
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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202 Chs

Story 15 The One Above The Heavens Chapter 7

The legacy of a Magus or Mage family was the most important thing to many magical practitioners. No matter how they screamed, cried, or did horrible twisted things. Death came for all in time no matter the methods someone took to prolong their life.

A guttural whisper rang out as a sigh preceded it as a young woman with brown hair and blue eyes who was bound in a wheelchair was sitting beside her mentor and master who was lying on his back faced as he held his chest on his bed. "Your rituals are no longer working to extend your lifespan Lord Darnic." 

The young woman was the rising star of the Yggdmillennia clan of mages but it was due to her outstanding talent and magical power that her magical circuits were so numerous and powerful that they had cannibalized all the nerves below her waist. Meaning that for all her great talent many looked at her as naught but a waste.

"Fiore... I do not regret what I have done at all." Darnic spoke blankly and Fiore slowly nodded as she knew that to be the case.

"The Fuyuki Holy Grail... It was so close to being in my hands. I was almost a god among men in reaching the Root." Darnic spoke more to himself then to Fiore and she raised an eyebrow and retorted flatly.

"You worked with the Nazi's to invade Japan thinking a mortal army and lesser mages could keep demi-gods and the greatest heroes of humanity busy while you stole the Grail... It failed Grandfather, and your soul devouring rituals although having given your body unseen vitality has broken your soul."

Darnic was silent for a long moment as his failing soul didn't allow him to interface with his body so easily anymore and then after getting control of his soul again he managed to grunt out. "Below my workshop is another one... I have a shard of the Holy Grail, use it as a catalyst for a summoning with the catalyst beside it. You have the greatest talent in Spirit Evocation I have ever seen."

Fiore just looked at him for a while before bluntly asking. "Why? With your death, I honestly planned to just have my magic circuits extracted so I could walk and live a normal life."

The leader of the Yggdmillennia multi-magus clan gave her a look of disgust for her words and sacrilege and seeing no shame on his worthless disciple's face he snorted and then even pained as he was. He had used reason and his famous eight-forked tongue to sway her. "You are the hope for the Forvedge line to produce a true genius... Your parents even should you extract your magic circuits will force you to breed with suitors of their choice to get the heir the family needs."

Her face became stoney as although as a magus she was well aware her union prospects would likely be for the benefit for her family's craft in Spirit Evocation and the studies on the manipulation of the soul. She refused to be some broodmare to pump out possible heirs that could be thrown away or even harvested for materials.

"If you summon that Servant... Your family will have no choice but to let you go and you will be free, you can properly join the Mages Association or any other organization you desire." Darnic spoke with blood seeping from one of his nostrils as his body was beginning to clearly reject his foreign soul.

Darnic Yggdmillennia using his own masterly of manipulation of the soul had achieved his century plus of longevity via the consumption and mixing of his soul. And although he had only done it three times in the hundred-plus years he had been alive. His soul was now only thirty percent original and the rest was that of the infant's untainted and unmolded souls he had collected so that there would be no ego clashing between souls.

Finally, Fiore thought of the bigger question as to why Darnic was doing this. She wanted to know why Darnic wanted her to continue on being a mage as he was a complete sociopath and almost certainly didn't give a shit about her with his true death so clear in sight.

"Why?" Fiore asked simply and after what seemed like five whole minutes Darnic's eyes gained a hint of light in them with Fiore idly noting this was his soul's final flicker of strength.

"Because, Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia... You belong to my clan. You will take your studies and reach where I have not. You will succeed as I am Darnic Yggdmillennia and I have only made two missteps in my life. Trusting Hitler to give me good soldiers and refusing to accept Zeltrech's offer of teaching."

His eyes were dulling now as he looked at his student and a cold cruel smirk crossed his lips as he muttered. "I curse you to fulfill my desires Fiore reach the title of Grand, have your legs fixed, and of course... Fulfill the Yggdmillennia clan's wish, destroy the Forest of Einnashe."

And with that, Darnic's soul visibly collapsed with his eyes going still and his body following suit as his soul was smothered and fell apart with his body naturally flatlining with no soul fueling its consciousness.

For a long moment, Fiore just closed her eyes as she absorbed Darnic's words and then she rolled herself across the room and without looking at the corpse of her master she pulled out the false book that would open the doorway to her prior master's Workshop.

