

That Supermarket down the street

Todd: Hey hey Will

Will: What?

Todd: Patricia came over again

Will: (sighing) What did she break this time Todd?

Todd:(jokingly crying as if he had something taken from him and it ruined his life) MY HEART!

(There were slow claps of approval from the other employees in the stores who could hear it)

Todd: (Bowing to the rest of them) Thank you very much for your time friends I hope I put up one hell of a show~

(There were swooning fangirls in back)

This is my imagination of what would happen when a supermarket employee gets famous from being known to do random stand up comedy with his other employees. He would just be .... I dunno. PATRICIA IS BACK THAT LITTLE BATCH

Ps. This one wasn’t very good. Please forgive me.



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