

In a planet called Valhalla the Gods had ordered the angels to help the humans thrive for they are Gods favorite.

after 20,000 years different species started to appear such as elfs,dwarves,and mermaids which they were called demi-human while they thrived peacefully in the surface

but one day chaos filled the land of valhalla.

the demons were found by a miner which brought the humans and demi-humans chaos for they are savages some demons are not savages which bought out the higher archy of the demons the more sentient and smart demons were the ones that could control the demon savages which led to the war to stop the noble demons and destroy the demons.

humans and demi-humans have fought an endless war but it was always a tie for 1,000 years until.

in the side of the humans there was a girl

born in a simple hoise had awakened the divine power that humans would one day weild to fight the demons.

but the demons also awakened the power of miasma born from hatred led a baby boy to ne born mixed with miasma which led to the born of the first demon lord before there were only demon noble bit now they have a king the strongest being to ever be born which will be the equal to the girl born in the human side.