but I'll catch you later? I'll be waiting for your text'' she probably couldn't stand being near some who is such a wreck like I am. I give her a friendly nod and just like that… my lifesaver vanishes into the crowd of the party.

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