Carefully putting herself on the lift that would take her down the long pathway deep underground into her master's hidden workshop she had so many thoughts racing through her head. 'What servant would the catalyst bring?' 'How could she heal her malformed magical circuits that have paralyzed her legs.' And of course, one final thought resided in her heart and mind.

As a member of the Yggdmillennia clan she had watched the human-filled town of Trifas be destroyed with every living life form whether it be human or animal devoured by the Dead Apostle Ancestor, the Forest of Einnashe. 

Even with Darnic bringing about his own soul's collapse centuries early by forcibly summoning Shades of Heroic Spirits to slay the Forest of Einnashe, nothing seemed to work... And knowing that her brother Caules was in the town at the moment when the Seventh came into the town meant that she herself wanted revenge against the sentient forest that regularly eats entire villages and towns!

And that desire for revenge as she did love and respect her sibling who never was jealous of her talents as far more talented mage. She was willing to listen to Darnic's poisoned words and stay in the moonlit world.

After reaching the bottom of the Workshop she used her mystic code the Bronze-Link Manipulators which had four large limbs expand from the back of her wheelchair and she connected her soul and nerves to the canine brains that were attached to the back of her wheelchair and she sent a mental command to the beloved souls of the dogs she helped raise and then put into the mystic code after they died in her early teens.

With a thunderous crashing noise the four large metal limbs smashed into the ground and Fiore covered her face with an arm to stop any dust from hitting her as the robotic limbs moved aside debris to expose the staircase heading down below. And seeing yet another wheelchair lift... Fiore's face twitched at seeing proof that Darnic already knew she would accept his demand and curse.

Going down another wheelchair lift she had to hold in a snort as she quickly realized the staircase was a deathtrap for anyone who did not use the wheelchair lift with the number of curses and even trapped tortured souls that would attack someone who walked on the steps.

Going into Darnic's hiding storage area, Fiore quickly saw a single pedestal in the middle of the completely empty room and as she wheeled herself into the room that was dimly lit by some glowing crystals she smirked as a powerful glyph formed underneath her. "I knew you were scum Darnic... But you aren't even going to let me do the ritual myself?" 

She could feel the Geass forming within her soul as in her act of crossing the boundary of the room she had non-verbally signed a contract in her soul to accept the summoning of the Servant, and the task of killing the Forest of Einnashe. 

Meaning that she was literally soul-bound into performing these tasks!

And with a powerful thrumming noise a form made out of pure mana and light formed and then a female voice spoke out tinged with mad amusement. "Hmm hmm, Merlin here! Wow wow, that little brat Darnic actually managed to beat my clairvoyance haha!"

'The catalyst was for Merlin!' Fiore thought floored as she looked at the catalyst next to the golden glowing shard of the Holy Grail that had been damaged during the third Holy Grail War seeing the catalyst was a softly glowing purple flower of all things.

But as the light faded away from her Servant her face twitched seeing the very female form of Merlin the great wizard teacher of King Arthur standing there posing while leaning on her great staff.

Bright pink daemonic eyes born of a succubus's heritage, long luscious silver hair that hung past her waist, and an utterly unrepentant grin that covered her face that was a work of art. Already Fiore could feel a headache forming just looking at Merlin.

Fiore took a deep breath and then laying a hand on her chest she spoke seriously. "My name is Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia, I in accordance to the contract between us. I demand your teachings and protection and in return, I will supply you the mana you need to exist in the physical world free of the Tower of Avalon that sealed you."

Merlin's happy grin turned sharp and she gave the little mage who wasn't even a quarter of a century old an... Odd look that made Fiore shiver for some reason and then Merlin spoke and that shiver translated into gut-wrenching terror.

"You know... Trying to cheat and summon a Grand Servant is never a good thing. It always pisses things off that are best left alone or should we manage to be called then that means the Human Order is in danger." Merlin tilted her head to the side and said with a smile that was pure pity aimed at Fiore.

"And what do you know little lady, you do have a most... Interesting fate and future, but either way just summoning me and freeing me from Avalon is likely to bring dear old Vivian and Morgan out to smite us hehe." 

And that gut-wrenching terror became dull acceptance as she grasped onto the terrible issue at hand. "Vivian and Morgan will tear their way to this world as Heretic Gods won't they?" 

And with zero shame Merlin nodded and said happily." Yup! So are you ready to become a Campione? As they will be gunning for you even if I die as you dared to summon and free me haha!"

