
Beast taming, starting from zero point

Opening her eyes, Qiao Sang found herself dressed as a junior high school student. Then came a mock exam. Is she scared after graduating from college? She's scared What is this exam about! What is the final evolutionary form of stinky loach called? What are the planets where humans have migrated Welcome to the world of beasts!

Add green onions for me · Fantasy
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315 Chs

Chapter 7 Desert Tail Fox

"Do you have a problem?" Qiao Sang had to stop and ask.

"If you hadn't wasted so much time, I wouldn't have come here for nothing today," the girl complained.

Qiao Sang's eyebrows furrowed slightly. "I remember when it was time to report your number, you weren't there yourself."

The girl got excited. "If you hadn't gone by so fast, it would have been my turn last. Do you have any idea that if you had just sat for two seconds, I would have been there!"

Qiao Sang was somewhat speechless.

Is there something wrong with this kid's brain?

Qiao Sang tried to walk past her, planning to leave. Although she is only 15, inside she is an adult, and the high school girl in front of her still seems like a child to her.

What's the point of winning an argument with such a bratty kid?

But before she had taken two steps away, the girl quickly walked in front of Qiao Sang and blocked her, demanding, "Where are you going?"

Looking at her, Qiao Sang said indifferently, "Are you looking for a fight?"

Settle it with fists rather than words.

Fighting with a bratty kid may seem meaningless, but beating them up can still be meaningful.

"What?" This time the girl was taken aback.

"If it's a fight you want, let's go outside; if not, step aside," said Qiao Sang. Her slightly upturned phoenix eyes usually appeared genial and attractive, but when she stared at someone without a smile, they could be quite intimidating.

The girl hesitated for a few seconds, double-checked the school uniform Qiao Sang was wearing, and then glanced at the Fire-Toothed Dog and a fat pigeon, gritting her teeth and declaring, "Let's fight then!"

The two went to an open space behind the Beast Taming Center in Hangkang. The area was neither too big nor too small and was sparsely populated with people training their pet beasts.

Qiao Sang looked around, slightly surprised, and said, "Isn't this a bad place? Shouldn't we find somewhere more secluded?"

Upon hearing this, the corners of the girl's mouth curled up in a sneer. "What, are you scared?"

Qiao Sang's eyebrows raised slightly. "I'm just concerned about your reputation. But if you want to do it here, this place is fine."

"Let's get started!" the girl said, stepping to the side.

Seeing that the girl was ready, Qiao Sang put the Fire-Toothed Dog to one side.

As the girl saw this, she raised her hands. But before she could form a seal, she saw a leg sweeping towards her face, and she reflexively crouched down to shield her head.

A gust of wind passed just over her head.

"What are you doing!" Xu Linglan broke out in a cold sweat.

She got up and quickly took two steps back, her face still in shock, unable to believe that this girl who looked younger than her was actually trying to kick her, and aiming for her head no less!

That kick, had it connected, would have given her a concussion right there!

Too ruthless!

Qiao Sang looked innocent. "Weren't you the one looking for a fight?"

Who the hell said we were fighting like this!

Xu Linglan was exasperated, feeling that it was done on purpose, but she had no proof.

"Beast Tamers fight with their pet beasts, of course. Who ever heard of a Beast Tamer getting physical themselves!" Xu Linglan shouted at Qiao Sang.

Qiao Sang was taken aback for a moment and then said, "I'm not a Beast Tamer yet."

Xu Linglan: "..."

Indeed, she had heard as much.

But that's only the official certification. You've already bonded with a pet beast; just because you say you're not doesn't make it so, right?

Xu Linglan didn't waste any more words and quickly made a seal. A white Star Array lit up from the ground, and a white silhouette emerged within it.

Seeing her own pet beast, Xu Linglan felt reassured. "I am a Beast Tamer, so naturally I should fight the Beast Tamer way. Are you afraid to fight with your pet beast?"

The fierce-looking girl opposite her was obviously a novice Beast Tamer. The fat pigeon was an intermediate pet beast and probably not hers; only the underdeveloped Fire-Toothed Dog seemed likely to be her contract beast.

