
Azora's Paradise

Azora being the only daughter of Mr Miller , one of the biggest billonaires in the city . Her life takes a big turn when everything gets taken away from her . Few years later , she sets to bring every man to the sole of her feet . Shawn comes into her life as her employee , will he bring her to her waterloo, and get the goddess stuck in the web of love , or will his ugly past linked to her surface once again?

C_Yi · Thành thị
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18 Chs

A mental hospital

Chapter 14

*In the ICU*

"Was this really necessary Doctor Chris? I mean is her condition that bad", Doctor Ken asked as he rechecked Azora's vitals.

"Yes , she had a convulsion, and a panic attack at the same time , we haven't quite diagnosed anything yet ,but her condition seems critical'

"And why do you say so?"

"She had heart beat irregularities , so I tried adding Nitroglycerin into her drip , but then...."

"But then what?"

"Then she almost gave up", Doctor Chris whispered.

"Wow , for a young child to react to that , her case must really be delicate, what exactly happened to her "

"Well according to the report given to me by the nurses, she started convulsing in her sleep, she also tried strangling herself to death"

"Really wowish indeed , this is just.. , I don't know , I'm short of words, a convulsion at home and here in the hospital, even with series of treatment, I think there's more to this you know ",Doctor Ken suggested.

"Well how ?"

"Even if a paitient experiences convulsion in dream state , what could she be dreaming about that would warrant her to try kill herself",Doctor Chris said in folded arms .

"Whatever it was it shouldn't have warranted to what she's facing , I would personally diagnose parasomnia pseudo-suicide ",Doctor Ken quickly threw with a strong face .

"Well it maybe , well to be honest it sounds like an episode to me,some memory must have triggered it , I think she needs mental therapy", Doctor Chris suggested.

"I really don't feel so , but then its still fine , we'll know when the results of her results of scans and tests are out"

"Hmm..you're right ", Doctor Chris agreed .

"Am...Doctor Chris if you wouldn't mind , I would like to have a minute with you"

"Well ....sure , is it about yours and Doctor Naya's little fight",Doctor Chris let out a chuckle.

"Yes but how......?"

The two nurses began giggling .

"Can we move to a rather private corner", Doctor Ken asked throwing a pissed off look to the nurses.

The two doctors went to the extreme corner, while the nurses exited the room.

*Two minutes later *

Doctor Ken's complaint about Naya filled the whole room.

Unknown to the two doctors the paitient beside Azora woke up due to the noise .

His eyes went round the room , even though he couldn't stand up , he finally decide to try turn his head left .

"A...zora", his lips moved without thinking .

Azora's eyes popped open , she could never forget the owner of that voice .

She kept thinking deep down within her weak body ,"Is it really him?".

An episode was her brain's next move to try recover from the shock sent by her ear signals .

She started loosing air and shaking began throughout her head and body .

Owen couldn't say a word , he didn't know why he called his fellow patient that name .

Tears ran freely down his eyes , his eyes shut close suddenly.

It was because Doctor Chris gave him and injection in his right arm unknown to him .

The two doctors seemed to have snapped out of their discussion as soon as they heard the alarming sound made by Azora's holter monitor.

"Wait , is she really having ..."

"Yes an episode ", Doctor Chris said as he rushed to Azora's side to administer an inject to her .

With the last sight of liquid in the injection gone , Azora's body calmed down and her eyes shut close

"And she's crying ? I think you were right then , memories trigger her episodes , and it gets worse",Doctor Ken admitted with a frown.

"We can't treat her here , tell the nurses to get her brain scan , if its what I think it is , then she needs to go to a mental hospital very quickly , we can't keep her stable for long here ",Doctor Chris said as he placed an oxygen mask on Azora's face.

"Alright then ".

Doctor Men left the room.

"Hmm...her case is rare, I wonder why the boy was also crying , is there really a connection between the two ? Whatever it is , she needs to leave here before her condition worsens, I feel i need more details about these two , some hectic paitients, especially the female , now I understand why Doctor Ken and Doctor Naya got so worked up ", Doctor Chris let out a chuckle .

*The door clicked*

"I guess you were right then, both the MRI and SPECT scans suggest she has a mental disorder , I already got her transfer documents, all that's left is your signature and informing her guardians", Doctor Ken said handing the papers to Doctor Chris.

Doctor Chris took the papers and a pen and signed it without a second thought.

"And her parents?"

"Well i already showed her guardian the direction to your office , I'm sure she must already be awaiting ur arrival there",Doctor Ken said with a smirk on.

"Hmm...I'm happy you can properly reason by yourself now, if you had done that earlier with Doctor Naya , then you guys would be on better terms right now ",Doctor Chris laughed out .

"Look let's forget about that , I'm sure she'll come around a bit later , you can go meet the paitent's guardian now , you shouldn't keep an elderly waiting ",Doctor Ken angrily said .

"Chill off Doc."

Doctor Chris immediately went through the door.

*In Doctor Chris's office*

Doctor Chris entered his office and sees a petite middleaged good looking woman .

Maurice was in her early fifties but her beauty didnt fade with age .

Doctor Chris's eyes strolled to his wall clock.

"Good afternoon ma'am", Doctor Chris said as he rested his bottom on his chair.

"Good Afternoon Doctor",Maurice replied in an after sobbing tone.

"If I'm to guess, the paitient is likely to be your granddaughter right?" Doctor Chris said as he ran his eyes through the documents on his table.

"N...no sir , I'm only her nanny ."

"Nanny? And her parents ?", Doctor Chris said fixing his eyes on Maurice .

"They're both n.....no more ."

"When did they both die ?"

"A year ago , two years ago ........"

"Azora never got to meet her mom since she was born , her dad died when she was five .", Maurice quickly interrupted the Doctor.

"And why weren't we informed about that ma'am ? Sign the documents , we're taking the paitient to a mental hospital .", Doctor Chris said as he turned the documents for her to sign.

"A mental hospital ? Doctor what happened to her ?"

"What happened to her ? That's exactly what i also want to know as well , I'm sure the death of her parents left her traumatized till date and thats why she's probably in this condition, we can not longer keep her here , I know you might try to get her to go to some other hospital, but ma'am I'll strongly advice you follow ml) and sign the referral documents, her condition is worsening by the minute."

"D..Doctor , if she goes to a mental hospital, will my Azora b...be alright",Maurice said in a shaky tone.

"Most certainly ma'am , within three months she'll be back on her feet ,in full health I tell you, but if not ....."

Maurice quickly picked up the pen on the table and signed the document.

"Here you go", Maurice interrupted as she handed the already signed document.

"Thank you for your cooperation ma'am, we're moving her immediately , you could follow the ambulance to the hospital, specialists are already awaiting the patient , and im sure the ambulance is all set up , if you don't mind I'll be on my way now",Doctor Chris said as he stood up .

"Thank you Doctor "

Doctor Chris didn't reply her, to him , there was no hope for Azora , he couldn't just break the heart of her guardian , only a miracle could save her at that point.

The moment he went through the door Maurice went right behind him .