
Azora's Paradise

Azora being the only daughter of Mr Miller , one of the biggest billonaires in the city . Her life takes a big turn when everything gets taken away from her . Few years later , she sets to bring every man to the sole of her feet . Shawn comes into her life as her employee , will he bring her to her waterloo, and get the goddess stuck in the web of love , or will his ugly past linked to her surface once again?

C_Yi · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
18 Chs

Oh my poor girl!

Chapter 13

*A day later*

"Check the level of oxygen in the oxygen tank ."

"Bring more anesthetics and get a new drip.", The doctor instructed the nurses.

"I think we need to conduct therapeutic hypothermia on the paitient , her condition is getting critical by the second ", another doctor beside Azora suggested.

"You're right , but not yet , if her condition doesn't improve in an hour we'll do it ", Doctor Naya concluded.

To the two doctors , their current patient was one of their most crucial .

Maurice's day old plea flashed once through Naya's head , she felt as though she knew the patient's fate already, she only persisted on saving her life to have a clear conscience.

*Two minutes later*


"Here you go doctor ", a nurse handed a plate with a new drip and attachment .

Naya quickly jacked the plate from the nurse and picked up the drip with one hand .

She removes the already emptied drip bottle and attaches a new one .

"And now we monitor the patient, I'm very sure the new bottle might affect her heart rate a little " , Doctor Chris said as he used his stethoscope to check Azora's heart beat .

"But why? It has nothing added to it , hold up a sec , did you actually ......

"Yes i already instructed the nurse to inject Nitroglycerin in it , if we really wanna save this patient we need to take chances", Chris stated still staring at the Holter monitor.

"But that might be dangerous , what if her heart rate drops too low "

"It won't , I'm way more experienced at this than you are at these kinds of cases, let's just.......

*The holter monitor began beeping *

Naya quickly unattached the new drip .

"Nurse get me the defillbrator right now and turn on the ventilator machine right now", Naya instructed strictly without nagging Chris's mistake.

Azora's starts shaking violently on the bed and stops after a while .

*The holter monitor shows a long row across the screen*

Chris conducted therapeutic hypothermia , but Azora dosent move a muscle .

Naya grabs hold of the two paddles of the defillbrator and turns it on.

"Stand clear!"

Naya places the two paddles on Azora's chest .

Azora makes no sign of movement .

"Increasing 300volts !"

Naya places the paddles of her chest once more .

Azora remains still.

Chris still tries to apply pressure on the patient's chest .

"Doctor Naya increase the voltage of the surge, or we'll lose her "

"Increasing 500volts!"

Naya placed the paddles on Azora's chest again .

Azora's eyes shut open again as she tried to gasp out for air .

*The holter monitor began beeping again*

Naya rushes to put back the oxygen max on Azora's nose and also turns on the ventilator machine.

Azora calms down and shuts her eyes close.

The two doctors heav sighs of relief .

"That was indeed a close call", Doctor Chris breathed out.

"All due to your impersitive behavior Doctor Chris", Naya said storming out on him.

*All the nurses stare imperatively at Doctor Chris*

"And what are you all staring at ? Get back to work , and mind you , the patient should be placed on observation , she should never be left alone , am i clear?"

"But Doctor all other nurses have been assigned specific patients and so have we , the ICU have some too , we could move her there , she'll be properly monitored ", a nurse swiftly answered.

"Hmm....you're right , I heard a patient is also there too, its our good fortune thats there's enough space in there, in an hour time , I want this patient moved to the ICU ", Chris instructed.

He left the room immediately.

"I really wonder why the two doctors never agree, I mean just take a look at what just happened , we almost lost the patient because of their fight", a nurse said.

"Not a fight but because of Doctor Chris's pride, just because she's not as experienced as he is doesn't mean she's dumb as well you know ", the second nurse added.

"Well i feel so too, but still we should mind our businesses or we'll be in trouble , at least the patient is stable now , there's a woman waiting outside for her , she seems too worried about the patient you know"

"So i sincerely feel we should take special care of the patient", the third nurse concluded.

"Alright then , I'll stay here , you both go prepare a bed and equipments for the patient in the ICU."

*Outside the room*

Maurice had already seen the two doctors walk out of the emergency room. She could only stare at the small transparent window attached to the door .

Her eyes watered once in a while as she gazed at Azora's condition.

"Oh my poor girl ! I wonder what really this poor child has done to deserve all this torment, I really hope all this ends soon , she cant die on me now , all my kids left me , she's all i have, I really can't afford to lose her ".

Maurice breakdown and begin crying on a chair.

*The door of the room opens*

Two nurses come out and Maurice rushes to meet them.

"How is she? Please tell me if she'll be fine ",Maurice said holding tight one of the nurse's hand.

The nurse immediately frees her hand.

"I'm really sorry ma'am, but we have no information on the child's current status, the doctors are doing their best to revive the patient", the nurse replied .

"Can i go in to see her please my dears, just once ",Maurice pleaded.

"I'm really sorry ma'am , her condition is really delicate ", the other said as she dragged her fellow away.

Maurice was already red eyed from crying but the tears went on till she was exhausted .