Her White Sand Fox had evolved into a Desert Tail Fox just yesterday.

What was she going to fight with?

The Desert Tail Fox, an evolved form of the White Sand Fox, is extremely gentle by nature. Unlike the White Sand Fox, whose appeal lay in its beautiful tail, the Desert Tail Fox's tail is over 2 meters long after it evolves, five times the length of its body, and also the source of its strength.

Qiao Sang looked at the white Extraordinary Creature with amber-colored pupils in front of her, and the information about it automatically surfaced in her mind, as she had just studied it yesterday.

The Desert Tail Fox in front of her was a mid-level Pet Beast, while the Fire-Toothed Dog had only been born less than a month ago and had barely gone through any training since she had just formed a contract with it.

She couldn't win.

Qiao Sang had already reached a conclusion in her mind.

Since there was such a disparity in strength, she wouldn't send the Fire-Toothed Dog to get beaten up unilaterally.

"Fat Pigeon, you go," Qiao Sang turned her head and spoke to the Fat Pigeon that had been sitting quietly beside her.


The Fat Pigeon fluttered its wings and didn't refuse, walking directly up to the Desert Tail Fox.

Xu Linglan taunted, "That's not your Pet Beast, is it?"

Qiao Sang nodded her head and didn't argue.

"Heh, if it's the Fat Pigeon you want, then it's the Fat Pigeon you'll get. I'll still win," Xu Linglan didn't stop her.

Commanding someone else's Pet Beast is nothing like commanding one's own raised Pet Beast. Even though they were both mid-level Pet Beasts, Xu Linglan didn't think she would lose.

"Desert Tail Fox, Quicksand!" Xu Linglan decided to strike first and commanded directly.


The Desert Tail Fox raised its head and let out a cry, its tail more than two meters long gave a shake, slowly radiating a soil-colored luster.

"Fat Pigeon, take flight," Qiao Sang was calm and composed.

As the Fat Pigeon spread its wings and was about to take off, a red figure zoomed over in a swoosh, crashing directly into the Desert Tail Fox and forcefully interrupting the Quicksand that had not yet been released.

The Fat Pigeon forgot to take off, its chubby head filled with big question marks.

Wasn't it supposed to fight?

It was the Fire-Toothed Dog, Qiao Sang looked at the red figure in front of her and was momentarily stunned.


"Ya Ya!"

The Fire-Toothed Dog barked dissatisfiedly at Qiao Sang.

Qiao Sang could clearly sense the Fire-Toothed Dog's anger and its sense of grievance.

The Fire-Toothed Dog was extremely unhappy!

Wasn't it supposed to be her contracted partner? Why let someone else fight?

Qiao Sang sensed what the Fire-Toothed Dog meant, felt a lump in her throat, and was just about to speak.

"Despicable! You actually resort to a sneak attack! And now it's 2 on 1!" Xu Linglan yelled out in anger.

Her White Sand Fox had evolved into a Desert Tail Fox, but her brain domain had only developed to 7% capacity, far from the secondary awakening required by the Beast Taming Codex to contract a second Pet Beast.

The Desert Tail Fox might be a mid-level Pet Beast, but so was the Fat Pigeon, which was a Flight Type and naturally had the advantage over the Desert Tail Fox.

And there was the Fire-Toothed Dog, which, although a beginner-level Pet Beast, was a Fire Element with strong attack power. If it was 2 on 1, she would definitely be at a disadvantage!

Xu Linglan gritted her teeth as she gazed at the younger girl in front of her.

This person was not only vicious but also despicable!

Qiao Sang stood in place for two seconds, then had a sudden realization.

2 on 1?

Why hadn't she thought of that just now!

This was a fight, not a competition. Winning was all that mattered; there were no rules to follow.

It just so happened that the Fire-Toothed Dog wanted to fight, and she could also assess its level and verify some of her thoughts.

Qiao Sang looked at the petulant creature in front of her and smiled, "Fire-Toothed Dog, come here."