
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
202 Chs

Story 2 Magical Ascencion Chapter 13

I spent the next couple of days just meditating at home, staying out of trouble and working on understanding the ins and outs of both my astral element and what it meant to absorb that elemental spirit. Which changed my normal water element. To 'Heavy Water' with each drop weighing as much as a full gallon of water.

Which meant that as I used the Novice, water spell. Water Shield, which summoned up a large circle of water to float in front of me. The sheer weight and density made the shield much stronger. To say nothing of how I could just throw the weight of several thousand gallons of water onto someone by smashing them with the water shield.

But time passed. And life continues. And thus with it being the new weekend. The cities youth coming-of-age trial was here for the young adults who had shown their talent and were going to be blooded in killing monsters under the view of their peers and the cities families.

"Alice, you coming as well?" I asked and the silver-haired beauty lightly shook her head.

"No, you know I don't like socializing with the scions of the different clans and families... If they don't lust for my looks, they desire for me to make them equipment... Which I have more than enough commissions on my plate, without some second-generation brat thinking he can cut in line." She ranted quietly making my lips twitch as my father chuffed and patted his favorite daughter on the shoulder making her preen.

"Taihou and I will be watching you Jake." Mother said with Taihou firmly nodding and as much as I wanted Dad to come watch, I accepted the fact that he was extremely busy mass producing middle-tier stuff for the city which had put in a large order of one-way barriers to help protect the AA turrets in case another flock of monsters come into the city again.

So with Mom driving Taihou and me to the event center in the center of the city, I was about to sit in the front seat but Taihou made me sit in the back seat with her and that obviously led to mom teasing Taihou and myself. "So with how much time you and Taihou have been spending together, do I have grandchildren on the way yet?" She asked shamelessly.

And although Taihou was daring and passionate around me... To Mother's blunt questions, Taihou could only flush and fold like a house of cards as she cutely whined into my shoulder. As mother with zero shame, advised how Taihou could ensure she ended up pregnant.

"Mom, we just fooled around a bit... Don't make Taihou have a meltdown." I said wryly and I felt Mother's icy blue eyes lock onto me in the rearview mirror which silenced me.

"Jake... Hush. I want grandchildren to spoil, with how my Physique makes me all but infertile I cannot expect to make any more children on my own and have to rely on you. Now, Taihou with how much my adorable son loves sleeping on your tits we are both well aware he isn't gay. So you just need to sit on his lap and get it in there while you guys are playing around and nature will then take its course." She advised and I couldn't help but fucking cover my face as I blushed in utter fucking shame and embarrassment.

And thus for the entire damned ride, Mother did her best to make sure I was doing my due diligence in knocking up Taihou and giving her the grandkids that Mother so desired.

So when we got to the event center, Taihou and I, arm in arm power-walked the hell away from our mother who would without a doubt embarrass the fuck out of us in public.

"So you ready to kill a monster again Jake?" Taihou asked quietly and I nodded with a small smile as I already knew what monster I was going to fight as everyone fought the same race of monsters at the venue.

But as she asked that a haughty voice rang out. "Oh and what will you do Jake Barris? Are you going to rely on high-end magic tools to do the fighting for you?" I looked over and saw the 'heir' or young master of one of the newer clans that migrated and settled within the city in last couple of decades.

Being the Young Master/Heir just meant that he supposedly had the talents and connections that would make him a worthwhile heir for the clan to sink their resources into him in order to make the best return on investment later on when he became a powerful mage. "Sylas, didn't your mother get caught fucking your father's golf caddie?" I asked and even as Sylas flushed in rage at what I said.

Taihou went even further as she fake giggled and covered her mouth with her hands as she simpered. "No, my love... His father was the one who got caught being topped by his high-paid caddie."

Sylas went pale and I looked at Taihou in wonder, as several people's heads whipped over at those words. 

"You dare!" He snarled and my ears awaited for the cliche. 'Are you courting death?' But instead, Sylas's knuckles popped as he grimaced, and with a low voice he threatened coldly. "My father will hear about this! And you better worry about yourself during the expedition. It's not unusual for people to be lost forever!" 

But as Sylas stomped away I couldn't help getting the last word in. "Well better make sure daddy isn't busy getting railed by the parking valet before you talk to him." 

Sylas froze with his back to me... And although I couldn't see his expression.

I knew from the way the back of his neck had gone red, that he was completely incandescent with rage, so even as he finally continued to stomp off with his weak mana raging off his body, I turned to Taihou and raised an eyebrow.

"Really? His dad is doing that?" I asked wryly and Taihou deadpanned at me as she retorted.

"Rich people degeneracy... And rich people who made their wealth doing fashion and cosmetics. Jake how many of them are straight?" She questioned and my face twitched as I realized Sylas was wearing his family's designer clothes and with a deep-cut v-neck muscle shirt and a scarf... I just assumed he was just representing his family.

I shook my head as I took Taihou's hand. And then without any more drama, I pulled her toward the Hoshino family section as that's where I was 'coincidentally' placed for my exhibition match against the monster chosen for this event.

A couple of minutes later as people filled into the stadium, with the heirs and scions of the families, clans, and other factions spread out as the youths would always cause issues if they were placed too close together. The event's announcer came out with a pop of displaced air as she teleported into the middle of the large field.

"Welcome one and all to the youths coming of age event!" Makoto announced loudly and I heard Taihou snort as we watched as the lighter purple-haired sister welcomed all the 'sons and daughters of heaven'. "In this event, we will call your name and when your name is called, simply hop into the arena from the stands and then we will release a beast... If you fail to kill your beast or are simply incapable of doing so, due to having awoken and element with no offensive means... To bad!" She said strongly and I blinked as that was new compared to last year's event.

"This world is filled monsters, terrorists, and rivals that will happily gut you in a moment of weakness. Accept your place as being weak and become stronger later on. Let this event be a wake-up call to those who believe their strength is great... Now Jason Skryre, take up your position, your monster is to be the Aquajet Tortoise." She said and I grimaced as Jason froze with his hand on the barrister to jump into the arena.

'They weren't fucking around this year with the monsters.' I thought grimly as that damned turtle was famous for despite being low level. It had obscene physical and magical defenses, while also being able to shoot compressed water arrows out of its mouth that could pierce through an inch of steel.

Next 10 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patr-eon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 15$ per thousand words.

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