
How Could It be Her?

It was a pity that he had only managed to extract a small test tube from the bottle with a lot of time and effort.

There was no need to think any further, what Little Fragrance lacked were these two fragrances. Right now, she had an eighty percent chance of being able to create them.

Just as she was about to prepare the incense, her phone suddenly rang.

Yi Xia carefully put down the extract and looked at the caller ID. It showed that it was Lise.

She immediately cut open the answer button, and Lise's clear and happy voice came out from the other side: "Linda. I got it! "

Yi Xia was a little surprised that Lise was so happy. It seemed that she had found some useful information.

"What did you find out?" Yi Xia curiously asked.

"I found out that the imitation perfume was evidence made by someone from Xue's!" Lise said excitedly, her tone was full of eagerness: "Should we ask for an explanation from Xue's now?"