A dull thudding noise rang out as Fiore the greatest mage in the Yggdmillennia multifamily clan fainted with her head falling back to land on the headrest of her wheelchair, with Merlin snickering and skipping closer to her master with an 'evil' smile. "Now that you fell asleep, I need to borrow some mana for a quick little teleport to Japan... I need to get my dear little Artoria out of Avalon as well. I don't want that weird genderbent Lancelot and Guinivere giving her the bad touch in her sleep... As only I can do that after all!"


The sounds of clashing steel and explosions rang out seemingly endlessly as the howling of spirits, undead, and wraiths fought a seeming army of mages that had over the course of two days broke the wards and bounded fields surrounding the Einzbern Castle.

Deep within the cold lifeless castle, the head of the family in Jubstacheit von Einzbern looked out as his fellow homunculus fought to the last through the enchanted mirrors that projected images of the surrounding castle. 

His face had no change in emotion seeing his millennia-plus-old family's heritage being ripped apart with every homunculus mage or guard being slaughtered by the greedy mages that were invading his land.

His nature as a homunculus himself wasn't like Irisveil and Illya's in having a more active soul and thus having a shorter artificial lifespan. He was built to last for centuries which meant that he lacked emotions besides small things that only hinted at what a normal human would naturally feel. But at seeing millennia of heritage being pillaged...

His face still bore a smile. As the Einzberns had won the greatest prize of them all.

They had finally won after more than a millennia and they were so close to fulfilling their lineage's whole purpose in unlocking a True Magic in the First True Magic in the Denial of Nothingness. If their entire clan needed to be slaughtered for Illya to become the Sorcerer for the First, then he and no other mage in existence would deny seeing their family destroyed to finally accomplish the desire to reach the Root.

Granted the Einzberns wanted to re-acquire the Heaven's Feel in the Third True magic in the manifestation of the soul. Which would turn the user's soul into something akin to a perpetual motion machine that could output unlimited mana and never degrade. But between having her family be the user of the First or Third True Magic...

No Magus family would deny having unlimited resources after all.

Yuhuang Yudi, the new Seventh Campione, had already killed two top-tier gods and who had usurped the ultimate Alchemy in the Jade Emperor who in legend refined the Nine sun's that Hou Yi shot down under his tutelage and wisdom. The Jade Emperor who refined the moon out of the evils of the world and would release Yin energy to the world to fuel all surviving Phantasmal Beasts. The ultimate Xian who was the other half of Buddha in Authority compared to Buddha's Enlightenment.

The Denial of Nothingness was the act of using magical or any other form of energy to create permanent matter that matched or exceeded the value of the energy used in its creation to form a net gain of which Gaia wouldn't reject it's existence due to the matter being something native to the world. Or otherwise accepted unlike all other projected or summoned magecraft substances.

And that Campione was already on that level in using emotional and other esoteric energy to form solid matter that Gaia didn't reject! He may not have reached the Root and been acknowledged but he for all intents and purposes... He was already the sorcerer of the First True Magic!

So Jubstacheit only smiled at seeing his family being destroyed as being by all terms a 'proper' magus. He knew with his clan's destruction that through the ashes... A phoenix would be reborn in Illyasviel Von Einzbern which has all their clan's most valuable assets basically at her disposal anyway.

As the Campione rightfully wanted their millennia of research and the mages wouldn't dare to withhold it from him along with the cursed Rhinegold... Though a part of Jubstacheit was confused about why the Campione wanted their clan destroyed rather than merely serving him and Illya as with Illya becoming his disciple they would have happily bent the knee to him.

But a Campione was a Devil King. Whose will was not something a mortal dares to question lest they lose their lives or worse... So Jubstacheit and the rest of the clan would fight, would give the mages the fight of their lives but in the end, they knew that their insignificant homunculus lives were for Illya to become a Sorcerer and that was worth it!

As the sounds of battle reached closer to Jubstacheit's office the centuries-old alchemist and magus stood up slowly with his hand going to the cane next to his desk and his smile turned wry as his dry voice came out gravelly. "Even though I accept our deaths... That doesn't mean you peons will profit from the slaughter of my clan without paying a great price for it."

And with a tap of his staff to the ground the hallway outside was alchemically turned to pure Dicyanoacetylene and only the powerful wards and the alchemically treated tungsten doors stopped the 5000-degree Celsius flames from flash frying Old Man Acht while the full party of a dozen mages in the hallway died with not even their remains being left after a couple of moments of the existence of the flame.

