
Becoming a Tennis Legend

—OLD TITLE:CONQUERING THE COURT Erin, a kid with no family, friends, or relatives, finds a thrill in the game of tennis. It's the only time he feels truly alive, channeling all his emotions into each swing of the racket, crushing his opponents and dominating the whole game. One day, while in a match at a community tennis court, Erin attracts the attention of a mysterious stranger. This stranger, whom Erin has never seen before, approaches him with an intriguing offer: the chance to play more tennis than ever before, to indulge in his passion to his heart's content. Intrigued by the offer of more playing time and the opportunity to play against more people, Erin decides to follow the stranger, curious to see where this unexpected turn of events will lead him.

Koshi12 · Thể thao
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18 Chs

A New Home


~Sean POV~

"You have to be fucking kidding me" I muttered while ending the call with my assistant.

'How the hell did I end up here' 

The streets were total chaos, like something straight out of a post-apocalyptic movie. Trash was everywhere, spilling out of overflowing bins onto the cracked pavement. You couldn't walk two steps without seeing a busted-up house or apartment building. And don't even get me started on the cars! Some of them looked like they'd been there for decades.

This place looked more like a junkyard than anything else.

Not wanting to stand around any longer I decided to walk around to see if I could find somewhere to sit while waiting for my ride. 

While walking I found a tennis court with people surrounding it.

Since I had nothing else to do while I waited I decided to just watch the match.

While waiting I couldn't help but watch the ongoing match that was going on.

Standing on one side of the court was an albino kid who looked no older than six and on the other side was a man well over thirty with crooked teeth and clothes that seemed to be falling apart.

"Kid you can back out now, pay the 500, and go back to your mommy like a good little boy." The man said while bouncing the tennis ball and getting ready to serve. The kid didn't reply or show any emotion.

'What an interesting kid'

That was all I thought at first since it was weird seeing a kid with almost no emotion whatsoever but then again I don't think a kid living in a place like this would be that happy. 

At first, I was barely interested in the kid only because of the lack of emotion but seeing him play against the mad had me excited.

"Damn," I muttered under my breath as I watched the kid's playstyle unfold. It was like he could see into the future, always anticipating where to be next. No wonder he was always one step ahead of the game.

But the real shocker came when it was his turn to serve. That's when things got interesting. His serves weren't just fast, they were lightning bolts shooting across the court. And the spin he put on them? It was like he was throwing curveballs with his racket.

But what really blew my mind was his precision. Every serve hit its mark with precision, landing exactly where he aimed. It was like watching a master at work, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as I realized I was witnessing something truly special.

As the match unfolded, my gaze remained fixated on the kid.

Observing his performance, a conviction settled within me.

'This isn't where you belong, kid,' I thought to myself, a surge of determination and excitement coursing through my veins. 'There's no way I'm going to let you waste your talent in this forgotten corner of the world. You deserve to be in the spotlight, showcasing your skills for all to see.'

 ~Flashback end~

~Erin POV~

Here I am sitting in a spacious living room with the comfiest couches I've ever been on. It's been a few months since I was taken by Sean and ever since I have been living with him. He had also gone ahead and adopted me even though there was no need to.

The adoption process was easy since I didn't have any parents or relatives that could have taken care of me plus the living environment I was already in made the process much easier.

Now back to what I was doing currently. Sitting in front of me was Sean with the carefree smile he always has. In the beginning, he didn't let me play tennis at all since he wanted me to get healthier even though I insisted I was fine, but after a few months of being on a regimen, I slowly started to gain some weight.

During that time me and Sean had multiple conversations, one involved him trying to tease me and coaxing me to call him Dad. Honestly at times like that, I can't believe he's a well-respected ex-tennis player. He's too playful and uses my lack of emotions and understanding of them to his advantage.

The conversation started with him talking about how he would adopt me, however, his demeanor quickly shifted, and he wore a serious expression as he uttered, "Call me Dad from now on."

 What followed was a prolonged silence as the corner of my lip twitched and I had a deadpanned look on my face. As I was getting ready to just ignore him and walk past him all of a sudden he went on a whole monologue about how sad and depressed he would be if his child wouldn't call him "dad".It was almost surreal how he managed to evoke genuine emotion, even shedding a few tears. In response to his emotional display, I reluctantly agreed to call him "Dad." but all of a sudden the tears disappeared.

I stood there just staring at him completely shocked.

That was the first time I had ever felt annoyed at someone. I never knew I could feel an emotion such as that but my new dearest "Dad" really has a talent for bringing emotions out of me.

Another conversation we had was one where he introduced the city I was in. As we continued our conversation, Sean shared fascinating insights about the city we were currently in.

It turned out that tennis was not just a popular sport here—it was practically a way of life. This city was a hub for aspiring tennis players, a place where dreams of turning pro and making a name in the sport could become reality.

Sean mentioned that once I became healthier, he would design a new regimen for me, focusing on workouts and practice sessions to prepare me for my debut in the tennis world when I turned 17.

And just like that the first few months had passed.

"Okay, Erin, before we dive into the lessons, I'd like to understand more about your tennis background," Sean began, his gaze steady as he locked eyes with me. "How did you learn to play tennis, and where did you acquire that racket and bag? They look quite expensive, especially considering your previous living situation."

I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. "I picked up tennis by watching others play at the park after my parents left when I was five," I admitted, my gaze drifting to the floor. "I didn't like being home alone since it was suffocating at the time, so I spent a lot of time there. Eventually, I started copying their techniques and got involved in some betting. That's how I ended up with the gear." My fingers fidgeted involuntarily as I remembered the bets I had made during that time.

"Tomorrow, We'll start practice. I want to see just how good you are now that you are healthier and not as malnourished."

After he had said that, I unconsciously smiled. 

For me, the tennis court had always been my sanctuary, my safe space. Even though I didn't care much for other things, the thought of being on the court again filled me with excitement and determination, as long as I can get back on the court again will I truly be happy.