
Abduction of Isha

"I don't have a problem with that either." Qi Lulu hurriedly said as she glanced at Yi Xia from the corner of her eyes.

In a month's time, she must produce the best work, and let everyone have a whole new level of respect for her!

"Good, then I'll see you in a month." The interviewer nodded, looked at Yi Xia, and respectfully made a gesture of invitation: "Linda, I'll send you out!"

"There's no need to trouble yourself." Yi Xia's eyes flashed with surprise, and immediately rejected, not expecting the interviewer of Lin's to be so passionate.

However, in the end, Yi Xia was still unable to resist the interviewer's warm welcome, and could only compromise and leave the room with him.

At this time, only Qi Lulu and her assistant were left in the large guest room.

Qi Lulu's face did not look good at all. The attitude the interviewer had towards her and Yi Xia was completely different; how could this possibly balance her mind?