
Beast World Portal

Liss took her mother place as she was pulled into a world that she thought was a daydream of her mentally ill mother. Her mother wasn't delusional, she was telling the truth. Now she is alone in a new world where nothing makes sense and the only thing she can do is adapt. TW{Dead dove}

Mctunado · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Cultural shock

When Liss's father chose to leave, he didn't expect that his daughter would become a full-time maid. The shock of losing a husband exacerbated the elder's trust issues, isolating her and her daughter even more.

The house chores and attending to the elder's needs became Liss's responsibility. She developed habits such as waking up early in the morning by herself.

As a machine, she woke up to find an oversized black wolf under her. 

'Only Ishid has black hair.' 

With the accident from the previous day long forgotten, Liss stroked the wolf fur with curiosity, shifting to a sitting position. Noticing its rough texture, Liss groomed apophenia brain wondered, thinking of patterns and reasons. 

'He looks like a big dog.'

Ishids who woke up as soon as the female sat had enough of pats, the feeling of Liss's small hands roaming his body made his spine numb. Gently, Ishids pushed the female torso with his head, signaling her to get off of him.

Liss crawled out of the bed understanding the meaning of his actions.

"Good morning, Ishid."

"Thank you for letting me sleep here, excuse me"

Liss went out of the bedroom to the main room just to find it empty. 

Liss hating the feeling of idleness thought of going to the lake, but her shoes were in Levi's room and his door was closed.

In the middle of her inner monologue, Semion opened the door surprising Liss as he entered his house naked as if nothing was happening. Liss covered her eyes with her hands in shock.

"Why are you naked, Semion!"

Semion left as soon as he woke up to hunt, eager to conquer the heart through the stomach. After a successful hunt, Semion went straight inside to call his sweetheart to watch him cook and eat.

"I was hunting, come eat."

Confused with the reaction Semion approached Liss and touched a hand covering her eyes to comfort her but it didn't move. Orcs used clothes, but it was a way of protection because, in the male form, the reproductive organs become a weakness and are exposed to more dangers than in their beast form. But at home, there were no dangers, and before coming he was in his beast form.

'She doesn't want to see me?'

"I will when you get dressed"

Semion knew that Liss had no idea of the ways of the world so instead of explaining he left to cover himself not knowing that the problem for Liss was that she knew shame.

"I'm dressed"

Semion lifted his sweetheart to sit in his arms and carried his plans. On their frontward, Semion had prepared a stool out of wood and a fire to roast meat right away, he was excited to show Liss how good he was at roasting meat.

Liss lived almost all her life taking care of her mother, after concluding school she barely left the house

'my world was really small... Being treated this way, with such care and sincerity warm my heart.'

The parents of her mother went missing when the elder was 16, as the only heir of a stock market billionaire, the inheritance that was waiting for her on Earth should be enough to make her move on. The money became a lever to further isolation, facilitating the acquisition of the portal parts and building her lab.

Her only responsibility was an arranged marriage with Liss's father. The elder was lucky enough to have married a good man. Before giving up, he did everything in his reach to have a good relationship and married life.

Liss subconsciously resented her mother, and that thought in the obscured part of her mind vanished after receiving the same treatment her mother received.

'Seeing the way I'm treated here I can guess why all Dad's efforts were for naught'

Acknowledging this world situation and experiencing their reality, Liss couldn't help but compare female treatment to worship. Liss's whole world revolves around her mother and her love-hate relationship with her. 

To outsiders, it would be described as Stockholm syndrome. 

Her mother's image kept deteriorating, thinking about her privilege back on earth, ignoring everything for more than twenty years, mistreating everyone who loved and wished her well for a small chance of going back to being a treasure.

'In a way, she was able to contact this world, but I am the one who came and if she is lucky maybe she will too.'




Levi who was flying back saw his bunny waiting quietly to be fed, he brought back fruits, they were carnivores but he knew that females liked fruit. 

Transforming back he stood next to her but she didn't notice him.

'What is she thinking?'


Liss caught off guard quickly faced in the direction of the voice expecting to see who it was just to find a third leg proudly exposed. Levi is too tall and is too close for Liss to see anything else.

Startled Liss pulled away losing balance and falling with the wood stool in the opposite direction from Levi. 

'That is a hazard, god look after this man mate.'



Both saw the female falling and got anxious, comparing with the males and even the females, she was way too small and fragile. They didn't know that from where she was from she was considered median and in fact, that from where she is from walking around naked was a felony.

Levi picked his bunny by her armpits and lifted her scanning to see if she was hurt.

Covering her eyes with her hands she whined.

"Leviii... put some clothes on."

'How cute'




"Levi, can I have my shoes?"

Levi didn't know what exactly shoes were but it must be one of the items that she had when they first met her.

Gathering all the strange things that belonged to her he went back and gave them to her.

She took the feet protection, brushed the soles of her feet, and wore them.

'Those are shoes'

"Thank you"

After looking at her belongings, Liss came back to reality, those were her only possessions.

'I don't have a room here, where should I keep those things, and most of all... how can I walk around without panties.'

A modern alien, with unskilled hands was pulled into a primitive world.

'The free life is a dream but this is too much.'

An alien who had modern medicine as a base, the thought of using animal skin as underwear was insane, but not a plant cloth.

"Hm, is there cotton cloth?"

Levi knew that when females are on estrus they sit on a strip made of cotton. If his little bunny was asking for it, it meant that she was ready to have a mate. Without saying anything, he stripped out of his pelt and transformed, flying to the witch doctor apothecary.

"Do you know when you get on heat?"

Ishid never heard of a female predicting her estrus, and it wasn't ever the cold season.

"Heat? I need that to make underwear. It's weird to walk around without it."

Liss held out showing Ishid her underwear. 

"But that cotton is used when females are on estrus." 

"Is it too precious to use as clothes?"

"Well, you are a female, if you want to you can have it."

Thank you for reading

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