With another tap, Jubstacheit turned the outer layer of the next hallway into a solid freezing gas so he could then make his way into the battle. As he knew, that he more than anyone else needed to die to sell the clan's extermination.


After calling Touma Amakasu to have an account setup for Atalanta to run a charity for orphaned and abused children here in Japan that had the Japanese government' graciously' donate ten million USD in Yen to its initial funding, I sat in front of Rin Tohsaka and Atalanta after showing proof to Atalanta that in not even a half an hour of sending out the orders that she had access to all that money.

"So. Atalanta, do I have your word that you will not be an issue?" I asked the catgirl frankly.

There was a moment of hesitation until she asked one last thing. "How do I know you will keep your word and continue to supply the funds to protect and care for the children?"

I didn't hesitate and I answered swiftly. "The youth is the cornerstone and foundation of society Atalanta, I am well aware of that. Thus, I will make sure they will get as what I have promised simply because I am their Emperor and I desire them to help make my own empire grow in the following generations."

Her reaction was her tail twitching behind her and I couldn't help the idle thought of amusement that went along the lines of. 'Ah, the lioness is so happy to see a man securing the kill and bringing home a bounty to feed the cubs.' 

My thoughts were somewhat right as Atalanta took a deep breath and after giving Rin a look she got up and then took a step towards me she fell on a knee and spoke with her head aimed at the ground. "I am Atalanta, the Chaste Huntress. Blessed by Artemis and raised by the wild. I pledge to you my eyes to act as your spotter of evil and my bow and arrow to slay it should you ask of it. So long as you support the children of your realm my Emperor, you will have my loyalty."

My eyes met Atalanta's bright forest green eyes and as her cat ears tilted back anxiously waiting for my reply... Even as her serious face didn't betray how anxious she actually was. I finally nodded with a genial smile crossing my face. "You are a hero of legend Atalanta, should you wish to stand beside me in an official position aimed at going after my enemies and caring for my empires children, I will not deny you." 

But before I could continue I heard a sniffle and I looked up from Atalanta and I saw that Tohsaka was bright red with tears in her eyes and I thought. 'Uh oh... I basically cucked Rin of her Servant, rulership of her lands ownership, and maybe even more with how I have taken in her sister.' I thought.

I coughed and giving Atalanta a look I said softly. "Please step outside for a minute... I need to speak with your master." 

Atalanta actually paused and looked kinda sheepish if not ashamed as she realized how utterly fucked up it was for her to be kneeling in front of another master, and the person who literally came in and ripped her own master's ownership of the lands out from underneath her.

I slowly closed my eyes and said more gently. "Atalanta, please."

I could feel a smattering of Rin's mana flaring but then I heard her sigh with the sounds of Atalanta's boots almost silently crossing over the hardwood floors with the door to the room closing with a gentle snap.

With the door closing I opened my eyes and met Rin Tohsaka's eyes as she visibly steeled herself for whatever conversation was coming. And knowing she was obviously on the back foot, I started things off.

"Rin Tohsaka... You are actually a rather talented magus and I do understand that what I have done is unfair to you. But I am stronger, more powerful, and all would agree that I am quite literally a higher life form than you." 

Rin's face twitched hearing my monologue and she finally got some courage to snap back at me. "What do you want to take from me now thief!?"

I raised an eyebrow at that and I smiled coldly making her face go white before I relaxed slightly and I said frankly. "I said you were talented... It would be a waste for you who is already destitute of any form of wealth and is be unable to perform your own magecraft to be left to rot. I am offering to take you under my tutelage as my apprentice in Mineralogy."

Her face went through several different emotions until her eyes darkened and she with a dark flush said. "No! I don't want some pity handout from you!"

Even as my face twitched she began ranting and really letting me know how she felt without any form of a filter and I could literally feel Atalanta inching back from the door as Tohsaka's voice raised. "Offering me some pity form of teaching... I know you wouldn't teach me the same valuable knowledge as that white-haired Einzbern brat. First, you steal my sister away and make her hate me. Then you even stole my title as the Second Owner!"

She dramatically pointed at me with a finger that was glowing with a ball of dark mana that was obviously a curse. "If you think that just because you take me as a student that I will hand over my title as the ruler of Fuyuki, then you can dream on you damned Campione!"

In answer to her aiming a curse at my chest even though it couldn't do shit to me with my magical resistance, I needed to prove a point so I sighed and said frankly. "Rin... You did this to yourself."

