

I am Ayumi Madrigal, the sole Survivor of Katana pack. Katana Pack are werewolves who are blessed with abilities sought after by people. Abilities we can harness when we turn 18 years old after our first shift. We share these abilities with our true mate, mate chosen by the Moon Goddess. Once a Katana member dies our abilities are passed on to our family member or our mate. Making them acquire more strength, providing them with a new ability. I have been hunted for 8 years now by Tibolo pack; the people responsible for my packs' demise. Although I am powerful, revenge is not an option. Surviving is my priority. I have discovered recently that my mate is the only Son of Alpha Apollo Saavedra head of Tibolo pack. He is my hunter who turned prey. Will he survive the surge of pain till the full moon? How will his pack accept the fact that now I am paired by the Moon Goddess to its future Alpha.

DhonAlair · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

Eerie Welcome 

While we were discussing with Tibolo packs elders how they could integrate me as their future Luna, my thoughts roamed all over the place. How eerily Devon's pack was so welcoming. I know he and his elders were trying their best to formally make me a part of their pack and tried making me feel comfortable, but I could not help feeling fidgety. For a while I was quiet and unable to absorb anything from the council meeting. I zoned out after his father apologized to me.

"Ayumi? Are you tired? We can continue this meeting some other time if you want?" Devon mind linked.

"I don't want to be rude, but yeah. Hmmm... let's just get this over with." I mind linked him back. He sighed then gazed at me then gently squeezed my hand. After further discussion, the elders then dismissed us.

We were walking around his pack land; I have not seen a single Tibolo pack wolf. I wondered if it was a good thing or otherwise. My eyes were scanning the area and found that their territory had a small lake with bushes and wildflowers, small ripples of water can be seen from afar. It has a mirror-like reflection of the sky, and the beautiful mountain which spectacles its clarity. We then stood by the lake.

"Are your pack afraid of me?" I asked him out of curiosity. He tilted his head facing me, his brows furrowed.

"I don't think so love, they were just following father's order." My brow raised upon hearing his answer. I looked at the water.

"Either way they treat me, I think we will still be awkward." I answered briefly. Devon pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable." He said and I smiled at him in return.

"I knew this would happen, being awkward I mean... although not much than what I had expected." I uttered.

"What do you mean?" He stared at me intently.

"For a start, I expected flying arrows and daggers...." (I smiled at the thought). I jokingly commented.

"You have this uncanny fascination on being attacked, I'm mated with a weird kind of woman" he kissed me on the tip of my nose then down to my lips.

"I might miss it actually.... you know being hunted....it allows me harness my abilities." I answered honestly.

"Speaking of which, I still don't know what my ability is" he was curiously staring at me.

"You share my abilities. You know.... telekinesis, the brawns, and other things you have witnessed I had done. You might be able to do them. You just need to practice... I will help you... But on your ability?... you will just have to discover it by yourself." I explained. Devon nodded then I saw his eyes clouded.... someone has mindlinked him. Then he gazed at me.

"Luca will usher you to our room. I will just have to meet my father. We will have diner later ok love? Wait for Luca here." He instructed me. I nodded. He kissed my forehead then walked towards the clearing. I walked away from the lake and found a bench near a tree, I sat down then I stared at the lake, I felt mesmerized by how peaceful this place is.

Then I noticed a group of three she wolfs approaching me. Two brunettes and one blonde haired she Wolf. The blonde she wolf might be their ringleader... "what's with the grin." I thought. I tilted my head in fascination while staring at them.

"We might end up in a cat fight after all". Alora, my wolf, discreetly warned me.

"No, we're not here to fight, Alora. Let us just let them be. You know they can't actually harm us." I calmed Alora down.

"Whatever!" She answered back. I just smiled at my wolf then stared at the group approaching me.

"Look what we have here.... (Grinning on me) the famous Katana Bitch wolf." Said the blonde Tibolo woman from the group who have just approached me. I looked at them with much amazement. They were not afraid of me, that was a good sign. Then I smiled at her.

"Take that smile off your face slut, you're not welcome here!" She spoke. Her eyes were full of anger.

"To what pleasure do I owe your presence dear...?" I tried to sound diplomatic, but it ended sounding sarcastic.

"JESSICA! Supposed to be the future LUNA of the Tibolo pack, Beta Javier's one and only daughter." Jessica proudly answered. I nodded then stood up and moved closer to her and her friends. I can feel my nerves pulsating in my head. She had only talked to me for a minute, but my blood was starting to boil in anguish.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble dear, but no one ever mentioned you not even Devon nor your council." I said while smiling sarcastically.

"That's because you ruined everything, I am the chosen mate of Alpha Apollo for Devon. And you bitch is stealing my throne." She said angrily, pushing my head with her finger. I grinned at her then stared at her eyes directly.

"Poor Jessica, me, rob you of the position I clearly do not seek. I am here for Devon and not the Luna position. You can go skedaddle and whine to your Alpha. Taunting me can't actually make me leave Devon." I swayed my hair to the side, deliberately exposing Devon's mark which is in my neck.

"I'm not here to taunt you!" grabbed my neck then slammed my back on the tree. I was forced to walk back a few steps because of her abrupt action. She pinned me against the tree.

"I'm here to show who's worthy of Devon." She added. Both of her companions grabbed each of my arms.

My eyes widened when I realized Jessica was holding a syringe in her other hand. I was about to move and try to get away from their grip but then I saw Jessica trying to inject the syringe into my neck. Before she could do so, icicle daggers hit both her companion and then Jessica's arm, which was holding the syringe, forced her to drop the syringe on the ground.

GET OFF MY MATE! Devon growled his face fuming with anger.