

Futian chere ihu n'oge nwata na ọnwụ dị omimi nke nna ya bụ onye isi nke mma agha ọbara, Big Brother onye njirimara ya ka bụkwa ihe omimi. Ejikọtara ya na

BrightBrain256 · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

Chapter 36 : RECAP!

With the two sides standing opposite each other, the atmosphere was tense. Even Qin Yue at the side could feel the strong battle intent being emitted from the sides.

" How about we end it in one strike?"

" Sure!" Futian replied.

Before that, a great aura was generated from the two sides ready to deliver their last attacks. With Ju-Hui and company emitting the mid-Spirit Consolidation realm aura, a great sense of suffocation took over the area. Any cultivator who had just begun cultivating was bound to find it hard to breathe in such a scenario.

Futian was immediately eloped by a great strange power as he raised his saber ready to deliver his last and final attack. Sensing the change, the two girls looked each other in the eyes as they nodded silently.

Futian invoked the vanish Step as he took the initiative to attack. His saber slashed through the air heavily as it drew an arc heading towards the opposite party.

On focusing his eyes sight, only one figure was presented to him. That was Qian Lu. Ju-Hui was missing. His senses already knew that something wrong had transpired. He had fallen into a trap where one was bait while the other was the hunter ready to hunt the predator.

In this part, Qian Lu had chosen to take the place of the bait that the predator Futian was looking for. As for Ju-Hui, she was the hunter hunting the predator. Upon knowing that, Futian couldn't help but put up a mocking smile on his face.

Futian's attack landed on Qian Lu as a great explosion of Spirit energy occurred. The attack sent her flying off the arena knocking them into the nearby wall and puking a mouthful of blood. Before that, a sense of crisis developed behind Futian's back.

Thanks to the agility and speed stat, Futian managed to turn in time as he defended against the attack. In a microsecond, a red glow of energy eloped Futian and his saber as he poised himself ready to fend off against the incoming attack.

Qin Yue at the side could see everything clearly. After Futian had cleared Qian Lu from the arena battle. Ju-Hui had appeared In the air behind Futian with her blue sword. The sword skill she had used carried an aura of majesty as phantoms of thousands of swords accompanied it.

The sword skill carried a lot of emotions behind it but the greatest of all was what to protect. It gave off the feeling of wanting to protect all that you love. All that you have and defend against anything that may come your way.

When Ju-Hui appeared behind Futian's back, Futian's body flashed as his body generated a strange energy that made his body and saber glow red. It was more complicated and didn't look like spiritual energy or qi. It was an energy Qin Yue had never seen or heard of before.

Looking at Futian's attack and speed of response to danger, Qin Yue could only give out a sigh. Her Junior Brother was a dragon among dragons.

Ju-Hui's attack landed on the glowing body of Futian and her sword as a greater explosion of energies occurred that sent Futian flying off the arena.

When the dust settled, Futian was holding onto his saber for support with the mocking smile still alive. His mouth carried stains of blood at the ends but his eyes still carried a great sense of pride, arrogance, and determination. There was not a bit of a sign of someone that had suffered defeat. It was the other way around.

Ju-Hui was standing on the arena platform standing firm with her blue sword poised to attack. Her aura was cold as usual but felt a little complicated on the inside.

Had she won or lost? Am I really strong enough to help him? Having received the inheritance of the protector, what is my next step? Who is he exactly? Thousands of questions arouse in her mind as her vision grew dim with her eyes growing heavier. Her sword fell off her hand and simultaneously followed in pursuit as she fainted.

" Senior Sister, shall we get going?" Futian said to Qin Yue who slightly nodded with a complicated expression and headed forward to pick up the weak Qian Lu.

Outside the arena was a large mob of students waiting for someone. Among them were two males that looked different from the rest. The difference they carried was that their bodies were covered in tattoos. One of them was Dong Sung-Sik who had fought with Ju-Hui earlier. The other one was his younger brother Dong Bo.

Dong Bo was greatly charmed by Ju-Hui's beauty and wanted to have a relationship with her. This was well known among the outer court disciples. His position in the outer court was among the top ten. His brother was an inner court disciple. These two factors already made him outstanding and cocky among his fellow disciples as not many could raise their complaints.

One day during a handling expedition, he got a chance to meet Ju-Hui and confessed his love to her but was not given a face and is rejected. He didn't give up and continued to pursue Ju-Hui and alas, he ended up being beaten black and blue.

To avenge the humiliation, Dong Bo invited his brother to intervene but alas he ended up with the same results. Dong Sung-Sik could not wait to clear away the shame and invited his Senior Brother, Li Changsou.

Li Changsou was known for being famous and his talent in swordsmanship. He and Dong Bo shared one thing in common. They both liked Ju-Hui. When Dong Sung-Sik told him about Ju-Hui's incident, he immediately ran to the Arena building to show his dominance. After all beautiful girls like strong men. Being ranked fifteen in the inner court already showed how exceptional he was. At the age of eighteen, he was just a step away from the peak Spirit Consolidation realm. This already showed how talented he was.

Li Changsou's appearance attracted large attention causing many to crowd around the Arena building.

" Who could have offended Senior Brother Li?"

" I also don't know!"

" You guys don't know what happened about two hours ago?"

" Brother please tell us!"

" How can I tell you for nothing! I should get something in return."

" Here! Here! I have three low-tier spirit stones!"

" me too!"

" me too!"

" That will do!"

" Brother, can you now tell us?"

" Now listen! Have heard of the Dong brothers?"

" Of course!"

" Dong Sung-Sik......"

" You mean Brother Li is here for revenge?"

" Those fellas are in big trouble!"

" Look! the doors are opening!"

More chapters coming up

BrightBrain256creators' thoughts