Her eyes widened as I grabbed her by her wrist that was pointing the Gandr curse at me and she grunted as I yanked her over my waist with the air getting knock out of her chest as her stomach hit my legs and then as she inhaled to scream at me I struck

A loud fwap rang out as my hand clapped that skirt-covered ass like it was an out-of-tune bongo drum that needed to be stretched out and woken up. "You see Rin... I am your emperor, my grace in offering you tutelage was my kindness." Another loud clapping rang out as I cut off her rebuttal with another spank.

"You are mine to do with as I please and should I do anything to you and give you an opportunity that other mages would kill their own family for... You will only say, Thank you my Emperor'. Do you understand Rin Tohsaka!?" 

Giving her a moment to get her thoughts in order my eye twitched as I felt her magic circuits activate so I actually used some of my own Campione-enhanced strength to spank her ass even harder making her cry out. "Now, seeing as you obviously need to be reminded of your place." I could feel her entire body shiver when I hissed out the word 'place' but I didn't stop.

"To teach you some discipline and to make you understand what place you have you will count and thank me for every spanking."

I could feel Atalanta outside shifting in place as she could hear everything with perfect clarity with her superhuman senses and it was almost more naughty than actually laying my hands on Rin's ass knowing that.

With her giving no answer I gave it to her and as my hand fell on her now bare ass as she was wearing a thin pair of underwear that exposed the cheeks of her now reddening ass, she cried out loudly. "One! Thank you, my Emperor!"

Oh that got my engine running but I gave no sign of that besides my length poking into her stomach that she could certainly feel. I allowed her to count the spankings slowly all the way to twenty-five and by then the situation. And her own tsundere-driven submissive and masochistic tendencies made Rin slur out her words with how she was bent over my lap.

Her voice was thick with arousal and mucus as with her being bent over she couldn't properly swallow so her slurred words came out almost like was drunk. "Twenties fifeee. Thanks you my Emperor!"

At that point, I gently laid my hand on her ass with my palm softly caressing the bruised flesh as making her shiver and even push her ass slightly into my hand as I poured some gentle healing magic into the cheeks of her ass to make my hand feel so much better on her bruised backside.

After a minute of fully exploring Rin's ass as she lay there on my lap in a stupor, I picked her up again and held her properly in my lap with my knees coming up to completely hold her in my arms with her face going into my neck. "Rin... I don't want to disciple you. You are an amazing woman, a talented mage and so much more. But I need you to be my good girl ok?"

There was a long moment of silence before I felt Rin's arms slowly go around me and she asked weakly. "Can you make Sakura not hate me anymore?" 

I paused hearing that and I slowly nodded with my hand gently patting her head as I whispered into her ear. "Yes Rin, I can help you become friends with your sister again."

And then Rin nodded with her inhaling through her nose that was pressed against my neck and then I slightly jolted feeling her soft lips kiss my neck before she just went limp sorta with her sniffling and resting her head on my shoulder.

'I broke her down emotionally with all that... The discipline combined with my some affection is too much for the repressed life she has been living since her father's death. Actually...' I thought.

Taking a breath, I spoke out. "You know... As a gift to Illya in becoming my disciple, I freed her from her Humonuclus life span issues, if not also gave her a great deal of an enhanced lifespan with the modifications I made to her... Granted I doubt you want me to mess with your body like that just yet, but as a gift for my newest disciple and as a way to help you and Sakura come together. I will heal your mother who is still in the hospital alright."

Rin certainly woke up hearing that and her head got off her shoulder so my eyes met her splotchy eyes with her looking at me almost manically. "You will heal her! You promise!?"

To which I smiled and said gently. "Rin... I do enjoy helping those I care about." And her face flushed as her mind obviously thought I meant her and I wasn't going to pop her bubble but regardless I continued. "But yes it can be a good way for you and Sakura to bond... Now are we good?"

She flushed with her eyes looking anywhere but my face and she whispered out a soft. "Yes sir." So with her acceptance I let my legs down so she had some more space.

"Alright, then if you wish I will leave you and Atalanta some time to come reconcile any hurt feelings."

She almost looked distraught at me leaving but she nodded and with that adorable flush, she climbed out of my lap with her legs shaking as she almost collapsed into her chair while I got up and left the room and gave the blushing form of Atalanta a plain nod as I passed her frozen form.

Next 5 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi

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My commission rate is 15$ per thousand words.

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