
Past link- Part 1

"You don't have to look through them if you don't want to," she heard Leo speak behind her.

It was true, she didn't have to look at the person's memories if she didn't want to. It was never a compulsion but the curiosity and the need of the mind to know the truth always pushed it, making her hands raise and touch so that she could learn the past memories. 

She shook her head. No, she had to do this. The boy had been alive until yesterday but that might be because the spirit continued to live in the boy. Looking at his decaying body where Leonard came forward to pull up the boy's shirt when she saw the discolouration that was creeping down from his face towards his neck and chest. Below his abdomen, the body looked fine but in a matter of time, the decay would spread like an infection until the entire body would look rotten. 

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