

"It's freaking cold", an average middle-aged man complained. The cold breeze brushed against his cheek. It was early morning after all.

He was on his way to work. As he did not have a car, he had no choice but to walk early morning to make it in time.

"Damn it, why do I need to go to work now of all days?", the middle-aged begrudgingly man said.

His name is Zhang Wei, 35 years old and obviously a virgin . He is just an average person. Average looks, average work, average salary, average name (Zhang Wei is a very common name in China). His whole being is average.

"Why do I live like this, God just kill me already", The light turned green and he walked through the empty road. He was quite absent minded. Simply thinking about his life made him hate the world.

He didn't even bother to look both sides before crossing. Why would he? It wasn't his first time leaving early in the morning.

As if his prayers were answered a truck was speeding straight in the middle of the street, heading straight towards him.

This kids, is why you look both sides before crossing. Also, don't ask God to kill you.

Zhang Wei, being the average person he is just stared at the truck. His pants wet from piss and he completely froze.

In less than an instant he reflected on his life. He had accomplished nothing, his whole life was average.

In middle school his peers all ignored him, in high school he was constantly bullied until he drowned himself in light novels. After that he got a job at a shitty company with a lower salary than his co-worker just because his co-worker had a more decent face.

"My life is going to end just like this?"

He grimaced in his heart. "Well f*cking fine then, I'll take this time to curse everybody out.

Screw you Qi Jian, you think I forgot that you stole my milk in middle school you piece of shit. Screw you too Ju Zhi, you think I didn't realize that you're the one who spread rumors that I was gay. I didn't get laid a single time in my pathetic life."

As he was in a state of consciousness where time seemingly passed by at a million times the normal speed, he was cursing almost everybody he had met. He didn't even realize that time had seemingly slowed down. He kept cursing like he had been wronged his entire life.

Until finally he said, "And most of all F*ck you God!".

And finally, he closed his eyes. The truck came and he passed.

"Oi wake up", Zhang Wei heard a voice.

He opened his eyes and saw a man sitting on a chair staring at him. The man had an amazingly beautiful face equaling the hottest actor in the world. He was covered in a pure white robe and had a trace of elegance on him.

Zhang Wei's mind was still blank. He then suddenly realized that he was inside a small white room. This room was encompassed by a bright light that was not even slightly blinding.

"Oi, can't you hear me?", The man's voice sounded. Zhang Wei immediately snapped back to reality.

"Where am I?", he squeaked softly. He appeared calm on the outside. However, inside his head he was beyond panicked.

"The fuck? Did I not get hit by truck-kun? And who the Fuck is this man. He's too pretty, I hate him already." A million thoughts went through his head. However, he could not even voice a single one.

"You are in the waiting chamber." The man calmly explained, "Your death was actually a mistake, you were actually supposed to leap out of the way before the truck hit you." His face showed a disdainful look, and his eyes flashed with mockery. "I however did not factor in that you were that useless."

"WTF! How did you expect me to leap away when a truck was inches away from me?", Zhang Wei shouted in is head. He then thought, "Damn, I just had to curse everyone at that time, no wonder time was so freaking slow, I could have just simply moved."

"I even gave you [Accelerated Consciousness] to ensure you had plenty of time. Who would have thought that you would just stood there." The man continued without stopping.

At this time Zhang Wei could not handle it anymore, he immediately snapped at the man, "What the fuck do you mean I should have dodged? You expect a normal human to take action when a motherfucking truck is inches away from his face?"

The man's expression did not change. He nonchalantly said, "Well how was I suppose to know you were so useless.", he then immediately said, "Anyway, since your death was an accident I want you to participate on a little game."

"What game?"

"Simple, I just want you to go to another world and follow everything I say. I will dictate your life and forge a compelling story from it.", the man spoke with enthusiasm.

"How the heck are you going to do that?", Zhang Wei was bewildered, this man was clearly a lunatic, but Zhang Wei was so confused by all of this, that he didn't even bother that the man was speaking crazily.

"Well, you did curse at me a few moments before your death.", without letting Zhang Wei reply, he shouted, "Alright then, time for your rebirth."

"Wait what?! What a mome-."

Before Zhang Wei could finish talking he was enveloped in a bright light and passed out again.

"Zhang Wei woke up from his slumber. He looked around him in confusion. However, he was not anxious, although he was a worthless virgin in his previous life, he was deter-". A voice sounded inside Zhang Wei's head.

"Hold on just a freaking moment.", Zhang Wei has been listening to this voice in his head and got increasingly annoyed at the remark at the end. "Who are you?".

"I had said this before I will dictate the way you live, and will forge an amazing saga about a man who went from worthless to a big shot. Oh and by the way, you can call me Author." The voice rang.

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