

"Ladies, gentlemen, and children alike!!! Are you bored with the life you live? Don't you wish that you could just escape it all?! Wouldn't you want to go were all your dreams could come true!!!

"Well now you can!!! In Battle Masters Online!!! A world where all things are possible and dreams can come true!!!"

"Here you can travel to new worlds, see new sights, fight monsters along side your friends, complete quests, go on adventures, start an online family, and SO MUCH MORE!!!!!"

"So come on! What are you waiting for!!! Go of and start your journey in a new world!!!!"

*game requires its own specialized console and controller, game and parts sold separately*


"Mom mom!!! I need to get that game!!! Can I get that game pleeeeaaase!!!" I called to my mother after watching the advertisement for the first time.

The slides they were showing were captivating and were doing nothing to quell my interest.

I was in love with the game already.

"Sure darling, soon enough." She replied, patting my head in a soothing manner.

The act was supposed to reassure me, to tell me that it's gonna be okay I have nothing to worry about.

And honestly, it felt like they actually worked.... for a while....

She kept it sealed away so tight, covered under layer upon layers of positivity....

And me being a naive kid, wanted nothing more than for those words to work...

They may have worked 2 years ago, but now, even my little 8 year old mind could tell that my mother, the broken woman that she is now, won't be able to get me that game at all.

And do to undo what happened last year...

we need that game....

as soon....



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