
Beast Evolution

[WPC #288 - Silver prize winner!] Ray was more of an average guy in almost everything, whether it was appearance, in sports, or in school except for strength. Ray lost his parents in a car accident when he was little so he grew up in an orphanage. He had no friends and was always bullied in school cause he was skinny so he was an easy target. Then one day when he was running away from bullying he ended up in front of a truck that crushed him and he died. But his life didn't end there as he reincarnated in a fantasy world but as a beast. But with his bad luck, he was reincarnated as a low level beast with low stats, but he has a trump card, An evolution system that helps him in this new world. How will he evolve and become the strongest of All. ..... Author's note Mind you this is not harem, but a few explicit scenes late in the book. This is my first time writing so the early chapters are a little sluggish but it gets better, my English is not the strongest but please bear with me, I'm improving everyday. The cover is not mine I just found it online, so if the owner wants me to take it down, contact me. Check out my new book: MMORPG: Strongest Assassin Online.

Mhizta_Ray · Kỳ huyễn
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291 Chs

Chapter 19 Evolved Kobold

Ray looked at his exp, he was still way away from leveling up. 'well time to do something crazy' ray thought as he walked forward.


One day had passed quickly.

The battle between the goblins and the kobolds were heating up. The casualties on both sides could easily amount to a hundred men.

Ray killed some kobolds that left the dungeon including kobold warrior. This made him reach level 11 easier. Now he needs 6000 exp to level up to 12.

Kobolds were not enough, he also need goblins even though they gave him low exp. He was quite surprised at the numbers of the kobolds, he estimated that their total number was higher than two hundred.

But what surprised him the most were the goblins. Their numbers were greater than the kobolds, as expected of goblins the only problem was that they were not great fighters.

Right now the forces of the kobolds and goblins were fighting in front of him. More than a hundred monsters participated in the battle.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Sound of swords clashing echoed in the whole area. The numbers of goblins were greater than the kobolds but the kobolds fighting ability were higher.

"What a great battle?" Ray observed the battle while killing some kobolds. He was taking it easy as he didn't want to reveal his ability here.

Sometimes he would kill goblins and kobolds sneakily, and slowly he was increasing his exp.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Ray crossed weapons with one of the kobold, he looked around then slashed the neck of the kobold.

(You've earned 50 exp for defeating kobold)

He moved to another kobold and also killed it.

(You've earned 50 exp for defeating kobold)

"it's enough..." Ray muttered as he silently left the battlefield without anyone knowing.

He returned to the kobolds cave and rested on top of the tree where he stood previously he was quite tired from all the fighting he did, he picked some fruit on his way here and ate it, his stamina had been refilled by swallowing beast crystal but his health was still not full.

"I should see my stats" ray muttered as he view his status screen.

Name: Ray

Race: Demi beast

Level: 11(1140/7000)

Evolution crystal: (22/500)

Health: 54/100

Stamina: 50/50

Mana: 30/30






Free attribute point(s):[0]

Free skill(s) point (s):[5]

Skill(s): [Power punch] [Inspect][Night vision][mana manipulation]

Free skill(s) point:[5]

Weapon: Blood spear

Weapon skill(s):[Ownership] [Blood swap] [Blood rage]

Ray spent 8 attribute point to increase his dexterity, it still wasn't balanced but it was a start. After resting for 10 minutes Ray saw 20 kobolds leaving the cave. What caught his eyes were four kobolds in front of the group.

The four kobolds were different than the other, they were emitting an extraordinary aura that no other kobold could emit, he knew they stronger than the kobold warrior he faced before.

Ray followed them to get a better view and used his [inspect] skills, they were high kobold that had undergone evolution.

"An evolved kobold..!" Ray muttered under his breath, the four were evolved kobold, they were much stronger than the ordinary kobold.


Ray took a deep breath and gripped both of his short spear tightly and slowly bent his knees, he was going to take out one or two at a time to decrease his burden of fighting them all.


Ray speed was so fast that he arrived in front of the group in an instant. He moved his hand and sliced the neck of one of the evolved kobold.

(You've earned 170 exp for defeating Evolved kobold)

The kobolds were surprised. They couldn't react as Ray's spear sliced one of their comrade.

He then smashed his spear on the kobold on the left side. Before they could regain their composure ray already killed another kobold.


One of the evolved kobold roared angrily at him and slashed its sword on ray.


Ray block it using both of his spear, he felt the force of the kobold behind the attack, he was surprised that they were equal in term of strength.


He jumped backwards as the other two evolved kobold rushed toward him, he threw both of his spear at the evolved kobold, the evolved kobold stopped to dodge his spear.

He used this opportunity to rushed toward the ordinary kobold, "power punch" Ray muttered under his breath.


The ordinary kobold in front was punched so hard that it crashed into the other kobold and they all fell to the ground.

(You've earned 50 exp for defeating kobold)

Ray ignored the system prompt and rushed toward the forest. "Grrr!!" the three evolved kobold roared angrily and started to chase him.


Ray entered the woods faster, as he leveled up and increased his dexterity his speed increased a lot, he climbed and hid on a tree.

The exp he received from killing an Evolved kobold was high. He would get more than five hundred if he defeated them all.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Ray turned his head when he heard movement in the forest, he saw one of the evolved kobold moving straight toward the battlefield.

"Hey!" he raised one of his spear and threw it at the high kobold as it turn his head, it was fast that high kobold couldn't evade it, but the kobold dodged it slightly and the spear pierced its arm.

Ray jumped down and attacked the kobold, the kobold blocked Ray's attack and fell down, the other two evolved kobold arrived and attacked ray immediately.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Ray didn't back down even though he took so cut on his body. He fought with all his strength.

He forced the two evolved kobold away and grabbed the sword of the injured kobold aiming at his head.


Blood flowed out of his hands when he grabbed the sword. "die..." ray shouted as he increased the length of his blood spear and pierced the head if the kobold.

(You've have earned 160 exp for defeating Evolved kobold)

Ray jumped sideways as a kobold slashed a sword as him. Before he could turn and look at the kobold a spear pierced his shoulder.

"Graa.." one of the kobold roared and slashed his sword at ray.




Author's note

Hey guys, hope you are enjoying the book, don't forget to comments, leave a review and vote with power stones.

Aspiring Author: Mhizta ray