
Azazel: The Disgraced Monarch

[Dropped Project]

DystopicWorld · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
108 Chs

Chapter 15: Blood Ignition.

It was a dozen feet long, and half a foot tall reptile with sharp claws and a strong, scaled body. Sharp crystals not unlike spikes protruding along its spine, in a fine row from the back of its flat head to the tip of its massive tail—which contributed to three feet of its length. Its three pairs of eyes, screaming with rage and murder, glared right into Aza'zel's soul.

Dense source energy fluctuations danced around its body as it moved forward in a manner akin to a crawling tortoise and a slithering snake.

Aza'zel drew his silver revolver out of curiosity and fired shots toward its six eyes, a bullet for each eye.

Every time a bullet was about to reach its eyeball, it would blink, its eyelids deflecting the incoming bullet. Worthy of note was the fact that the creature blinked each eye individually within set intervals, displaying great control over its body.