
World War 3

It's been 6 years since my dad died from pneumonia. I never even had the chance to say goodbye, well because he was in jail at that time. I miss him, But I have to go on... it was just me and my mom. but then I heard a really loud noise. Me and my mom ran outside to see what was happening. then we saw planes fly by, " mom are we gonna be okay?" "I don't know honey." then bombs came out from everywhere. Americans where trying there best to help people around the place. but I had a feeling that they're not going to get everyone out of here in time. then a siren went off. this has never happened to me, I asked myself many questions and thought the worse. then someone called out "in here!" my mom and I ran towards him and went into this underground house. he told us about how he was getting prepared for the world war 3. " world war 3?" my mom said. yes... the guy said, I was scared and so were they. he told us a nuke was going to drop soon in 11 hours. so we came prepared till the 11 hours came. we saved stuff so we can try to live this. he told us he had gas masks so we can wear to go out there and see if there's either people, items, or food for us to eat. my mom said she'll go. I've heard it's gone terribly wrong and people die. from either radiation or a type of gas and probably many more stuff. when my mom left I had a piece of paper and a pen so I wrote a note about my mom. after 50 minutes she still hasn't returned, I had some bad and good thoughts but I waited longer. 1 hour has passed he was getting worried and I was tearing up. the next day has passed, still she hasn't returned. I started sobbing and screaming. I was alone with this guy that I don't barley know, I mean. I can kinda trust him for saving us. but I kept crying and waiting for her to come back. but she didn't a week has gone by, we were running out of, food, water, supplies, and gas masks. I said " it's to dangerous for any of us to go out there anymore, and if one of us dies then it's gonna be over for both of us". but we were so low on many stuff. I wanted us both safe to stay alive and pass this.