
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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202 Chs

Story 13 Paladin of Shadows Chapter 3

[Alpha Lvl 1]


[Strength- 0 I]

[Endurance- 0 I]

[Dexterity- 0 I]

[Agility- 0 I]

[Magic- 0 I]

[Development Abilities-0]


[Mana Reinforcement] Allows the user to enhance their body with mind.

Freya's face as she marked down each and every one of the Shadow Garden members was just something to watch. As each woman she marked with a Falna made her face change in the most hilarious of ways.

Alpha's falna made her look guarded for some reason and it was clear that she now was giving Alpha more respect. Eta she looked upon like she was something to fear and I had no doubt that was the case with her being a clear sociopath with narcolepsy.

Delta and Zeta both earned looks of incredulity as Freya announced they both obviously had the beastkin beautification skill with Delta somehow having an additional berserker skill that drives her further insane/into bloodlust in return for even more physical power. Along with their previous mana enhancement skills all the Seven Shadows had.

She looked more normal when it came with Beta and Gamma with her patting Beta on the back and saying. "I support your literary pursuits of love young lady." And as for Gamma... 

[Gamma Lvl 1]


[Strength- 0 I]

[Endurance- 0 I]

[Dexterity- 0 I]

[Agility- 0 I]

[Magic- 0 I]

[Development Abilities-0]


[Mana Reinforcement] Allows the user to enhance their body with mind.

[Luck in the battlefields] The User is cursed with obscene clumsiness but in return, during moments of importance, the user will fall directly into the best solution within a certain situation.

And lastly Epsilion... 

The silver and light blue-haired woman was comforted by Freya as she passed her Falna over and I blinked as her previously 'flat' chest expanded as Epsilion whispered out some kind of incantation. "The beauty of the golden, the darkness of the shadows, clad my form in a form of my choosing!" And Beta cried out in outrage as Epsilion's hospital-like gown's chest area expanded outwards.

"Now you all have my Falna, the marking of my blood and are my warriors... So now that we are equal and closer grounds, let us speak truly." Freya started more seriously as she sat upwards primly as Epsilion stood proudly with a bust that equaled Gamma's largest swells along with the other members who just seemingly realized that Epsilion had been damn near flat with how she was previously basically hiding.

Freya took a breath and continued. "Eta and Gamma, I don't see spending all their time in the dungeon... Honestly I was surprised that Eta didn't already have the Mixing/Mystery development ability with her scientific mind but either way she will clearly be focused on the production side of things." She spoke before looking at Gamma with a small smile. "And you don't like fighting all that much anyway." 

Gamma elegantly nodded with a weak smile as she answered in affirmation. "I am rather physically strong. But I tend to trip over my own feet normally. Allowing me to use my greatest asset in my mind to build up a powerful business would be for the best."

'Could she grow her Falna doing business?' I thought with some concern as there were Falna-oriented things that make you grow via healing others, making potions/arms/armor. Maybe just the act of accomplishing things of greatness like making several million Valis would count for Falna growth.

Alpha then spoke up in a measuring voice as she and the others didn't have the real knowledge that I did about Danmachi and it's power system other than Freya briefly explaining how fighting monsters and pushing themselves to accomplish great things would enhance their falna. "And this Dungeon... What is at the bottom?" She asked and Freya's whole demeanor froze over.

Freya was naturally an extremely beautiful person and she typically held a passively seductive atmosphere to make people look upon her with awe. But as Alpha asked that question she looked at Alpha none of the seduction, none of the beauty. Only her domains of death and war looked upon Alpha with a terrible weight laying itself on my shoulders as Freya spoke oh so slowly.

"You all have great potential... Maybe enough to actually reach that depths so I will explain." She said taking a deep breath and emotionlessly she continued. "In the heart of Tenkai during the birth of countless gods, many good, many evil, most somewhere in between. There were many gods who came together to form Pantheons and to sum up a very long and bloody history, there were great wars between the Pantheons... And the many dead gods and divine monsters born of those battles and terrible experiments where tossed to the lower world of Gekai."

Beta whispered out. "The dungeon is the grave of all those gods right?" 

Freya grimaced and shuddered but nodded as she whispered. "Indeed young elf... The dungeon is the seething hate for all life that the conjoined mad divinities coalesced into like a black hole. And it is the reason why gods truly die and lose a part of themselves should they die within the dungeon and can never return to Gekai." Freya's purple eyes locked onto Alpha's icy blue eyes and then she said bluntly.

"As for what is at the deepest darkest depths of the dungeon? No one knows... Not the gods as even the War Gods who went in with all their unsealed divinity returned, so to sum it up. Death is what is at the depths of the dungeon." She finished as she laid a hand against her own breast as she looked at us all with a more relaxed expression.

"Now... We will be making our way to Orario tomorrow, so let us get some rest." Freya spoke as she leaned over her bed and then rooted through a small bag to pull out a few golden coins that she offered to me.

"Jake I assume you will not be willing to spend the night with me?" She teased and as Delta and Zeta hissed at her. She nonetheless continued with an even more amused smile. "In any case this is enough for you to rent a couple more rooms for the night from the inn owner."

"She is dangerous!" I heard Zeta muttered with Delta making a loud grunt of agreement. But as I went to take the money, Freya's other hand snapped around my wrist as she spoke with a glint in her eyes.

"While you are in my hands now... How about we make our contract then, you had plenty of time to think about it while I gave the other girls their falna's right?" 

And I nodded as I had indeed figured out my contract. One to keep Freya's thottery in control.

I took a deep breath and as I looked into Freya's purple eyes I felt her Charm hitting my mind as she gave me her direct attention and focus. I could feel her divinity pressing against my own soul as my own Falna seemingly warmed upon my back as I felt the contract forming within my soul and traveling up my windpipe to be spoken to the air.

And my words were translated into a divine speech that connected to Freya's own domains and rendered to words that fit her most closely that touched upon her own self. "Freyjekr munu munu þinn einherjar, þinn odr. Ok inn turn þú munu munu minn valhalla, minn own valkyrie inn offering megininn ór striith" Or translated to mortal tongues I asked. "Freyja I will be your Einherjar, your Odr. And in turn, you shall be my Valhalla, my own Valkyrie in offering the strength of war."

Freya's glowing purple eyes went wide and she whispered softly. "Yes." And my vision went utterly pink as her divinity surged into my soul and I felt a new skill being etched upon my being.

Next 10 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patr-eon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 15$ per thousand words.

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