
Chapter 23

"Onii-chan fight what? What is going on?" Mikasa says as her body trembles, suddenly the ground shakes even more and people are screaming for their lives.

"The titans are coming, Mikasa where is Eren's mother?" I asked her as hold her close to my chest, for what was about to happen was going to be something gruesome and brutal.

"She went out to do some errands, I am not exactly sure where she is," Mikasa mumbles as she keeps on shaking, "Onii-Chan..." Mikasa puts her head against my chest, "Something bad is going to happen isn't it," Her pink lips start trembling as her whole body, "Whatever happens I said that I would protect you, now listen," I quickly open a hidden hatch that was under my bed this whole time. I had created my own lab where I forged weapons with my Mutant System, the skill know as [Creation], however, this skill was only limited to creating weapons, I did try to create more mutant powers and skills, but it wouldn't allow me. But still creating weapons with ease in this world is a very powerful skill in itself.

"What is this place?" Mikasa says with a shocked face she still holds close to my arms, "Hey Mikasa you don't have to hold on to me forever, you a strong yourself, you can fight for yourself," I said with a smirk as I try to calm her down. But nothing is calm when there is a storm of death approaching. So I have to make this quick. I will show her all of the weapons I created and then after that I will track down Eren's mom, Eren, and Armin, if I can save them then that is enough to keep everyone's dream of Freedom alive, these people are very important to this world, I cannot let them die. But I thought to myself, what if I can save everyone? It is such a foolish thought, you can't save everyone, I learned that quickly in my first deployment in the army, my first war, I lost so many comrades in battle. War is brutal and bloody, you can only save the ones who are most important, the rest are... Fodder ready to get slaughtered. I gritted my teeth at such a selfish thought, when did I become so evil? I look over at Mikasa, "In here I created weapons to fight back against the Titans, we have to take all of them and leave the house, whatever you don't ever stop running and ever coming back the house, we have to find Eren and Armin, and Eren's mother as well, so get ready Mikasa, I tell you what each weapon does," I quickly open a pod which lets out some steam inside it was about 5 different kinds of weapons that can be used against titans. "I don't plan to run. I plan to fight back. So don't stop me Mikasa," I said in a serious tone.

I don't care if anyone finds out I created these, it doesn't matter anymore not with the chaos that was going to happen, this is beyond being a hero. This is me becoming a legend.


A/N: This chapter needs to be edited. Which weapons you think MC made?

IMPORTANT: This fanifc is only Romance and Action hope that makes it clear. It is not pure smut like the other trash fics on this site. But the MC will attract a lot of girls. He is the MC after all and a powerful one in the AOT world. No one likes to read about a simpy wimpy MC like Vahn from EPIC. BTW. Yes, there might be Milf R-18 but not with Eren's mom even though that is funny. There will be Netori also many R-18 chapters in the future, let the romance build. Also some new characters from the AOT manga will be here, like the Past characters from the side AOT and OVAs from Levi group.

I was thinking hard about it, if the MC should keep his weapons a secret but I was like no that is too tropey, MC will keep his powers and system hidden though.

Thing is, this is the perfect way MC can make money and become powerful by making his weapon company to combat Titans and even humans. But we will see what happens. Next should change somethings. But do remember what MC said. Not everyone can be saved.

Also huge mass release tomorrow. I am looking to reach the number 1 rank so vote all of you powerstones! Make Alt accounts do anything you can to vote! Fuck the other cringe fanfics. AOT SHALL RISE TO THE TOP. GhostyZ shall take the top spot.

GhostyZcreators' thoughts
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